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Re: Merging of saas-3 and openupgrade


Well, without the docs, the openupgrade API and the openupgrade_records
addon this is a 268 line diff. But actually I would not mind proceeding
with the merge if we could do it in simple steps. You can do this by
recommitting the docs, API, records addon and the core changes each in
their separate revision, push as separate branches and propose
separately while specifying any preceding branch as a dependency. This
will make the review process very transparent and worthwhile.

Thanks, these indication are what I was looking for. I'll probably need to contact you (by IM) for specific details (I'm not an afficionado of bazaar nor launchpad).

If you agree, I would already suggest you remove the 7.0 migration
scripts and analysis beforehand because we do not need it in this edition.

I have a pretty clean history on my side and would be happy to share it with you.

This directory is not in the addons/base/migration in your server
branch, which is why I asked. Have you got one for the base module?

Yes, I forgot to list it and to add it to the branch. I'll add it in a separate commit in the new proposal.

Well, ideally we could do continuous migration between the stable
release and the various SAAS releases up until the next release
througout the OpenERP development lifecycle, mirroring current practices
at OpenERP SA. But the community is too small for that, I believe. In
theory though, we could keep the 7.saas~ migration scripts as is, as
they would be run as expected when upgrading from 7.0 proper to 8.0 in
the correct order. The developer working on the migration towards the
final release should take the partial migration into account, but that
should be obvious as long as the partial migration is complete wrt. the
changes in the corresponding SAAS version.

Maybe even other parties are interested in working on a saas~3 subtarget
as well?

BTW. can I ask you if the saas branches are stable in their lifecycle
wrt. noupdate data and database scheme in your experience?

I'm not the one in contact with final customers, but the rationale behind using saas~3 is that contrary to 'trunk' code it is ment for real customers of openerp (its closest to be 'in production') and thus it should be quite stable, and additionaly, contrary to 7.0 code, it receives important usability features that are considered required to sell. But it definitively receives also it's share of module renames or removal, model renames without prior notice or consultation with community... I think it still requires a lot of attention regarding migration and is not close to what I would call "stable in their lifecycle", but it's probably the closest we can be...

We currently have migrated 2 small databases with openupgrade and our
scripts from 7.0 to saas~3 ... this is far from enough to have any
faith on the solidity of this code but hopefully can provide some
inspiration for others...

No problem. Seems to fit my impression that most community code in
OpenERP land that is proposed runs in a single production environment
only (if you're lucky).

I won't try to convince you of the contrary ;) . It's also difficult to believe OpenERP actually ships some ERP at all when you know the recent state of security, stability and usability of openERP core itself.

Community movement (like openupgrade or ocb) are not strong enough today to propose a real complete alternative. The vast majority of the customers of the partners are quite small and don't offer opportunity for in-depth implication. Also, the fact that ERP needs is often very specific doesn't help much to create and consolidate a common base. However, it's also in the marketing goals of OpenERP (the company) to have wider audience and hit bigger customers. If this is achieved, a wide commune community movement would then emerge. IMO, Openugrade and OCB are the seeds that current community can afford maintaining, and they are hints that OpenERP in its whole is (painfully) gaining maturity.

Valentin LAB

tel:  +33 6 71 39 62 13
mail: valentin.lab@xxxxxxxxxxx

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