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Re: What does /path do in PCBNew files?


El 16/2/20 a las 0:58, Brian Piccioni escribió:
So the approach to duplicating a section would be

1) Copy the design in eeschema
2) in eeSchema push to PCBNew
3) Layout a single section.
4) Copy and paste that section
5) Re-annotate the PCB section (this works now!) without pushing to schematic so the references correspond to the schematic
6) in eeSchema push to PCBNew associating by reference


Hi, in my opinion as Kicad user, the way to proceed with the current 
implementation should be:
1) Copy the design in eeschema
2) In eeschema push to PCBNew
3) Layout a single section.
4) Duplicate that section in EESCHEMA as many times as needed
5) Update pcb from schematic
6) Layout the remaining sections (with replicate layout plugin, for example)
7) Re-annotate the layout in pcbnew
8) Push the new annotation to the schematic.

In my case, I usually make my designs with hierarchical sheets. I have all the sections of the schematic finished before starting the layout, so steps 3 and 4 are interchanged. But of course, many times some components must be added to the schematic after the layout is in progress.
