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Dick Hollenbeck a écrit :

> 4 fields names are not editable because they are reserved (REF, VALUE,
> FOOTPRINT and subsheet).
> Subsheet is not in use (and may be never used).

That is humorous. I think the field is named "Sheet" not Subsheet.
I have been using it as a place to store the name of a PDF datasheet for
the part. I have a BOM extractor I wrote in Java which creates a
CSV. The CSV can get loaded into a spreadsheet and contains the
datasheet *.PDF name as one of the columns. I never could figure out
what "Sheet" meant, so I came up with my own meaning I guess. :-)

What if we renamed to field to "Datasheet" and left it fixed?


I was thinking it could used to handle a schematic file that could be its internal schematic. This is like a complex hierarchy, with a component used like a herarchical sheet.

But because this field is not in use, its can be safely used as an user field, and can be renamed
(hard coded name or editable name, at your convenience).

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA - INPG)
46, Avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex
