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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95153 messages, page
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[Bug 1817230] Re: SUSE network configuration for IPv6 static addresses
[Bug 1817230] Re: SUSE network configuration for IPv6 static addresses
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-11
[Bug 1817219] [NEW] Failed to list security group tags
From: Lingxian Kong, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817219] Re: Failed to list security group tags
From: Lingxian Kong, 2019-04-11
[Bug 1817169] [NEW] Volume Groups Under Project Panel not working
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817169] Re: Volume Groups Under Project Panel not working
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817119] [NEW] [rfe] add rbac for security groups
From: Doug Wiegley, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817119] Re: [rfe] add rbac for security groups
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2022-02-23
[Bug 1817082] [NEW] [RFE] Please add encrypted_data_bag_secret to client.rb.tmpl in cc_chef
From: Eric Williams, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817082] Re: [RFE] Please add encrypted_data_bag_secret to client.rb.tmpl in cc_chef
From: Chad Smith, 2019-05-10
[Bug 1817035] Re: eth0 lost carrier / down after restart and IP change on older EC2-classic instance
From: Robert C Jennings, 2019-02-21
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1817035] Re: eth0 lost carrier / down after restart and IP change on older EC2-classic instance
From: Chad Smith, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817035] Re: eth0 lost carrier / down after restart and IP change on older EC2-classic instance
From: Robert C Jennings, 2019-02-22
[Bug 1816955] Re: [Fwaasv1][Fwaasv2]can update a firewall rule with icmp protocol when source/destination port is specified which should not be allowed
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816955] [NEW] [Fwaasv1][Fwaasv2]can update a firewall rule with icmp protocol when source/destination port is specified which should not be allowed
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817054] [NEW] Attribute Error just after creating a volume group
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817054] Re: Attribute Error just after creating a volume group
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-07
[Bug 1817047] [NEW] 404 requested URL not found in Keystone User Guide
From: André Luis Penteado, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817047] Re: 404 requested URL not found in Keystone User Guide
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-26
[Bug 1817045] [NEW] Port forwarding API and scenario tests are missing
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817045] Re: Port forwarding API and scenario tests are missing
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2024-05-15
[Bug 1817022] [NEW] RFE: set inactivity_probe and max_backoff for OVS bridge controller
From: s10, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1817022] Re: [RFE] set inactivity_probe and max_backoff for OVS bridge controller
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-11-30
[Bug 1816967] [NEW] cc_rsyslog.py:205: FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 23
From: Tommi Rantala, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816967] Re: cc_rsyslog.py:205: FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 23
From: Chad Smith, 2019-05-10
[Bug 1816944] [NEW] fwaas - Failure UT on local environment due to neutron version
From: Yushiro FURUKAWA, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816944] Re: fwaas - Failure UT on local environment due to neutron version
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2023-01-04
[Bug 1816938] [NEW] Misleading log message "Booting with blank volume" in nova-compute when booting from real volume
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816938] Re: Misleading log message "Booting with blank volume" in nova-compute when booting from real volume
From: Takashi NATSUME, 2019-03-26
[Bug 1816938] Re: Misleading log message "Booting with blank volume" in nova-compute when booting from real volume
From: Takashi NATSUME, 2019-03-26
[Bug 1816938] Re: Misleading log message "Booting with blank volume" in nova-compute when booting from real volume
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-26
[Bug 1816927] [NEW] Deployments with high churn are susceptible to false positives with token validation
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816927] Re: Deployments with high churn are susceptible to false positives with token validation
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816927] Re: Deployments with high churn are susceptible to false positives with token validation
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-12
[Bug 1816927] Re: Deployments with high churn are susceptible to false positives with token validation
From: Jonathan Rosser, 2024-02-13
[Bug 1816874] [NEW] l3 agent using return value from methods with no return
From: Doug Wiegley, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816874] Re: l3 agent using return value from methods with no return
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-13
[Bug 1816859] [NEW] Server concepts in nova - automatic resize confirm is wrong in docs
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816859] Re: Server concepts in nova - automatic resize confirm is wrong in docs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-04
[Bug 1816833] [NEW] Role assignment API doesn't use default roles
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816833] Fix merged to keystone (master)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-01
[Bug 1816831] [NEW] DOC: typo in add_initial_allocation_ratio releasenote
From: iain MacDonnell, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816831] Re: DOC: typo in add_initial_allocation_ratio releasenote
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816771] [NEW] Creation of router fails in devstack
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816771] Re: Creation of router fails in devstack
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816755] [NEW] When the flavor id is invalid, the message does not match the regular expression, missing the numbers from 0-9.
From: zhaixiaojun, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816755] Re: Flavor id and name validation are unnecessary because of jsonschema validation
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-04-03
[Bug 1816747] [NEW] Neutron neutron-db-manage failures with openstack master/stein branch
From: Romil Gupta, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816740] [NEW] FWaaS v2 - incorrect shared rule check
From: Salvatore Orlando, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816740] Re: FWaaS v2 - incorrect shared rule check
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-26
[Bug 1816721] [NEW] Python3 librados incompatibility
From: Michal Arbet, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816708] [NEW] error while creating a vm with sr-iov
From: Manuel Sopena Ballesteros, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816708] Re: error while creating a vm with sr-iov
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-08-13
[Bug 1816698] [NEW] DVR-HA: Removing a router from an agent, does not clear the namespaces on the agent
From: Swaminathan Vasudevan, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816698] Re: DVR-HA: Removing a router from an agent, does not clear the namespaces on the agent
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-10
[Bug 1816685] [NEW] When edit role, check if the role already exists
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816686] [NEW] fail to boot an instance because of "rbd import" qcow2 disk
From: Boxiang Zhu, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816686] Re: fail to boot an instance because of "rbd import" qcow2 disk
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-05-21
[Bug 1816684] [NEW] Create an Application Credential of the name has exist, the error message is not clear
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-20
[Bug 1816684] Re: Create an Application Credential of the name has exist, the error message is not clear
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816662] [NEW] tempest jobs fails because g-api service didn't start
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816662] Re: tempest jobs fails because g-api service didn't start
From: Erno Kuvaja, 2019-03-18
[Bug 1816647] [NEW] Unable to dump policy using oslopolicy-policy-generator for glance
From: Cyril Roelandt, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816647] Re: Unable to dump policy using oslopolicy-policy-generator for glance
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-11
[Bug 1816632] [NEW] Horizon should not allow to change image format
From: Ivan Kolodyazhny, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816632] Re: Horizon should not allow to change image format
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-20
[Bug 1816625] [NEW] tox -r fails to install os-resource-classes in extracted placement repo when running tests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816625] Re: tox -r fails to install os-resource-classes in extracted placement repo when running tests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816627] [NEW] test
From: Joshua Powers, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816627] Re: test
From: Karl Stenerud, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816627] Re: test
From: Joshua Powers, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816543] [NEW] nova service-delete report ComputeHostNotFound when delete compute service after I delete other nova service on the same compute node
From: kevinzhao, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816543] Re: nova service-delete report ComputeHostNotFound when delete compute service after I delete other nova service on the same compute node
From: kevinzhao, 2020-05-19
[Bug 1816538] [NEW] test_volume_swap_server_with_error produce a suspicious stack trace
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816538] Re: test_volume_swap_server_with_error produce a suspicious stack trace
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816531] [NEW] Batch delete button or the checkbox status display problem when updating
From: Wangliangyu, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816532] [NEW] Horizon unable to create swift containers when CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY is enabled.
From: Yan Chen, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816532] Re: Horizon unable to create swift containers when CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY is enabled.
From: Yan Chen, 2019-03-12
[Bug 1816507] [NEW] in import keypair form, Check if the name exists
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816502] [NEW] Use subnetpool to create subnet failed when the min_prefixlen of subnetpool is not set
From: wangwei, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816498] [NEW] in create keypair form, Error should be reported when only a space is entered
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-19
[Bug 1816489] [NEW] Functional test neutron.tests.functional.agent.l3.test_ha_router.LinuxBridgeL3HATestCase. test_ha_router_lifecycle failing
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816489] Re: Functional test neutron.tests.functional.agent.l3.test_ha_router.LinuxBridgeL3HATestCase. test_ha_router_lifecycle failing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-02
[Bug 1816485] [NEW] [rfe] change neutron process names to match their role
From: Doug Wiegley, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816485] Re: [rfe] change neutron process names to match their role
From: Brian Haley, 2021-07-28
[Bug 1816454] [NEW] hw:mem_page_size is not respecting all documented values
From: Tyler Stachecki, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816454] Re: hw:mem_page_size is not respecting all documented values
From: Stephen Finucane, 2020-03-13
[Bug 1816443] [NEW] ovs agent can fail with oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError
From: Attila Fazekas, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816399] [NEW] The periodic task to clean up expired console_auth tokens is invalid
From: jiangyuhao, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816399] Re: The periodic task to clean up expired console_auth tokens is invalid
From: melanie witt, 2019-07-22
[Bug 1816399] Re: The periodic task to clean up expired console_auth tokens is invalid
From: melanie witt, 2019-07-22
[Bug 1816399] Re: The periodic task to clean up expired console_auth tokens is invalid
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-07-25
[Bug 1816395] [NEW] L2 Networking with SR-IOV enabled NICs in neutron
From: mohit.048, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816395] Re: L2 Networking with SR-IOV enabled NICs in neutron
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-12-12
[Bug 1816393] [NEW] collect-logs should capture /etc/cloud and /var/lib/cloud artifacts
From: Chad Smith, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816393] Re: collect-logs should capture /etc/cloud and /var/lib/cloud artifacts
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-11
[Bug 1816360] [NEW] nova-scheduler did not logged the weight of each compute_node
From: yangjie, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816360] Re: nova-scheduler did not logged the weight of each compute_node
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-28
[Bug 1816360] Re: nova-scheduler did not logged the weight of each compute_node
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-06
[Bug 1816333] [NEW] On the instance page, if the instance flavor name is too long, it will exceed the scope of the instance flavor details modal box.
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816333] Re: On the instance page, if the instance flavor name is too long, it will exceed the scope of the instance flavor details modal box.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-12
[Bug 1816330] [NEW] Cidr is not required on the Add Rule form, but there will be an error message if you do not filled.
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1816330] Re: Cidr is not marked as required on the Add Rule form, but there will be an error message if you do not filled.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-04-15
[Bug 1816239] [NEW] Functional test test_router_processing_pool_size failing
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-16
[Bug 1816239] Re: Functional test test_router_processing_pool_size failing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-21
[Bug 1816239] Re: Functional test test_router_processing_pool_size failing
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-22
[Bug 1816239] Re: Functional test test_router_processing_pool_size failing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-09
[Bug 1816230] [NEW] allocations by consumer and resource provider use wrong timestamp
From: Chris Dent, 2019-02-16
[Bug 1816230] Re: allocations by consumer and resource provider use wrong timestamp
From: Takashi NATSUME, 2019-03-04
[Bug 1816209] [NEW] Could not parse ip addr
From: Nils K, 2019-02-16
[Bug 1816209] Re: Could not parse ip addr
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-04-17
[Bug 1816166] [NEW] RFE: Support tokens with subsets of roles
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816167] [NEW] RFE: Service Catalog Standardization
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816167] Re: RFE: Service Catalog Standardization
From: Colleen Murphy, 2019-05-04
[Bug 1816164] [NEW] RFE: Service Catalog Subsets by IDs
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816164] Re: RFE: Service Catalog Subsets by IDs
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2019-05-04
[Bug 1816165] [NEW] RFE: Expand endpoint filters to service providers
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816160] [NEW] RFE: Domain Specific Mappings
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816163] [NEW] RFE: Better expose public interfaces
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816163] Re: RFE: Better expose public interfaces
From: Colleen Murphy, 2019-05-04
[Bug 1816158] [NEW] RFE: Retrofit keystone-manage db_* commands to work with Alembic
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816152] [NEW] legacy-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode-live-migration is not running on real code changes
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816152] Re: legacy-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode-live-migration is not running on real code changes
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-23
[Bug 1816120] [NEW] RFE: Devstack plugin
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816115] [NEW] RFE: Unified Delegation
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816112] [NEW] RFE: Object Dependency Lifecycle
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816112] Re: RFE: Object Dependency Lifecycle
From: Colleen Murphy, 2019-05-04
[Bug 1816107] [NEW] RFE: Use Alembic for database migrations
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816109] [NEW] RFE: Add materialized path to project model
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816105] [NEW] RFE: Project Tree Deletion/Disabling
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816097] [NEW] RFE: Support sub domains to enable namespaces for projects
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816099] [NEW] RFE: Gate inheritance from a parent
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816086] [NEW] Resource Tracker performance with Ironic driver
From: Belmiro Moreira, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816086] Re: Resource Tracker performance with Ironic driver
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-07-10
[Bug 1816086] Re: Resource Tracker performance with Ironic driver
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-07-10
[Bug 1816076] [NEW] RFE: Extend user API to support federated attributes
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816076] Re: RFE: Extend user API to support federated attributes
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-04-10
[Bug 1816066] [NEW] RFE: Multi-node job for rolling upgrades testing
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816059] [NEW] RFE: Native SAML Support
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816054] [NEW] RFE: Token Key Store
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816041] [NEW] Nova keypair type cannot be selected
From: Lucian Petrut, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816041] Re: Nova keypair type cannot be selected
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-20
[Bug 1816034] [NEW] Ironic flavor migration and default resource classes
From: Belmiro Moreira, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816034] Re: Ironic flavor migration and default resource classes
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816034] Re: Ironic flavor migration and default resource classes
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816034] Re: Ironic flavor migration and default resource classes
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-10-22
[Bug 1816025] [NEW] instance failed to class 'nova.exception.InvalidQuotaMethodUsage
From: POPESCU CAROL EUGEN, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816025] Re: instance failed to class 'nova.exception.InvalidQuotaMethodUsage
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-04-17
[Bug 1816011] [NEW] When the status of the volume snapshot is Error Deleting, the status displayed on the snapshot details page is Error_deleting
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816011] Re: When the status of the volume snapshot is Error Deleting, the status displayed on the snapshot details page is Error_deleting
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816010] [NEW] Create an group of the name has exist, the error message is not clear
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1816010] Re: Create an group of the name has exist, the error message is not clear
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-18
[Bug 1815995] [NEW] Volume details page, if the metadata is too long, it will affect the display.
From: pengyuesheng, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1815995] Re: Volume details page, if the metadata is too long, it will affect the display.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-18
[Bug 1815990] [NEW] Failure with OpenStack datasource on bare metal servers
From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1815990] Re: Failure with OpenStack datasource on bare metal servers
From: Alberto Contreras, 2023-02-22
[Bug 1815989] [NEW] OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: Jing Zhang, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: Brian Haley, 2019-02-18
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: huanhongda, 2019-06-15
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: sean mooney, 2019-06-16
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: OpenStack Infra, 2021-05-01
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: sean mooney, 2021-05-13
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: ignazio, 2021-05-17
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: sean mooney, 2021-05-17
[Bug 1815989] Re: OVS drops RARP packets by QEMU upon live-migration causes up to 40s ping pause in Rocky
From: melanie witt, 2022-01-21
[Bug 1815989] Fix included in openstack/nova wallaby-eom
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-03-05
[Bug 1815972] [NEW] RFE: Use views effectively
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815972] Re: RFE: Use views effectively
From: Colleen Murphy, 2019-05-04
[Bug 1815971] [NEW] RFE: Improved OpenID Connect Support
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815966] [NEW] RFE: YAML Catalog Backend
From: Lance Bragstad, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815949] [NEW] missing special-case libvirt exception during device detach
From: Chris Friesen, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815949] Re: missing special-case libvirt exception during device detach
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-03-13
[Bug 1815949] Re: missing special-case libvirt exception during device detach
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-13
[Bug 1815933] [NEW] [RFE] Allow bulk-tagging of resources
From: Michal Dulko, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815933] Re: [RFE] Allow bulk-tagging of resources
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2022-02-23
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Liam Young, 2019-02-14
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Ryan Beisner, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Sahid Orentino, 2019-02-22
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Sahid Orentino, 2019-02-27
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Aurelien Lourot, 2020-03-30
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: James Page, 2020-05-28
[Bug 1815844] Re: iscsi multipath dm-N device only used on first volume attachment
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-07-28
[Bug 1815913] [NEW] DVR can not work with multiple routers on single network.
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815913] Re: DVR can not work with multiple routers on single network.
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-15
[Bug 1815912] [NEW] [OVS] exception message when retrieving bridge-id is not present
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815912] Re: [OVS] exception message when retrieving bridge-id is not present
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-16
[Bug 1815877] [NEW] Button-next shown on last tab
From: Wangliangyu, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815871] [NEW] neutron-server api don't shutdown gracefully
From: Jesse, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815871] Re: neutron-server api don't shutdown gracefully
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-10-19
[Bug 1815859] [NEW] Volume Snapshot table 'Project' column have wrong information
From: Vishal Manchanda, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815859] Re: Volume Snapshot table 'Project' column have wrong information
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-02-22
[Bug 1815849] [NEW] nova-compute driver type has been changed from 'ironic' to 'libvirted', the nova-compute sevice is still can get by 'ironic' hypervisor_type
From: lynn, 2019-02-14
[Bug 1815827] [NEW] [RFE] neutron-lib: rehome neutron.object.base along with rbac db/objects
From: Boden R, 2019-02-13
[Bug 1815827] Re: [RFE] neutron-lib: rehome neutron.object.base along with rbac db/objects
From: Brian Haley, 2024-03-08
[Bug 1815810] [NEW] [RFE] Allow keystone to query sub-group membership for group role-assignment
From: Drew Freiberger, 2019-02-13
[Bug 1815799] [NEW] Attempting to delete a baremetal server places server into ERROR state
From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman, 2019-02-13
[Bug 1815799] Re: Attempting to delete a baremetal server places server into ERROR state
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-05-30
[Bug 1815799] Re: Attempting to delete a baremetal server places server into ERROR state
From: Matt Riedemann, 2019-06-03
[Bug 1815797] [NEW] "rpc_response_max_timeout" configuration variable not present in fullstack tests
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2019-02-13
[Bug 1815797] Re: "rpc_response_max_timeout" configuration variable not present in OVS agent
From: OpenStack Infra, 2019-03-01
[Bug 1815792] [NEW] Unable to delete instance when volume detached at the same time
From: Gary Kotton, 2019-02-13
200 of 95153 messages, page
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