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Re: OSX developer help.


On 9 Feb 2011, at 6:24PM, Jerry Jacobs wrote:

> On 2/9/11 1:52 PM, Nick Lott wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> KiCad nightly builds of the developer branch for os x are back.
>> I've fixed my scripts for working with bazaar and the system is now
> building and uploading daily.
>> Currently not building Snow Leopard compatible universal binaries
> (i386 and ppc only) but I hope to have this fixed in the next couple of
> days.
>> You can find them at http://www.brokentoaster.com/kicad
>> Let me know if this is/isn't useful or if you have any problems.
> Maybe you could remove very old builds from 2008-2010 to save space, and
> it would be nice if you could upload the build/upload scripts so other
> people can also create snapshots for OSX.
I will probably get rid of those old versions one day... but I don't pay for HDD space so haven't bothered.

The following is my nightly script. This is run by a cron job on my old PPC mac mini running OS X 10.5

. /Users/nick/.bashrc

#Make a nightly build of kicad

#update from launchpad using bazaar
cd /Temp/kicad.bzr/kicad/
bzr update

new_version=`bzr revno`
old_version=`cat /temp/install/version.txt`
if [ $new_version -gt $old_version ]
	#build it
	cd build/release

	cmake ../../ -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE="/usr/local/bin/wx-config" -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR="/opt/wxwidgets-svn/include/wx-2.9/" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/temp/install" -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="ppc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.5" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-D__ASSERTMACROS__" -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT="/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"

#	make clean 
	if  make > /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt 2>> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt && make install 
		echo $new_version > /temp/install/version.txt	
		mv /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt /temp/install/build_log.txt 
		cd /temp/
		cp -rf install ${file}		
		tar -czf ${file}.tgz ${file} 

		curl -T ${file}.tgz  ftp://user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
		rm -rf ${file}	
#		cd /temp/kicad-sources/build/release/		
	#	/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker --doc osx-package.pmdoc --title 'Kicad' -o ${file}.mpkg 
	#	curl -T ${file}.mpkg ftp://user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/

		#insert some usefull debug info
		echo "*** GCC Version Info ***">> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt
		gcc -v >> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt

		echo "*** wxWdgets Version Info ***">> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt
		wx-config --list >> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt
		head /Volumes/Store/wxWidgets-2.9.1/osxbuild/config.log >> /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt
		curl -T /temp/kicad_errors-${new_version}.txt  ftp://user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
	# go to sleep 
	if [ ! -e /Users/nick/Applications/insomnia.flag.true ]
		open /Users/nick/Applications/SleepNow.app
	echo "Kicad is uptodate :) "

> Still we need to refine some things and create a real installer so users
> don't need to do everything by hand.
what does the osx-package.pmdoc file do in buidl/release/ ?  
I haven't looked at it for a while, I don't think I ever got it to work for me. I'll see what the command 

/Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker --doc osx-package.pmdoc --title 'Kicad' -o

does right after I've finished re compiling everything for universal binary (started 1.5 hrs ago) :)

> Some time ago Martijn suggested to split it in different installers to
> make upgrading easy. The libraries, the apps and the documentation maybe?
sounds like a good idea

> Greets,
> Jerry
