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Re: Announcing work on providing windows nightlies


On 3/12/2015 1:37 PM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
> 2015-03-12 18:26 GMT+01:00 Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> On 3/12/2015 1:26 PM, Nick Østergaard wrote:
>>> Den 12/03/2015 18.16 skrev "Wayne Stambaugh" <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx
>>> <mailto:stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>>:
> [snip]
>>>> FYI.  Using the msys2/mingw64 builds of wxWidgets 3.0.2-3, wxWidgets is
>>>> compiled with -std=gnu++11 which breaks the KiCad build.  I'm guessing
>>>> that KiCad will build with the -std=gnu++11 option but I haven't tried
>>>> it yet.  I filed a bug report so I'm guessing it will be fixed soon so
>>>> you may run into problems.  You can always downgrade the wxWidgets
>>>> package to 3.0.2-2.
>>> I have not experinced any compilation issues, although I would like to
>>> use the new docs from ciampix repo and get the GUI translations in an
>>> more lightweight repo, for example in the new doc repo or even a
>>> standalone git repo. I am able to split the repo and keep comnit history.
>>> Byt maybe I am just not on -3. I will have a look later.
>> It was just pushed to the repo yesterday so if you haven't upgraded in
>> the last day or so, your still using -2.  I just tried to compile KiCad
>> using -3 with -std=gnu++11 and now it's choking on boost.  Do yourself a
>> favor an do not upgrade until -4 is released.
> Do you have a link to the report? I can't find it in the open issues
> at Alexpux/MINGW-packages on github.

I filed it on the old SourceForge bug tracker here:


>>>>>     We hope to get the repo under the KiCad umbrella to keep it together
>>>>>     in one place.
>>>>>     For nightly builds Adam Wolf has offered a build server, so he will
>>>>>     eventually start pushing builds to [4] as we do for the OS X builds.
>>>>>     Regards
>>>>>     Nick Østergaard
>>>>>     [1] https://github.com/BrianSidebotham/KiCad-Winbuilder
>>>>>     [2] https://github.com/nickoe/kicad-windows-nsis-packaging
>>>>>     [3] http://www2.futureware.at/~nickoe/
>>>>>     [4] http://downloads.kicad-pcb.org/

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