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Re: The MariaDB Foundation and MariaDB trademark?


Hi Jeremy,

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Jeremy Cole <jeremycole@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rasmus,
> As both a SkySQL VP and a board member, could you answer one question:
> What was the involvement (c.f. no involvement, passive notice, active
> agreement, approval, rejection, etc.) of the MariaDB Foundation and its
> board in the current/new uses of the MariaDB trademark: the MariaDB.com site
> and design itself, the phrase "MariaDB Enterprise", etc.?

The Foundation has been informed up front, but I want to re-iterate
that this is work in progress and that there will be more news coming
around the topics in a fairly near future.

> Additionally, should not MariaDB.com say in its footer "2013 © SkySQL" not
> "2013 © MariaDB" since, by my understanding "MariaDB" is not itself some
> commercial entity? Otherwise you're essentially acting as "SkySQL d/b/a
> MariaDB" which is unnecessarily confusing and ambiguous as to the
> position/relationship of the MariaDB Foundation.

Yes, it should be copyrighted SkySQL. Thanks for noticing! It will be corrected.

