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Re: Proposal to improve communication and make more efficient the inclusion of new branches.


On 10/27/2013 08:19 AM, Fabien Pinckaers wrote:

This is not an issue anymore. The new realease policy fixes this. We don't do anymore cycles like: develop for 9 months, fix during 3 months, then release.
Now, the trunk is stable. Every new feature in trunk goes to minimum 3 
code review before being merged in trunk (the developer, its team 
leader if any, functional useability expert (apr), then another 
developer not involved in the development).

As per slide 28 of http://www.slideshare.net/openobject/openerp-2012-openerp-strategy, the same was supposed to be true for the 7.0 release. Much as we love OpenERP and appreciate that you put a lot of effort into development and maintenance, we did not experience the 7.0 release as stable (and I am not talking about the partner model, but simply the usability of the core modules). Is it really going to be different this time?

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