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Re: The Future of the Point of Sale


That's why I'm proposing the python-escpos library, because allow encapsulate the communication with all different hardware configuration.
Here is the project description:

Python ESC/POS is a library which lets the user have access to all those printers handled by ESC/POS commands, as defined by Epson, from a Python application.
The standard usage is send raw text to the printer, but in also helps 
the user to enhance the experience with those printers by facilitating 
the bar code printing in many different standards,as well as 
manipulating images so they can be printed as brand logo or any other 
usage images migh have.
Text can be justified and fonts can be changed by size, type and weight.

Also, this module handles some hardware functionalities like, cut paper, cash drawer kicking, printer reset, carriage return and others concerned to the carriage alignment.

On 30/10/13 10:13, Nhomar Hernández wrote:
2013/10/30 Agustín Cruz <atin81@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:atin81@xxxxxxxxx>>

    We develop a very basic ProxyPos based on that module that you can
    find on https://github.com/Fedrojesa/ProxyPoS and is working on
    production with one customer since 4 months ago with out problem.


The "Serial" part is only the "Climb" of the Iceberg.

The real need behind serial is use the drivers for Fiscal Printers, implement "Serial" is not the end objective, but probably mixing with what you show is feasible.

Saludos Cordiales

Nhomar G. Hernandez M.
Skype: nhomar00
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