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Re: Edge.Cuts layer in the module editor


On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 01:56:11PM -0400, Jean-Paul Louis wrote:
> The edge.cut layer is a nice addition, but lacks real drawing tools.

I wouldn't call it an addition, it's there right from the beginning:P

> I do not understand why we have an ARC and CIRCLE drawing tool, but no RECTANGLE tool.

Because rectangles can be easily done with lines :D

> That would make life a lot easier. Creating a rectangle with a polyline tool is always a pain if you use a small grid.

Not really, the keyboard helps for fine alignment. Also... have you
selected the 'only 45 degrees' option for lines and edges in the

The procedure is simple:
- Pick the line tool and move to the first corner, hit space to zero the
  deltas and click;
- Move to one side (i.e. right) until the first delta match; keyboard
  movement and zooming with the wheel helps with precision; pick the
  point (one line done);
- Move across (i.e. down) until the second delta match, pick, two lines
- Still following the contour (i.e. left) until first delta goes back to
  zero, pick, only one line to go;
- Close the rectangle (i.e. up) until deltas are both zero, double
  click, rectangle done.

I think it could be faster only if you could type the values (like the
@ syntax in other cads). Also that's valuable mouse practice for when
you'll have to route the thousands of traces later :D

> I would really like a rectangle tool, plus a break/cut tool in order to insert features (cuts)

Sure, and snaps and construction lines, reference points and many other
things... too bad that development time is a finite resource :(

Think about it, you usually draw the board perimeter in, say, 30 minutes
(and that's a very convoluted board!). Then you spend about, uhm,
a couple weeks placing and routing stuff. Where would you optimize

Also there is a DXF importer available. Didn't try it yet but should be
useful for really complex outlines (or simply because you already have
a reference drawing).

As usual code contribution are well accepted :D

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
