On 2/25/08, Martin Pool <mbp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I believe I understand. However, I believe a non-disclosure policy is > > against the ethics of free software. NDA's are a major characteristic > > of non-free/proprietary software. > > Perhaps my choice of term was inaccurate, but there are certainly > similar things in open source projects. Debian requires verification > of a real name by physically sighting government-issued ID. .... but this situation is very different and cant fully be compared with Debian mainly because it is completely *free* and LP is not. Secondly in Debian they are strict with names because of commit access which I gather is not the case with LP beta testing. A DD will not sign your key unless he/she has met you *and* verified your identification. Fwiw, the DPL has signed my key but the real name policy while being an overkill also takes away *my* freedom and that is not very friendly and somewhat goes against the Ubuntu philosophy too. > If real names are to be required maybe, as previously discussed, there > should be an option to only show them to admins and use a handle > publicly. That would be a better option if Canonical is so paranoid about knowing people's real names although I dont understand how one can verify it is actully true or not !?! Thanks, Vid || http://www.svaksha.com ||
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