2009/12/9 Barry Warsaw <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> If we decide to do this, then one thing that I think would help a lot would be for any user-entered artifact to be easily translated by other users, and for those translations to be easily accessible. We (the Launchpad developers) can make it so you can read all of our text in multiple languages, but users will only enter comments in one language. For comments not in English, I'd want to make it so that if I asked a community member to translate for me, it would be super simple for them to click on the comment and add a parallel comment (in a different language). It should be obviously linked to the original, and it should again be super simple for me to click on and call up the English translation.I think that would be really exciting. However, I wouldn't block on
it being formally supported. We already informally have bilingual
users mediating between non-English-speaking users and
English-speaking developers. In eg a bug you could always add a later
comment with a translation.
In practice I think most interaction with LOTE users could be through
answers at first, as the point of translation.
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