On Mar 26, 2014 7:21 PM, "Jouni Helminen"
<jouni.helminen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jouni.helminen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
> sorry, the Android "up" button in the action bar. Which is what our
back button effectively is, since we have no chronological back
> http://developer.android.com/images/ui/actionbar-item-withtext.png
Doh, after three year I use Android I found new button: thanks!
Seriously, I have a S4 (and previously a S2) and I never, never used
it. I use my phone with only one hand (I'm writing right now on phone)
and I use hardware back button, on bottom right. It's easier to fold
the thumb than stretch it. Well, it's impossible on S4 to use top left
button with only one hand.
Same things for options: it's easier to use hardware button on bottom
left than software button on top right.
On Android there are two buttons that do same thing: one hardware and
one software, and this is bad, and for me it's beautiful don't have
hardware button on Ubuntu. But software button has to be accessible,
and on top left isn't accessible on a screen > 5 inches; and I have
long fingers.