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Re: [Design] New back button placement, are we serious ?!?


Le 26/03/2014 19:26, Gustavo Niemeyer a écrit :
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Jouni Helminen
<jouni.helminen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sorry, the Android "up" button in the action bar. Which is what our back
button effectively is, since we have no chronological back
 From the document at [1], in the "Back" section:

"After the main views of your app, subsequent views will use a back
button in the header to navigate back to the main views. Back always
returns to the previous view of an app, until the user reaches the
main view again."

This is a traditional back button, and in Android it sits in the
bottom bar, left side.

[1] http://design.canonical.com/2014/03/new-apps-header/

Yeah, and this statement isn't completely true. The back button on Android is cross-activity, not per application. You navigate when pressing the bottom back button an Android (unless the application restack itself in a new task as webviews for instance) to the previous activity (or fragment view if inserted manually to the back stack), being an acitivity of your applications or another one, from the current task.

What Jouni tells is true, the up button in Android app supporting 3.0+ (or using the compat library for 2.1+) available in the ActionBar on top is an "up" and not a "back" button. It will get up in the application hierarchy.

Example to show the difference:
You have a social application (app A) and want to send an email (app B):
- on app A, you click to "send an email"
- app B starts the "compose an email" activity

-> it you press the "back" button (the bottom one), you stay on the same task, and returns to the app A screen -> if you press the "up" button (near the application title, where we have our "back" button on Touch), you will navigate to another activity from app B (and starts a new task) which will probably display all inbox content.

There are as well additional flags on task reset, I won't expand right now :)

So indeed, the document needs to be updated I guess to remove that confusion.
