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yahoo-eng-team team
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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95145 messages, page
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[Bug 2048154] Re: Vm reboot to Error state cause delete dangling bdms
[Bug 2048154] Re: Vm reboot to Error state cause delete dangling bdms
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-18
[Bug 2048097] [NEW] VIF unplug operation failing on Rocky Linux 9.3 (Yoga)
From: Pierre Riteau, 2024-01-04
[Bug 2048097] Re: VIF unplug operation failing on Rocky Linux 9.3 (Yoga)
From: Gaël THEROND, 2024-07-23
[Bug 2047849] [NEW] [RFE] Start using oslo messaging namespaces
From: Miro Tomaska, 2024-01-02
[Bug 2047641] [NEW] users don't inherit roles in parent projects
From: Josef Němec, 2023-12-28
[Bug 2047399] [NEW] nova api returns 500 when resizing an instance with memory encryption enabled
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-12-26
[Bug 2047325] [NEW] The firewall group is ACTIVE without associcate with a router or any firewall policies.
From: dongdong, 2023-12-25
[Bug 2047182] [NEW] BFV VM may be unexpectedly moved to different AZ
From: Damian Dąbrowski, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047135] [NEW] Race condition at container create form
From: Vadym Markov, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047132] [NEW] floating ip on inactive port not shown in Horizon UI floating ip details
From: Vincent Gerris, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047132] Re: floating ip on inactive port not shown in Horizon UI floating ip details
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-08-14
[Bug 2047101] [NEW] The test case for 'rbac_policy_quota' execution reports an error.
From: liwenjian, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047100] [NEW] Agent resource cache updates
From: LIU Yulong, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047092] [NEW] We need a way to distinguish physical_network
From: howon park, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047092] Re: We need a way to distinguish physical_network
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-03-11
[Bug 2047077] [NEW] ubuntu@ns1004564controller:~/devstack$ openstack server create --flavor m1.medium --image "Ubuntu 22.04" --nic net-id=319d8a5f-3b05-447b-9532-142c3ce82e09 --security-group 0bd6f56b-30c6-4bc3-96cf-28aadee82c5f myUbuntuInstance Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'amqp.exceptions.AccessRefused'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-8a8af384-f85f-4262-85db-233e30a97159) ubuntu@ns1004564controller:~/devstack$
From: suhail, 2023-12-21
[Bug 2047055] [NEW] [ovn-octavia-provider] Multivips not linking correctly member to ipv4 and ipv6 VIP
From: Fernando Royo, 2023-12-20
[Bug 2047055] Re: [ovn-octavia-provider] Multivips not linking correctly member to ipv4 and ipv6 VIP
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-22
[Bug 2047049] [NEW] [UT] OVN fake resources ``create`` method should return instance
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-20
[Bug 2047049] Re: [UT] OVN fake resources ``create`` method should return instance
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-02
[Bug 1382837] Re: nova-compute is started before libvirt
From: WangJing, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046939] [NEW] [OVN] ``OVNAgentExtensionManager`` is resetting the ``agent_api`` during the initialization
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046939] Re: [OVN] ``OVNAgentExtensionManager`` is resetting the ``agent_api`` during the initialization
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-10
[Bug 2046937] [NEW] Add multiple SSH key pairs
From: Francesco Di Nucci, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046892] [NEW] [OVN] Retrieve the OVN agent extensions correctly
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046892] Re: [OVN] Retrieve the OVN agent extensions correctly
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-22
[Bug 2046866] [NEW] rebuild_instance of volume-backed server wait_for_instance_event eventlet.timeout.Timeout leads to "ValueError: Circular reference detected"
From: melanie witt, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046649] [NEW] Keystone App Creds Access Rules don´t work with request API tags
From: Thong Tran, 2023-12-17
[Bug 2046549] [NEW] hyperv reenlightenment can break live-migration
From: Johannes Beisiegel, 2023-12-15
[Bug 2046549] Re: hyperv reenlightenment can break live-migration
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-02-15
[Bug 2046510] [NEW] neutron-servers have high memory usage
From: LIU Yulong, 2023-12-15
[Bug 2046510] Re: neutron-servers have high memory usage
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-02-18
[Bug 2046457] [NEW] ovn provider fails with "AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'ports'"
From: kay, 2023-12-14
[Bug 2046457] Re: ovn provider fails with "AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'ports'"
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2046392] [NEW] Service Type Framework cannot handle router flavor provider entry point shortcut with stevedore
From: Miguel Lavalle, 2023-12-14
[Bug 2046355] [NEW] python 3.12 deprecated utcnow and utcfromtimestamp
From: Boris Bobrov, 2023-12-13
[Bug 2046332] [NEW] When the host is restarted, nova-compute startup gets stuck.
From: rune32bit, 2023-12-13
[Bug 2046332] Re: When the host is restarted, nova-compute startup gets stuck
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-03-17
[Bug 2030520] Re: Add support for iPXE over IPv6 in the ML2/OVN DHCP implementation
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-12
[Bug 2046196] [NEW] Unicast ICMPv6 Router Advertisement packets to VM's dropped by OVS firewall driver
From: Stanislav Tretiakov, 2023-12-11
[Bug 2046196] Re: Unicast ICMPv6 Router Advertisement packets to VM's dropped by OVS firewall driver
From: yatin, 2023-12-18
[Bug 2045995] [NEW] usual events are logged with level Error
From: Boris Bobrov, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2030753] Re: Network components in Neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2045974] [NEW] RFE: Create a role for domain-scoped self-service identity management by end users
From: Markus Hentsch, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2045974] Re: RFE: Create a role for domain-scoped self-service identity management by end users
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-08-28
[Bug 2045966] [NEW] cpu_power_management_strategy=cpu_state failes if the host supports no governors
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2045966] Re: cpu_power_management_strategy=cpu_state failes if the host supports no governors
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2045950] [NEW] Security group performance issue for iptables driver due to "stateless feature"
From: Robert van Leeuwen, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2045950] Re: Security group performance issue for iptables driver due to "stateless feature"
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-26
[Bug 2029335] Re: [centos-9-stream] jobs fails as nova-compute stuck at libvirt connect since systemd-252-16.el9
From: Jay Faulkner, 2023-12-07
[Bug 2045921] [NEW] scheduler.utils.set_vm_state_and_notify() race between ERROR state save() and compute_utils.add_instance_fault_from_ex()
From: melanie witt, 2023-12-07
[Bug 2045889] [NEW] [OVN] ML2/OVN mech driver does not set the OVS bridge name in the port VIF details
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-07
[Bug 2045889] Re: [OVN] ML2/OVN mech driver does not set the OVS bridge name in the port VIF details
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-30
[Bug 2045888] [NEW] Availability zone is not shown when aggregate does not contain any host
From: Vasyl Saienko, 2023-12-07
[Bug 2045811] [NEW] neutron-ovn-db-sync-util can fail with KeyError
From: Brian Haley, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045811] Re: neutron-ovn-db-sync-util can fail with KeyError
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-04-07
[Bug 2045785] [NEW] test_unshelve_to_specific_host fails randomly at _shelve_offload_then_unshelve_to_host otherhost
From: yatin, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045769] [NEW] Image is not getting deleted even after image data is deleted from the rbd store
From: Pranali Deore, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045757] [NEW] Race condition while waiting for L2 agent to be DOWN
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045757] Re: Race condition while waiting for L2 agent to be DOWN
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045746] [NEW] openstack server add volume -device can not assign a internal device name for volume
From: Chuan Li, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045746] Re: openstack server add volume -device can not assign an internal device name for volume
From: Artom Lifshitz, 2023-12-20
[Bug 2045726] [NEW] instance creation error
From: Anoop Unni, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045725] [NEW] scenario jobs randomly fails downloading ubuntu image
From: yatin, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2045725] Re: scenario jobs randomly fails downloading ubuntu image
From: yatin, 2023-12-12
[Bug 2045549] [NEW] OVS jobs randomly fails as Guest VMs not(or delayed) configured with DHCP
From: yatin, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2045415] [NEW] ovn-octavia-provider lacks a sync script like Neutron
From: Michal Nasiadka, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2045415] Re: ovn-octavia-provider lacks a sync script like Neutron
From: Michael Johnson, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2032169] Re: OVN synchronized too many segments
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2045383] [NEW] [xena] nftables periodic jobs fails with RETRY_LIMIT
From: yatin, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2045383] Re: [xena] nftables periodic jobs fails with RETRY_LIMIT
From: yatin, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2045287] [NEW] Error in charm when bootstrapping OpenStack with Sunbeam
From: Brian G. Rodiles Delgado, 2023-11-30
[Bug 2045287] Re: Error in charm when bootstrapping OpenStack with Sunbeam
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2045270] [NEW] [xena/yoga/zed] devstack-tobiko-neutron job broken
From: yatin, 2023-11-30
[Bug 2045270] Re: [xena/yoga/zed] devstack-tobiko-neutron job broken
From: Mamatisa Nurmatov, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2045270] Re: [xena/yoga/zed] devstack-tobiko-neutron job broken
From: Mamatisa Nurmatov, 2023-12-05
[Bug 2045270] Re: [xena/yoga/zed] devstack-tobiko-neutron job broken
From: Eduardo Olivares, 2023-12-05
[Bug 2045237] [NEW] [bulk] there is no clean operation if bulk create ports fails
From: Liu Xie, 2023-11-30
[Bug 2045237] Re: [bulk] there is no clean operation if bulk create ports fails
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-12-05
[Bug 2045168] [NEW] instances page fails to load if it takes more than 26 seconds
From: Rodrigo Barbieri, 2023-11-29
[Bug 2045168] Re: instances page fails to load if it takes more than 26 seconds
From: Rodrigo Barbieri, 2024-02-16
[Bug 2045168] Re: instances page fails to load if it takes more than 26 seconds
From: Rodrigo Barbieri, 2024-02-16
[Bug 2045158] [NEW] Glance requires read permissions on RBD volumes pool to check for children
From: Simon Hensel, 2023-11-29
[Bug 2045111] [NEW] Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery.DiscoveryFailure'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-0971807f-dc3f-4882-8a1f-c7c24b86aa0e)
From: Mahesh km, 2023-11-29
[Bug 2045111] Re: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery.DiscoveryFailure'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-0971807f-dc3f-4882-8a1f-c7c24b86aa0e)
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-02-18
[Bug 2045058] [NEW] [RFE] Use call_monitor_timeout of oslo.messaging RPCClient instead of custom backoff mechanism and hardcoded timeouts
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2023-11-28
[Bug 2045032] [NEW] Confirmation for container public access
From: David Svenson, 2023-11-28
[Bug 2044896] [NEW] [metadata_rate_limiting] options are absent from sample config files
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-11-28
[Bug 2044896] Re: [metadata_rate_limiting] options are absent from sample config files
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-28
[Bug 1248022] Re: Nova scheduler not updated immediately when a baremetal node is added or removed
From: Julia Kreger, 2023-11-27
[Bug 2044721] [NEW] Returning 500 to user: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'oslo_messaging.exceptions.MessagingTimeout'> __call__ /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nova/api/openstack/wsgi.py:936
From: Nabil, 2023-11-27
[Bug 2044721] Re: Returning 500 to user: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'oslo_messaging.exceptions.MessagingTimeout'> __call__ /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nova/api/openstack/wsgi.py:936
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2023-11-28
[Bug 2044703] [NEW] Instance evacuation is stuck and completes after a long time
From: Sai Siddhartha P V K, 2023-11-27
[Bug 2044624] [NEW] set_last_active_at on deleted user results in AttributeError
From: Boris Bobrov, 2023-11-25
[Bug 2044624] Re: set_last_active_at on deleted user results in AttributeError
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-26
[Bug 2044515] [NEW] Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery.DiscoveryFailure'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-0971807f-dc3f-4882-8a1f-c7c24b86aa0e)
From: Mahesh km, 2023-11-24
[Bug 2044515] Re: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/ and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'keystoneauth1.exceptions.discovery.DiscoveryFailure'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-0971807f-dc3f-4882-8a1f-c7c24b86aa0e)
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2023-11-28
[Bug 2044494] [NEW] Evacuation process message queue timeout exception
From: Haidong Pang, 2023-11-24
[Bug 2044484] [NEW] Enabling DHCP after setting the subnet's 'enable_dhcp' to false does not recreate the metadata namespace
From: huanghailun, 2023-11-24
[Bug 2044484] Re: Enabling DHCP after setting the subnet's 'enable_dhcp' to false does not recreate the metadata namespace
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-05-20
[Bug 2030773] Fix included in openstack/neutron 21.2.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2030773] Fix included in openstack/neutron 20.5.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2030773] Fix included in openstack/neutron 22.1.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2032770] Fix included in openstack/neutron 21.2.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2032770] Fix included in openstack/neutron 20.5.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2032770] Fix included in openstack/neutron 22.1.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2027975] Re: Add check on network interface name's length
From: Adam Collard, 2023-11-23
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2027975] Re: Add check on network interface name's length
From: Bug Watch Updater, 2024-01-19
[Bug 2027975] Re: Add check on network interface name's length
From: Jacopo Rota, 2024-12-06
[Bug 2027975] Re: Add check on network interface name's length
From: Jacopo Rota, 2024-12-09
[Bug 2044331] [NEW] Allocation audit error during live migration
From: Haidong Pang, 2023-11-23
[Bug 2044272] [NEW] Inconsistent IGMP configuration across drivers
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2044272] Re: Inconsistent IGMP configuration across drivers
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-18
[Bug 2044215] Re: Designate in openstack kolla ansible latest version has issues with dns-integration-domain-keywords. Keyword is replaced by project_name instead of project_id even when it's written project_id as the keyword
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2044215] [NEW] Designate in openstack kolla ansible latest version has issues with dns-integration-domain-keywords. Keyword is replaced by project_name instead of project_id even when it's written project_id as the keyword
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2044235] [NEW] nova-condutor put instance in error during live-migration due to remote error MessagingTimeout
From: Pierre Libeau, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2044171] [NEW] External shared networks may not be seen by other projects
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2023-11-21
[Bug 2044171] Re: External shared networks may not be seen by other projects
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2032770] Re: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2032770] Re: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-12-13
[Bug 2032770] Re: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-01-31
[Bug 2032770] Re: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: James Page, 2024-03-25
[Bug 2032770] Re: [SRU] [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: James Page, 2024-09-16
[Bug 2044035] [NEW] deprecation logic fails because of rule names
From: Danny Cocks, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2033090] Re: Able to change vnic type on a bound port
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2043987] Re: unsupported configuration: machine type 's390-ccw-virtio-mantic' does not support ACPI
From: Felipe Reyes, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2043985] [NEW] Cannot start a UEFI vm when pci memory mapped exceed 32GB
From: Sergio Rabellino, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2043959] [NEW] Unit test jobs with neutron-lib master(3.9.0) failing
From: yatin, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2043959] Re: Unit test jobs with neutron-lib master(3.9.0) failing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2043873] [NEW] Unexpected API Error
From: Daisuke Endo, 2023-11-18
[Bug 2043873] Re: Unexpected API Error
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-02-18
[Bug 2043865] [NEW] Local enablement of localization
From: NorwayFun, 2023-11-18
[Bug 2043784] [NEW] Image download fails with corrupt image hash mismatch
From: Rajat Dhasmana, 2023-11-17
[Bug 2043761] [NEW] Creating subnet for exsiting external network is time-comsuming
From: LIU Yulong, 2023-11-17
[Bug 2043761] Re: Creating subnet for exsiting external network is time-comsuming
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-07-10
[Bug 2043759] [NEW] [ovn] no need rpc notifier if no l2 agent
From: Liu Xie, 2023-11-17
[Bug 2043759] Re: [ovn] no need rpc notifier if no l2 agent
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2023-11-20
[Bug 2032682] Re: Heat template network discovery
From: John Herdman, 2023-11-16
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2032682] Re: Heat template network discovery
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2024-10-01
[Bug 2043707] [NEW] Cannot separately enable cpu_power_management and cpu pinning
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2023-11-16
[Bug 2043707] Re: Cannot separately enable cpu_power_management and cpu pinning
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2043673] [NEW] Creating flavors with --id auto
From: Gregory Thiemonge, 2023-11-16
[Bug 2030804] Re: Missing ip rule causes FIP removal to fail
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-15
[Bug 2043564] [NEW] list_ip_routes should only fetch needed devices
From: Adam Oswick, 2023-11-15
[Bug 2043558] [NEW] Some init_router_port steps are unnecessary for new devices
From: Adam Oswick, 2023-11-15
[Bug 2043486] [NEW] VM stuck in unshelving
From: Ian Kumlien, 2023-11-14
[Bug 2043486] Re: VM stuck in unshelving
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2043141] [NEW] neutron-lib unit tests need update for sqlalchemy 2.0
From: Brian Haley, 2023-11-09
[Bug 2043141] Re: neutron-lib unit tests need update for sqlalchemy 2.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-14
[Bug 2043116] [NEW] Unit test fails with oslo.utils 6.3.0
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-11-09
[Bug 2043116] Re: Unit test fails with oslo.utils 6.3.0
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-11-09
[Bug 2043116] Re: Unit test fails with oslo.utils 6.3.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-09
[Bug 2043116] Re: Unit test fails with oslo.utils 6.3.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-10
[Bug 2043036] [NEW] [ironic] list_instances/list_instance_uuid does not respect conductor_group/partition_key
From: Jay Faulkner, 2023-11-08
[Bug 2043036] Re: [ironic] list_instances/list_instance_uuid does not respect conductor_group/partition_key
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-19
[Bug 2043036] Re: [ironic] list_instances/list_instance_uuid does not respect conductor_group/partition_key
From: Julia Kreger, 2024-05-15
[Bug 2043030] [NEW] Flavors with trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX='required' are not working properly
From: alisafari, 2023-11-08
[Bug 2043030] Re: Flavors with trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX='required' are not working properly
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2043030] Re: Flavors with trait:HW_CPU_X86_VMX='required' are not working properly
From: Elod Illes, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2043030] Fix included in openstack/nova 27.3.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-05-14
[Bug 2043030] Fix included in openstack/nova 28.1.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-05-14
[Bug 2042947] [NEW] [stable branches] nftables job inherits from openvswitch-iptables_hybrid master job
From: yatin, 2023-11-07
[Bug 2042947] Re: [stable branches] nftables job inherits from openvswitch-iptables_hybrid master job
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2042941] [NEW] neutron-{ovn, ovs}-tempest-with-sqlalchemy-master jobs not installing sqlalchemy/alembic from source
From: yatin, 2023-11-07
[Bug 2042941] Re: neutron-{ovn, ovs}-tempest-with-sqlalchemy-master jobs not installing sqlalchemy/alembic from source
From: Brian Haley, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2042939] [NEW] sqlalchemy-master jobs broken with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0b1'
From: yatin, 2023-11-07
[Bug 2042939] Re: sqlalchemy-master jobs broken with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0b1'
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-10
[Bug 2042938] [NEW] [OVN] Neutron Service Restart Disrupts Octavia OVN Load Balancer Floating IP
From: Bartosz Bezak, 2023-11-07
[Bug 2042938] Re: [OVN] Neutron Service Restart Disrupts Octavia OVN Load Balancer Floating IP
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-14
[Bug 2042925] [NEW] DNS Integration throws expection logs entries were warnings would be sufficient
From: Jayce Houtman, 2023-11-07
[Bug 2042925] Re: DNS Integration throws expection logs entries were warnings would be sufficient
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-04-11
[Bug 2030773] Re: OVN DB Sync always logs warning messages about updating all router ports
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-11-06
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2030773] Re: OVN DB Sync always logs warning messages about updating all router ports
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-12-13
[Bug 2030773] Re: OVN DB Sync always logs warning messages about updating all router ports
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-01-31
[Bug 2030773] Re: OVN DB Sync always logs warning messages about updating all router ports
From: James Page, 2024-03-25
[Bug 2030773] Re: OVN DB Sync always logs warning messages about updating all router ports
From: James Page, 2024-09-16
[Bug 2042744] [NEW] su -s /bin/sh -c "keystone-manage db_sync" keystone
From: Aytac Tokatli, 2023-11-04
[Bug 2042744] Re: su -s /bin/sh -c "keystone-manage db_sync" keystone
From: Oskar Berggren, 2024-01-22
[Bug 2028409] Re: Add domain_id config option to remove the need of cloud admin user when generating dynamic credentials
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2023-11-03
[Bug 2042647] [NEW] doc: Options described in "DHCP High-availability" are outdated
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-11-03
[Bug 2042647] Re: doc: Options described in "DHCP High-availability" are outdated
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-05-17
[Bug 2042598] [NEW] neutron_server container suspended in health:starting state
From: Dariusz Bursztynowski, 2023-11-02
[Bug 2042598] Re: neutron_server container suspended in health:starting state
From: Bence Romsics, 2023-11-03
[Bug 2032287] Re: 2023-08-21 11:27:41.166 2153 ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi 2023-08-21 11:27:41.174 2153 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi [None req-80d88858-4a5e-
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-11-02
[Bug 2033167] Re: nova instance created from a volume snapshot cannot be pinged. It can only be accessed by VNC and the instance also cannot ping other instances in the network or any public network.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-11-02
[Bug 2042411] [NEW] [CI][Fullstack] neutron.tests.fullstack.test_securitygroup cases are missing
From: LIU Yulong, 2023-11-01
[Bug 2042362] [NEW] Listing instances gives unnecessary error if flavor is deleted
From: Mohammed Naser, 2023-10-31
[Bug 2042362] Re: Listing instances gives unnecessary error if flavor is deleted
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-03-04
[Bug 2042089] [NEW] neutron : going to shared network is working, going back not
From: Peter Struys, 2023-10-31
[Bug 2042089] Re: neutron : going to shared network is working, going back not
From: Bence Romsics, 2023-11-02
[Bug 2041861] [NEW] In my openstack environment, whenever I create an instance in a shared network owned by another project, the instances becomes unreachable even via floating IP. Any suggestion?
From: Debasis, 2023-10-30
[Bug 2041861] Re: [ovn] instance in a shared network owned by another project is unreachable via floating IP
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-01-02
[Bug 2031085] Re: error in callback mechanism
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-10-30
[Bug 2041713] [NEW] I installed openstack using kolla-ansible and using openstack now. Initially, when I started creating VMs (using openstack cli), I could set ubuntu server passwords using user-data tag from a local file . However, recently after certain changes in the configuration (probably), user-data file is not setting the server password. In fact, the file has no impact. I cannot ssh into the newly created servers anymore.
From: Debasis, 2023-10-28
[Bug 2041713] Re: I installed openstack using kolla-ansible and using openstack now. Initially, when I started creating VMs (using openstack cli), I could set ubuntu server passwords using user-data tag from a local file . However, recently after certain changes in the configuration (probably), user-data file is not setting the server password. In fact, the file has no impact. I cannot ssh into the newly created servers anymore.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2024-01-06
[Bug 2041609] [NEW] FIP update removes QoS policy
From: Lajos Katona, 2023-10-27
[Bug 2041609] Re: FIP update removes QoS policy
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-11
[Bug 2041611] [NEW] GET /v3/domains returns all domains even in domain scope
From: Markus Hentsch, 2023-10-27
[Bug 2041611] Re: GET /v3/domains returns all domains even in domain scope
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-03-01
[Bug 2041612] [NEW] [n-d-r] DRAgent removed from bgp speaker automatically
From: Roberto Bartzen Acosta, 2023-10-27
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