openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
Mailing list archive
Message #03226
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
Dear Community,
As stated last week, I just modify the list of community reviewers as
follow :
* Include all team members to have only person, not team. Vauxoo and
Camptocamp has been remove to include their members, SerpentCS has been
remove and not replaced (as discussed privately with Jay, they have an
internal organization that forbid them to have one account per person, that
will not forbid them to make reviews. In any case, if they want to join
later on, we'll support them).
* Remove the "inactive" people: Borja Lopez, Jordi Esteve, Olivier Dony.
The new list of members is here:
Alexandre Fayolle - camptocamp
Eric Caudal -
Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp
hbto [Vauxoo]
Holger Brunn (Therp)
Isaac López Zúñiga -
Joao Alfredo Gama Batista
Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp
Maxime Chambreuil (
Moisés López -
Nhomar - Vauxoo
Nicolas Bessi - Camptocamp
Niels Huylebroeck
Omar (Pexego)
Pedro Manuel Baeza
Raphaël Valyi -
Stefan Rijnhart (Therp)
Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo)
*I suggest that everybody in that team write his full name* in his account
displayed name (like Holger Brunn and not hbto for example).
Thanks you all for your investment in this reviewer team. For those who has
not review the current document for reviewing others work, please have a
look on it and bring your opinion/contribution:
Best regards,
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Nhomar Hernández <nhomar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2013/9/11 Serpent Consulting Services <serpentcs.lp@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Thanks Joel.
>> Please allow**serpent-consulting-services<>
>> (this is an id as a person used by Husen and Jay)
> I honestly prefer use Husen and Jay accounts separatly.
> no-personal accounts are more difficult to follow.
>> is a team, so this should be
>> removed if any.
>> Thanks everyone.
>> On Wednesday 11 September 2013 01:28 PM, Joël Grand-Guillaume wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Thanks you for your input on that topic. So if I summarize:
>> 1) Removal of people from the reviewer team (nothing to do again with
>> contribution, just to have people in there that take time to review and
>> merge others work):
>> We agreed to remove:
>> Borja López Soilán :
>> Jordi Esteve : jesteve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Olivier Dony: odo@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> We agreed to keep:
>> Raphaël Valyi :
>> Unless someone write his discomfort here, I will remove the named
>> people at the end of the week. Still, they can apply again in case their
>> interest come back, we'll be more than happy on that :) ! Raphaël, great to
>> have you on board, I'm looking forward to have your review beside ours,
>> thanks !
>> 2) Usage of named person instead of team. It seems that everybody vote
>> for that, so I would remove those following team:
>> * Camptocamp Community Reviewer
>> * Vauxoo Community Reviewer
>> * Serpent Consulting Services
>> And include their actual members, which are:
>> For Vauxoo:
>> * Tulio Ruiz (Vauxoo) :
>> * Nhomar - Vauxoo :
>> * Moisés López - :
>> * Isaac López Zúñiga - :
>> * hbto [Vauxoo] :
>> For Camptocamp:
>> * Alexandre Fayolle :
>> * Nicolas Bessi :
>> * Guewen Baconnier :
>> * Joël Grand-Guillaume :
>> For Serpent Consulting Service:
>> * Here I don't find any person in here as it is a login for a single
>> account and not a team. So please provide me the personal account to
>> include instead or I will have to remove you here :(
>> Note that as Daniel said, everybody here is free to make his review,
>> even if not part of the reviewer team, so please, join the effort !
>> I'll do this by the end of the week or beginning of the next one. I
>> really hope this will helps moving forward to straighten the community
>> effort.
>> Best regards to you all,
>> Joël
>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Joël Grand-Guillaume <
>> joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Dear Raphaël,
>>> I never mean here (and never will) that you do not contribute to
>>> OpenERP !!
>>> The thread here is about having an OpenERP Community Reviewer team with
>>> active people in it. That's not the same. You do contribute a lot,
>>> everybody agree on that. But without any harm, you are not making review.
>>> That's 2 different things.
>>> We all had one year (a bit less) to prove our investment here, and
>>> trust me, I do not have lot of time in there either, but I try at least to
>>> give some time every month for it.
>>> So, if you say you still want to review and take time for this, fine
>>> for me, I'm more than happy trust me ! That's a good news :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Joël
>>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Raphael Valyi <rvalyi@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Nhomar Hernández <nhomar@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> 2013/9/10 Leonardo Pistone <leonardo.pistone@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> Raphael,
>>>>>> I know very well you are a contributor, and I think most people do.
>>>>>> If you say you're willing to review somewhat soon, that's fine by me.
>>>>> Same for me.
>>>>> No problem mantain Raphael.
>>>>> BTW, if you put openly in what you are working this kind of
>>>>> misunderstood will be avoided.
>>>>> Our unique way to measure is the activities in the "Reviewer Team"
>>>>> what is the work in what we are working now.
>>>>> But if you think to finish you big job you will need the reviewer
>>>>> access, for me is fine keep you in the team.
>>>> Also, as a complement, I would like to let you know that at the
>>>> Brazilian part of Akretion, we recently did a major push forward of Noviat
>>>> work around cashflow (in a 150 users/500 employees mechanical industry
>>>> company), interacting with Noviat (Luc de Meyer) and even Ana Juaristi.
>>>> Polishing that cashflow work should bring us on par with major ERP players
>>>> around. Specifically we worked on creating mixin to create cashflow lines
>>>> from other ERP managed facts with ease.
>>>> We should still test a bit more in production and polish the feedback
>>>> around this, but this is coming. In the meanwhile, this made me release
>>>> Noviat relies on their bank_statement_extension module for that (and we did
>>>> too, v6.1 project). We will need to refactor bank statement extension
>>>> modules to extract a minimal common denominator. I will happily participate
>>>> to this clean up work, but that won't be that easy as it has deep
>>>> implications with eBanking and SEPA eventually. I hope we won't end up as
>>>> fragmented the account_payment extensions modules. If we start soon enough
>>>> we have more chance to get that clean early. So at some point, the
>>>> impression you get if smb participate or not depends a bit where exactly
>>>> you look or not. And we didn't consider this to be polished enough to
>>>> bother the community with prototyping with us at these early stages.
>>>> Anyway, not trying to excuse me for little reviews these months, but
>>>> just informing you on what we have been doing and may not be immediately
>>>> visible to you, but certainly is useful in the community prospective.
>>>> Generally speaking, I think it will be important OCA chart members
>>>> vote for what modules OCA should focus or not. By trying to be too
>>>> ambitious, we loose focus from the core and decrease the quality of the
>>>> core. And we shouldn't reproduce the errors from the past with god branches
>>>> gathering too many modules with too little quality/reusability and
>>>> incompatibilities between branches as soon as you need to patch something
>>>> as you often need to the framework being what it is (with good things
>>>> coming in v8 fortunately). This is specially because I have this concern in
>>>> mind that I'm ambitious regarding the git synch because IMHO this is the
>>>> only tool (or say long with hg) that is fast enough (hey unlike with bzr
>>>> git-subtree works) to seamlessly approach the one module = one branch that
>>>> we will need soon to avoid spaghetti branches again. With these bridges, we
>>>> could even think about a continuous, modules extraction into sub-branches
>>>> and continuous publication as pip modules. When we will have this, things
>>>> will be much easier when one will need to patch just one module to make it
>>>> compatible with one localization or something like that. Today, I would say
>>>> the complexity doesn't scale yet, it's just too easy people need to patch
>>>> branches in incompatibles ways at the same time and at the end it's still a
>>>> headache to maintain (though easier than in the past) and we end up too
>>>> often with branches per customers. And if it's too hard, community is too
>>>> small, integrators aren't profitable enough to grow and to maintain
>>>> themselves and that's a shot in the feet for everybody. So in a word, today
>>>> we still need these grouping branches. But in the future, that will again
>>>> hit a scalability limits we will neeed to overcome with a better tool
>>>> chain, and I've been working a bit on that, as well as others I'm sure.
>>>> Finally, ending with an optimistic note: things like fixing the
>>>> on_change API in v8 (as it seems to be done in Raphaël Collet's 'rco'
>>>> branch) will dramatically improve this situation of incompatible modules.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> --
>>>> Raphaël Valyi
>>>> Founder and consultant
>>>> <>
>>>> +55 21 2516 2954 <%2B55%2021%202516%202954>
>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>> Post to : openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>> --
>>> *camptocamp*
>>> *Joël Grand-Guillaume*
>>> Division Manager
>>> Business Solutions
>>> +41 21 619 10 28
>> --
>> *camptocamp*
>> *Joël Grand-Guillaume*
>> Division Manager
>> Business Solutions
>> +41 21 619 10 28
>> _______________________________________________
>> Mailing list:
>> Post to : openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Regards,
>> Serpent Consulting Services.
>> Web :
>> Twitter: jaynvora, husendaudi
>> Skype: jaynvora, husen.daudi
>> Blog :
>> _______________________________________________
>> Mailing list:
>> Post to : openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> --
> --------------------
> Saludos Cordiales
> Nhomar G. Hernandez M.
> +58-414-4110269
> Skype: nhomar00
> Web-Blog:
> Servicios IT:
> Linux-Counter: 467724
> Correos:
> nhomar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> nhomar@xxxxxxxxxx
> twitter @nhomar
*Joël Grand-Guillaume*
Division Manager
Business Solutions
+41 21 619 10 28

Follow ups
Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Joël Grand-Guillaume, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Eric Caudal, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Serpent Consulting Services, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Er. Jay Vora, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Pedro Manuel Baeza Romero, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Joël Grand-Guillaume, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Raphael Valyi, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Leonardo Pistone, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Nhomar Hernández, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Raphael Valyi, 2013-09-10
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Joël Grand-Guillaume, 2013-09-11
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Joël Grand-Guillaume, 2013-09-11
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Serpent Consulting Services, 2013-09-11
Re: Removing inactive members from the reviewers team
From: Nhomar Hernández, 2013-09-11