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Re: Sample uniformity


> Can we visualize the distribution of contact force say with
> thicker/thinner arrays according to the intensity of the force? How?

Sorry, I cannot really help you about this point, I imagine that you can
do that with python, but until now I did all my postprocessing and
displays with matlab and I am not the good person to give advice about

However, as you said, you can plot a map of force intensity, but this map
will give you only a first qualitative view of the problem. If you want to
have a quantitative measure, you need for instance to compute, the
porosity, the contact density, or the mean force value with respect to the
depth in the sample. If for example, the centre of the sample is looser
than the rest of the sample you will see that the contact density or the
mean force values are lower in the centre of the sample. You can find
details in the phd thesis of Gael Combe here:
But it is in french (sorry I don't know reference about that in english,
or italian...)

Best,  Luc

Luc Sibille
Université de Nantes - Laboratoire GeM

IUT de Saint Nazaire - Département de Génie-Civil
58, rue Michel-Ange - BP 420
44606 Saint-Nazaire Cedex   France

Tel: +33 2 40 17 81 78
