Yes, lighdm and not gdm, but my point being we shouldn't have to do this manual entry. (And that this has been a known problem for a while.)
The original note applies to "hacking" the live CD install.
We'd just as well tell folks to use the alternate and modify the xorg.conf file.
What I do know is that there is a "fglrx error, module not found" when booting from the live CD on an iMac G3.
Also, there is a frame buffer erro
Most of the xorg.conf custom settings include: Option FBDev "false".
live video=ofonly and live video live video=ofonly no splash, do not avoid these problems.
One, I'd like prevent the system from trying to load "fglrx" and two I'd like to disable the FBDev.
It seems that by default FBDev is "on" or "true" for PowerPC, and this may cause a problem with the ATI Graphics in the iMac G3.
I have found some information that I am testing, and should be done testing tomorrow.
Instead video=ofonly, changing some other video attributes.
I'll keep you posted.
Paul Gorski
-----Original Message-----
From: Phill Whiteside<PhillW@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: UH<uhtlmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Paul Gorski<paul@xxxxxxxxxxx>; lubuntu-qa<lubuntu-qa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 6:12 am
Subject: Re: [Lubuntu-qa] Mac G3 testing - desktop .iso
Inthe case of lubuntu, it most likely is lighdm and not gdm. You good people with the kit can tell us and we can ensure any instructions are updated
On 6 March 2012 07:45, UH<uhtlmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Shouldn't that be lightdm in place of gmd?
. . .Use sudo killall -HUP gdm instead