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Re: language issue: "fr_CA" (French Canada) doesn't work


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Kyle Nitzsche
<kyle.nitzsche@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So, if it should *not* be translated, then it *won't* be in a msgstr and
> therefore won't be a false positive, right?
> If someone erroneously translates it, it can be removed in trunk, which will
> sync to LP, fixing the problem.
> This gets to the question of ensuring strings that should not be translated
> are not translated, I think :)

I think you missed the point.  I choose a non-translated string so I
wouldn't have to translate it.

Let's try another example—this time with a string that requires some

Again, in the po/pt_BR.po file, find line 28.  This should correspond
to the glossary entry for Canonical.

Set the msgstr to the following translation:

msgstr ""
"\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, a "
"mantenedora oficial do Ubuntu, provê suporte para o núcleo do sistema "
"Ubuntu. Possui cerca de 310 membros pagos ao redor do mundo a fim de "
"garantir que os fundamentos do sistema operacional sejam estáveis, bem como "
"verificar todos os trabalhos submetidos por colaboradores voluntários. Para "
"aprender mais sobre a Canonical, visite \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}";

Now, when the get_msgstrgs_with_unescaped_specialchars script runs, it
will complain about this line.  The complaint is in error and the PDF
compiles successfully.


Follow ups
