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Re: Persistent USB image


No, I'm not joking, Phill :-D

Ubiquity should not be the only installer, because it has a heavy
foot-print, as you wrote. I certainly agree with you about that.

But I think many people 'need it' to set up their system in an advanced
way, with several partitions or with OEM.

For OEM it is enough to include ubiquity in the tarball and not in the
installer (live system). We can consider that.


But I suggest that we do *not* include ubiquity in the present version
of ToriOS.

The alternate installer is an entirely different concept without a live
session. It would create a doublet system, that I do not think we should
bother about for ToriOS. The OBI needs much less RAM than the alternate
installer, and it is much faster and much more stable, particularly with
low end computers.

Who needs a very complicated partition system on a very old and weak
computer? I think some people want it, but do they really need it? Many
people (including me) are happy with one root partition, one swap
partition and a *data partition*, that need not be included in the
system setup, and that can be managed separately for pictures, music,
video, etc). This is easily set up with gparted and used by the OBI at
the advanced OBI level.

It might be different in a more powerful computer, but then ubiquity can
do the job.

Best regards

Den 2014-09-14 16:51, Phill Whiteside skrev:
> WHAT????
> On 14 September 2014 15:22, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:nio.wiklund@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     So even I would say that ubiquity should be bundled with ToriOS, maybe
>     not in the first version, but in the next version, or in a DVD version
>     (oversized for CD disks), while we must keep a very lean CD version.
> you are joking. 
> Use the alternate installer as per lubuntu. A lot of the machines you
> are aiming for could not run ubiquity! Lubuntu runs on less than what
> Ubiquity needs.
> Just my thoughts,
> Phill.
> -- 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw

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