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yahoo-eng-team team
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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95172 messages, page
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[Bug 2036530] Re: wrong URLs in upgrade check
[Bug 2036530] Re: wrong URLs in upgrade check
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-10-04
[Bug 2036525] [NEW] upload image failed(Image status transition from saving to saving is not allowed)
From: ivan.song, 2023-09-19
[Bug 2036525] Re: upload image failed(Image status transition from saving to saving is not allowed)
From: ivan.song, 2023-09-27
[Bug 2033980] Re: Neutron fails to respawn radvd due to corrupt pid file
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2023-09-18
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2033980] Re: Neutron fails to respawn radvd due to corrupt pid file
From: Sven Kieske, 2023-09-20
[Bug 2033980] Re: Neutron fails to respawn radvd due to corrupt pid file
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-14
[Bug 2036423] [NEW] subnet's gateway ip can be unset while attached to router
From: Weronika Sikora, 2023-09-18
[Bug 2036423] Re: subnet's gateway ip can be unset while attached to router
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-11-26
[Bug 2036423] Re: subnet's gateway ip can be unset while attached to router
From: Weronika Sikora, 2023-12-08
[Bug 2036423] Re: subnet's gateway ip can be unset while attached to router
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-15
[Bug 2036378] [NEW] Python3.11 unit test failures
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2023-09-18
[Bug 2036378] Re: Python3.11 unit test failures
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-29
[Bug 2033083] Re: [OVN] The router GW is "restoring" the NAT rule that disables SNAT
From: Julia Kreger, 2023-09-15
[Bug 2036118] [NEW] VM fails to contact metadata during live-migration
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2023-09-14
[Bug 2036118] Re: VM fails to contact metadata during live-migration
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-08
[Bug 2035911] [NEW] Race conditions attaching/detaching volumes
From: Gorka Eguileor, 2023-09-14
[Bug 2035578] [NEW] [stable branches] devstack-tobiko-neutron job Fails with InvocationError('could not find executable python', None)
From: yatin, 2023-09-14
[Bug 2035578] Re: [stable branches] devstack-tobiko-neutron job Fails with InvocationError('could not find executable python', None)
From: Brian Haley, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2035573] [NEW] Insertion of a duplicated ProviderResourceAssociation entry while creating a HA router
From: Jimin Shin, 2023-09-14
[Bug 2035573] Re: Insertion of a duplicated ProviderResourceAssociation entry while creating a HA router
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-19
[Bug 2035382] [NEW] [FT] "TestMonitorDaemon._run_monitor" failing radomly, initial message not written
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2035375] [NEW] Detaching multiple NVMe-oF volumes may leave the subsystem in connecting state
From: Gorka Eguileor, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2035375] Re: Detaching multiple NVMe-oF volumes may leave the subsystem in connecting state
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-08-09
[Bug 2035368] [NEW] Debug config option in cinder and glance sections not working
From: Gorka Eguileor, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2035332] [NEW] VLAN networks for North / South Traffic Broken
From: Graeme Moss, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2035325] [NEW] FDB entries grows indefinitely
From: Luis Tomas, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2035325] Re: FDB entries grows indefinitely
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-10-24
[Bug 2035286] [NEW] [ironic driver] Shards are not properly queried for
From: Jay Faulkner, 2023-09-12
[Bug 2034952] Re: dashboard failures with Django 4.2.4
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-09-12
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2034952] Re: dashboard failures with Django 4.2.4
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-10-04
[Bug 2035281] [NEW] [ML2/OVN] DGP/Floating IP issue - no flows for chassis gateway port
From: Roberto Bartzen Acosta, 2023-09-12
[Bug 2035281] Re: [ML2/OVN] DGP/Floating IP issue - no flows for chassis gateway port
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2035230] [NEW] Port on creation is returned without the fixed_ips field populated
From: Christian Rohmann, 2023-09-12
[Bug 2035230] Re: Port on creation is returned without the fixed_ips field populated
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-11-19
[Bug 2035168] [NEW] Remaining db migrations for unmaintained Nuage plugin
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-09-12
[Bug 2035168] Re: Remaining db migrations for unmaintained Nuage plugin
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-11-15
[Bug 1983863] Re: Can't log within tpool.execute
From: sean mooney, 2023-09-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1983863] Re: Can't log within tpool.execute
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2023-09-13
[Bug 1983863] Re: Can't log within tpool.execute
From: melanie witt, 2023-10-16
[Bug 2035095] [NEW] CI:test_live_migration_with_trunk failing frequently on nova-live-migration job
From: Amit Uniyal, 2023-09-11
[Bug 2035006] [NEW] roles within domains do not show in auth_ref details
From: Dmitry Veber, 2023-09-09
[Bug 2034952] Re: manila-ui failures with Django 4.2.4
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-09-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2034952] Re: manila-ui failures with Django 4.2.4
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-11
[Bug 2034761] Re: test discovery fail with latest neutron-lib
From: Jay Faulkner, 2023-09-07
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2034761] Re: test discovery fail with latest neutron-lib
From: Jay Faulkner, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034761] [NEW] test discovery fail with latest neutron-lib
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2030747] Re: Port creation on shared network fails with port_security defined
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034702] [NEW] The host aggregate cache multiple images errors
From: liwenjian, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034703] [NEW] Kolla Ansible- Global.yaml file
From: ASMA NAZ, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034703] Re: Kolla Ansible- Global.yaml file
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2023-09-11
[Bug 2034684] [NEW] UEFI (edk2/ovmf) network boot with OVN fail because no DHCP release reply
From: Harald Jensås, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034684] Re: UEFI (edk2/ovmf) network boot with OVN fail because no DHCP release reply
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-12
[Bug 2034684] Re: UEFI (edk2/ovmf) network boot with OVN fail because no DHCP release reply
From: Dmitry Tantsur, 2024-02-28
[Bug 2034589] [NEW] [FT][OVN] "ovsdb_connection.stop()" failing during the test cleanup process
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2034589] Re: [FT][OVN] "ovsdb_connection.stop()" failing during the test cleanup process
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-07-08
[Bug 2034540] [NEW] [FT] "test_add_tc_filter_policy" failing in master and stable branches
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2034540] Re: [FT] "test_add_tc_filter_policy" failing in master and stable branches
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-07
[Bug 2034538] [NEW] I have member role on a project called proj1 and domain called users. I created an application credential with unrestricted usage. But when I use that in the openstack-cli to list servers corresponding to my account, it returns 403 error
From: Debasis, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2034538] Re: I have member role on a project called proj1 and domain called users. I created an application credential with unrestricted usage. But when I use that in the openstack-cli to list servers corresponding to my account, it returns 403 error
From: David Wilde, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2034522] [NEW] Fake members operating_status ONLINE
From: Fernando Royo, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2034522] Re: Fake members operating_status ONLINE
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-13
[Bug 2034096] [NEW] OVN source(main branch) deploy jobs fails with make: *** No rule to make target '/opt/stack/ovs/python/ovs_build_helpers/soutil.py', needed by 'manpages.mk'. Stop.
From: yatin, 2023-09-05
[Bug 2034096] Re: OVN source(main branch) deploy jobs fails with make: *** No rule to make target '/opt/stack/ovs/python/ovs_build_helpers/soutil.py', needed by 'manpages.mk'. Stop.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-05
[Bug 2034035] [NEW] neutron allowed address pair with same ip address causes ValueError
From: Tobias Urdin, 2023-09-04
[Bug 2034035] Re: neutron allowed address pair with same ip address causes ValueError
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-08-15
[Bug 2034016] [NEW] openstack-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master broken with latest alembic commit
From: yatin, 2023-09-04
[Bug 2034016] Re: openstack-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master broken with latest alembic commit
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-04
[Bug 2033932] [NEW] Add support for OVN MAC_Binding aging
From: Terry Wilson, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033932] Re: Add support for OVN MAC_Binding aging
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-02
[Bug 2032929] Re: OVN security group logging burst limit has an unexpected value for stateless security groups
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033887] [NEW] [OVN][Trunk] The cold migration process is broken since patch 882581
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033887] Re: [OVN][Trunk] The cold migration process is broken since patch 882581
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-28
[Bug 2033203] Re: Quality of Service (QoS) in Neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033752] [NEW] test_reboot_server_hard fails with AssertionError: time.struct_time() not greater than time.struct_time()
From: yatin, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033752] Re: test_reboot_server_hard fails with AssertionError: time.struct_time() not greater than time.struct_time()
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033752] Re: test_reboot_server_hard fails with AssertionError: time.struct_time() not greater than time.struct_time()
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033752] Re: test_reboot_server_hard fails with AssertionError: time.struct_time() not greater than time.struct_time()
From: yatin, 2023-09-04
[Bug 2033683] Re: openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent fails to Cmd: ['iptables-restore', '-n']
From: Alex Glebov, 2023-08-31
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2033683] Re: openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent fails to Cmd: ['iptables-restore', '-n']
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-09-05
[Bug 2033683] Re: openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent fails to Cmd: ['iptables-restore', '-n']
From: Alex Glebov, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2033683] Re: openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent fails to Cmd: ['iptables-restore', '-n']
From: yatin, 2023-09-06
[Bug 2033683] Re: openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent fails to Cmd: ['iptables-restore', '-n']
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2023-09-11
[Bug 2033681] [NEW] Calico still uses vif type tap and it causes failures with libvirt 9.5.0
From: Arun S A G, 2023-08-31
[Bug 1893618] Fix included in openstack/nova train-eol
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-08-31
[Bug 1927677] Fix included in openstack/nova train-eol
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-08-31
[Bug 2033651] [NEW] [fullstack] Reduce the CI job time
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-08-31
[Bug 2033651] Re: [fullstack] Reduce the CI job time
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-08-31
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Mustafa Kemal Gilor, 2023-10-09
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Mustafa Kemal Gilor, 2023-10-09
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Mustafa Kemal Gilor, 2023-10-16
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Mustafa Kemal Gilor, 2023-10-16
[Bug 2032770] Re: [OVN] port creation with --enable-uplink-status-propagation does not work with OVN mechanism driver
From: Mustafa Kemal Gilor, 2023-11-02
[Bug 2033601] [NEW] refactor volumeAttachment creation
From: Amit Uniyal, 2023-08-31
[Bug 2033556] [NEW] Documentation for DNS integration is incomplete
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033541] [NEW] libvirt KeyError on assisted snapshot calls when using Ceph
From: Eric Harney, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033508] [NEW] [HA] "neutron-tempest-plugin-dynamic-routing" HA unittest failing
From: Joel Capitao, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033508] Re: [HA] "neutron-dynamic-routing" HA unittest failing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033493] [NEW] [ndr] Unit tests failing due to a missing patch, still unreleased, in Neutron
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033493] Re: [ndr] Unit tests failing due to a missing patch, still unreleased, in Neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-01
[Bug 2033478] [NEW] Server error: While enter the crendentials in openstack
From: ASMA NAZ, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033209] Re: changing openstack_domain does not change in nova DB
From: Dmitriy Rabotyagov, 2023-08-29
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2033209] Re: changing openstack_domain does not change in nova DB
From: Artom Lifshitz, 2023-12-19
[Bug 2033209] [NEW] changing openstack_domain does not change in nova DB
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033434] [NEW] Destination host resources not updated post live-migration
From: Raul Moldovan, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033401] [NEW] sanitize_hostname is not alligned with idna2 specification
From: Vasyl Saienko, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033401] Re: sanitize_hostname is not alligned with idna2 specification
From: sean mooney, 2024-07-29
[Bug 2033393] [NEW] Nova does not update libvirts instance name after server rename
From: Marc Vorwerk, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033393] Re: Nova does not update libvirts instance name after server rename
From: Dan Smith, 2023-09-05
[Bug 2033387] [NEW] [FT] "TestMaintenance.test_port_forwarding" randomly failing in call assertion
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033387] Re: [FT] "TestMaintenance.test_port_forwarding" randomly failing in call assertion
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-08-29
[Bug 2033293] Re: dns integration saying plugin does not match requirements
From: Marlin Cremers, 2023-08-29
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2033293] Re: dns integration saying plugin does not match requirements
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2033293] Re: dns integration saying plugin does not match requirements
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2033293] Re: dns integration saying plugin does not match requirements
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-12-04
[Bug 2033305] [NEW] OVN metadata agent keeps restarting
From: Miro Tomaska, 2023-08-28
[Bug 2033305] Re: OVN metadata agent keeps restarting
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-05
[Bug 2033281] [NEW] [OVN] ovn_hash_ring table cleanup
From: Max, 2023-08-28
[Bug 2033281] Re: [OVN] ovn_hash_ring table cleanup
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-08-30
[Bug 2033247] [NEW] PCI Leaks when multiple detach operations performed in parallel
From: Amit Gupta, 2023-08-28
[Bug 2028895] [NEW] Interoperable Image Import in glance documented format for inject not working as expected
From: Rafael Lopez, 2023-07-28
[Bug 2028895] Re: Interoperable Image Import in glance documented format for inject not working as expected
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-03-01
[Bug 2028851] [NEW] Console output was empty in test_get_console_output_server_id_in_shutoff_status
From: sean mooney, 2023-07-27
[Bug 2028851] Re: Console output was empty in test_get_console_output_server_id_in_shutoff_status
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2023-07-27
[Bug 2028851] Re: Console output was empty in test_get_console_output_server_id_in_shutoff_status
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2023-07-27
[Bug 2028846] [NEW] FIP PF don't works with vlan tenant network and ovn backend
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2023-07-27
[Bug 2028846] Re: FIP PF don't works with vlan tenant network and ovn backend
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2028795] [NEW] Restarting OVS with DVR creates a network loop
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2023-07-26
[Bug 2028795] Re: Restarting OVS with DVR creates a network loop
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2024-04-16
[Bug 2028727] [NEW] Nova API's regular expression dialect depends on backend DB
From: Yamato Tanaka, 2023-07-26
[Bug 2028724] [NEW] neutron should forbid configuring agent_down_time that is known to crash due to CPython epoll limitation
From: Lewis Denny, 2023-07-26
[Bug 2028724] Re: neutron should forbid configuring agent_down_time that is known to crash due to CPython epoll limitation
From: Lewis Denny, 2023-07-26
[Bug 2028682] [NEW] bugs in chameleon cloud tacc
From: Kahfi Soobhan Zulkifli, 2023-07-25
[Bug 2028682] Re: bugs in chameleon cloud tacc
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-10-09
[Bug 2028660] [NEW] [fwaas][rfe] support list type of port_range for firewall rule
From: Liu Xie, 2023-07-25
[Bug 2028660] Re: [fwaas][rfe] support list type of port_range for firewall rule
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-12-06
[Bug 2028651] [NEW] IPv6 VIPs broken with ML2/OVN
From: Gregory Thiemonge, 2023-07-25
[Bug 2028651] Re: [ovn] IPv6 VIPs broken with ML2/OVN
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-09-05
[Bug 2028544] [NEW] dhcp agent binding count greather than dhcp_agents_per_network
From: yaoguang, 2023-07-24
[Bug 2028544] Re: dhcp agent binding count greather than dhcp_agents_per_network
From: Bence Romsics, 2023-07-26
[Bug 2028518] [NEW] nova scheduler debug logs TypeError
From: Friedrich Hiekel, 2023-07-24
[Bug 2028515] [NEW] applied for a vm on ManageIQ. It got approved but I'm facing an error
From: sindhu sri, 2023-07-24
[Bug 2028515] Re: applied for a vm on ManageIQ. It got approved but I'm facing an error
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-09-24
[Bug 2028442] [NEW] Support DNS for ovn_{nb, sb}_connection
From: Mohammed Naser, 2023-07-22
[Bug 2028338] [NEW] Router with l3_agent state unknown
From: Mohankumar, 2023-07-21
[Bug 2023211] Re: Run emulated riscv64 VMs on amd64
From: Felipe Reyes, 2023-07-20
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2023211] Re: Run emulated riscv64 VMs on amd64
From: sean mooney, 2024-12-11
[Bug 2023211] Re: Run emulated riscv64 VMs on amd64
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-12-14
[Bug 2028285] [NEW] [unit test][xena+] test_port_deletion_prevention fails when runs in isolation
From: yatin, 2023-07-20
[Bug 2028285] Re: [unit test][xena+] test_port_deletion_prevention fails when runs in isolation
From: Brian Haley, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2028185] [NEW] Large number of FIPs causes slow sync_routers response
From: Adam Oswick, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028169] [NEW] TypeError: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable when uploading heat template via GUI with get_file parameter
From: Alexander epaneshnikov, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028161] [NEW] [ovn-octavia-provider] FIP not included into LogicalSwitchPortUpdate event handler method
From: Fernando Royo, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028161] Re: [ovn-octavia-provider] FIP not included into LogicalSwitchPortUpdate event handler method
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2028152] [NEW] Timeouts on netlink related operations in many functional tests causes job's timeout
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028145] [NEW] Method skip_if_no_extension_enabled_in_l3_agents in neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.base module fails on skipping test
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028142] [NEW] VM can't get IP without default egress rules on OVN
From: Trygve Vea, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028131] [NEW] [ovn] All traffic duplicates to tap-interfaces on the same provider network without port security enabled on the same compute node.
From: Alexey Kashavkin, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028123] Re: Jobs setting up more than 1 image fails with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
From: yatin, 2023-07-19
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 2028123] Re: Jobs setting up more than 1 image fails with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
From: Martin Kopec, 2023-07-25
[Bug 2028112] [NEW] Unable to create VM when using the sriov agent with the ml2/ovn driver.
From: kyle yoon, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028112] Re: Unable to create VM when using the sriov agent with the ml2/ovn driver.
From: kyle yoon, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028112] Re: Unable to create VM when using the sriov agent with the ml2/ovn driver.
From: Brian Haley, 2023-07-19
[Bug 2028037] [NEW] Error 500 on create network when PostgreSQL is used
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2023-07-18
[Bug 2028009] [NEW] Modifying IPv6 subnet with ipv6-address-mode set results in error
From: James Denton, 2023-07-17
[Bug 2028003] [NEW] neutron fails with postgres on subnet_id
From: Julia Kreger, 2023-07-17
[Bug 2028003] Re: neutron fails with postgres on subnet_id
From: Brian Haley, 2023-12-01
[Bug 2027931] [NEW] Neutron Sync Repair Failed
From: Adelia Nurlina, 2023-07-17
[Bug 2027817] [NEW] neutron slow jobs before xena broken with ERROR: unknown environment 'slow'
From: yatin, 2023-07-14
[Bug 2027817] Re: neutron slow jobs before xena broken with ERROR: unknown environment 'slow'
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2023-07-14
[Bug 2027817] Re: neutron slow jobs before xena broken with ERROR: unknown environment 'slow'
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2023-07-17
[Bug 2027817] Re: neutron slow jobs before xena broken with ERROR: unknown environment 'slow'
From: Martin Kopec, 2023-07-25
[Bug 2027755] [NEW] "sqlalchemy.exc.TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 50 reached, connection timed out, timeout 30.00" error raised after repeated calls of Flavor.get_* methods
From: melanie witt, 2023-07-14
[Bug 2027755] Fix included in openstack/nova 27.2.0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2023-12-14
[Bug 2027755] Fix included in openstack/nova 26.2.1
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-01-19
[Bug 2027750] [NEW] After the openstack virtual machine fails to bind a network card with an existing port, the virtual machine will be hard restarted and become in an error state
From: LiZekun, 2023-07-14
[Bug 2027750] Re: After the openstack virtual machine fails to bind a network card with an existing port, then the virtual machine executes hard restart action will become in an error state
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2023-09-24
[Bug 2027742] [NEW] [RFE] unmanaged dynamic router resources - OVN
From: Roberto Bartzen Acosta, 2023-07-13
[Bug 2027729] [NEW] Federation docs for OIDC recommend implicit grant
From: Kristi Nikolla, 2023-07-13
[Bug 2027728] [NEW] Horizon npm test job failed with jQuery Version >3.x
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2023-07-13
[Bug 2027728] Re: Horizon npm test job failed with jQuery Version >3.x
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2023-10-24
[Bug 2026345] Re: Shpinx raise 'ImageDraw' object has no attribute 'textsize' error.
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-07-13
[Bug 2027669] [NEW] nova evacaute action will destroy the vm if the vm is migrate back but the migration it not completed
From: efineshi, 2023-07-13
[Bug 2027610] [NEW] [sqlalchemy-20] Error in "test_notify_port_status_all_values" using an wrong OVO parameter
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027610] Re: [sqlalchemy-20] Error in "test_notify_port_status_all_values" using an wrong OVO parameter
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-02-19
[Bug 2027605] [NEW] [OVN][Trunk] Sometimes subport doesn't reach status ACTIVE after live-migration
From: Eduardo Olivares, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027604] [NEW] [sqlalchemy-20] The Query.get() method is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and becomes a legacy construct in 2.0
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027602] [NEW] [sqlalchemy-20] "FromClause.join" accepts only one model and an optional expression to define the join
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027595] [NEW] [sqlalchemy-20] Check represent "network" model regardless of the elements order
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027553] [NEW] "Cannot access backing file, No such file or directory" error when resize instance with ephemeral disks
From: alecorps, 2023-07-12
[Bug 2027156] [NEW] nova should use quota_details neutron api to validate available ports before VM creation
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2023-07-11
[Bug 2026831] [NEW] Table nova/pci_devices is not updated after removing attached SRIOV port
From: Psycho, 2023-07-11
[Bug 2026831] Re: Table nova/pci_devices is not updated after removing attached SRIOV port
From: sean mooney, 2023-08-30
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2023-07-11
[Bug 1452641] Re: Static Ceph mon IP addresses in connection_info can prevent VM startup
From: Billy Olsen, 2023-07-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1452641] Re: Static Ceph mon IP addresses in connection_info can prevent VM startup
From: Sven Kieske, 2023-07-11
[Bug 2026775] [NEW] Metadata agents do not parse X-Forwarded-For headers properly
From: Brian Haley, 2023-07-10
[Bug 2026757] [NEW] dnsmasq on Ubuntu Jammy/Lunar crashes on neutron-dhcp-agent updates
From: Julia Kreger, 2023-07-10
[Bug 2026757] Re: dnsmasq on Ubuntu Jammy/Lunar crashes on neutron-dhcp-agent updates
From: Corey Bryant, 2023-07-20
[Bug 2026757] Re: dnsmasq on Ubuntu Jammy/Lunar crashes on neutron-dhcp-agent updates
From: Sergio Durigan Junior, 2023-07-26
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