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[Merge] lp:~ab-tools/widelands/minimap into lp:widelands


Andreas Breitschopp has proposed merging lp:~ab-tools/widelands/minimap into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
  #594507 Dotted rectangle with visible screen area in map

It's a little bit different as in my feature request now, but - as I think - a good solution.

I've implemented following additions for the minimap:
- target cross in the center of the display area.
- dotted map borders (just like you could display it in Settlers 1).

Both make the orientation in the minimap much easier.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ab-tools/widelands/minimap into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'src/graphic/render/gameview.cc'
--- src/graphic/render/gameview.cc	2010-06-16 17:12:29 +0000
+++ src/graphic/render/gameview.cc	2010-06-19 18:47:30 +0000
@@ -1083,6 +1083,48 @@
 	return pixelcolor;
+Draw following additions into the minimap:
+- target cross in the center of the display area.
+- dotted map borders.
+ */
+template<typename T>
+static bool draw_minimap_addition
+	(Widelands::FCoords				     const f,
+	 Uint8							   *	   pix,
+	 SDL_PixelFormat             const &       format,
+	 uint32_t                            const mapwidth,
+	 Rect                                const rc,
+	 Point                               const viewpoint,
+	 uint32_t                            const flags)
+	bool ispixeldone = false;
+	// target cross in the center of the display area
+	uint32_t mapheight = (flags & MiniMap::Zoom2 ? rc.h / 2 : rc.h);
+	for (int32_t j = -2; j <= 2; j++) {
+		if (f.x == viewpoint.x + (mapwidth / 2) + j &&
+			f.y == viewpoint.y + (mapheight / 2) ||
+			f.x == viewpoint.x + (mapwidth / 2) &&
+			f.y == viewpoint.y + (mapheight / 2) + j) {
+			*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) = static_cast<T>(SDL_MapRGB(&const_cast<SDL_PixelFormat &>(format), 255, 0, 0));
+			ispixeldone = true;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// dotted map borders
+	if (!ispixeldone && (f.x == 0 && f.y % 5 == 0 || f.y == 0 && f.x % 5 == 0)) {
+		*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) = static_cast<T>(SDL_MapRGB(&const_cast<SDL_PixelFormat &>(format), 255, 255, 255));
+		ispixeldone = true;
+	}
+	return ispixeldone;
@@ -1112,37 +1154,41 @@
 		for (uint32_t x = 0; x < rc.w; ++x, pix += sizeof(T)) {
 			if (x % 2 || !(flags & MiniMap::Zoom2))
 				move_r(mapwidth, f, i);
-			*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) = static_cast<T>
-				(calc_minimap_color
-				 	(format, egbase, f, flags, f.field->get_owned_by(), true));
+			if (!draw_minimap_addition<T>
+					(f, pix, format, mapwidth, rc, viewpoint, flags)) {
+				*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) = static_cast<T>
+					(calc_minimap_color
+				 		(format, egbase, f, flags, f.field->get_owned_by(), true));
+			}
 	} else {
 		Widelands::Player::Field const * const player_fields = player->fields();
 		for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rc.h; ++y) {
 			Uint8 * pix = pixels + (rc.y + y) * pitch + rc.x * sizeof(T);
-			Widelands::FCoords f;
-			if (flags & MiniMap::Zoom2)
-				f = Widelands::FCoords
-					(Widelands::Coords(viewpoint.x, viewpoint.y + y / 2), 0);
-			else
-				f = Widelands::FCoords
-					(Widelands::Coords(viewpoint.x, viewpoint.y + y), 0);
+			Widelands::FCoords f
+				(Widelands::Coords
+			 		(viewpoint.x, viewpoint.y + (flags & MiniMap::Zoom2 ? y / 2 : y)));
 			f.field = &map[f];
 			Widelands::Map_Index i = Widelands::Map::get_index(f, mapwidth);
 			for (uint32_t x = 0; x < rc.w; ++x, pix += sizeof(T)) {
 				if (x % 2 || !(flags & MiniMap::Zoom2))
 					move_r(mapwidth, f, i);
-				Widelands::Player::Field const & player_field = player_fields[i];
-				Widelands::Vision const vision = player_field.vision;
-				*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) =
-					static_cast<T>
-					(vision ?
-					 calc_minimap_color
-					 	(format, egbase, f, flags, player_field.owner, 1 < vision)
-					 :
-					 0);
+				if (!draw_minimap_addition<T>
+						(f, pix, format, mapwidth, rc, viewpoint, flags)) {
+					Widelands::Player::Field const & player_field = player_fields[i];
+					Widelands::Vision const vision = player_field.vision;
+					*reinterpret_cast<T *>(pix) =
+						static_cast<T>
+						(vision ?
+						 calc_minimap_color
+					 		(format, egbase, f, flags, player_field.owner, 1 < vision)
+						 :
+						 0);
+				}

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