El día Sunday, April 17, 2016 a las 08:01:57PM +0200, Ingo Randolf escribió:
the log file in /android/cache/recovery reveals, that there is not
enough space on the disk to unpack the update.
that is good to know.
after cleaning the phone i have 3.7GB free space, but the update fails
here the last lines in the log:
progress: 5819
tar: write error: No space left on device
I:Ubuntu update complete
Ubuntu update complete.
Hi Ingo,
I took the time to format your disk layout to something readable and
I'm adding mine; maybe this gives you or someone the clue about; what
comes in my mind: why is /dev/mmcblk0p6 used 100%? Do you have your
system mounted writeable? mine is:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet-bq:~$ mount | fgrep /dev/mmcblk0p6
/dev/mmcblk0p6 on / type ext4 (ro,relatime,data=ordered)
here your disk-layout:
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 479M 4.0K 479M 1% /dev
tmpfs 97M 336K 96M 1% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p7 4.4G 1000M 3.2G 24% /userdata
/dev/mmcblk0p6 2.0G 2.0G 0 100% /
/dev/loop0 41M 139M 1.8M 99% /android/system
none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /android
tmpfs 481M 4.0K 481M 1% /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-path/platform-mtk-msdc.0-part5 689M 222M 432M 34% /android/cache
none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 481M 36K 481M 1% /tmp
none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
none 481M 112K 481M 1% /run/shm
none 100M 0 100M 0% /run/user
cgmfs 100K 0 100K 0% /run/cgmanager/fs
tmpfs 481M 0 481M 0% /media
tmpfs 481M 4.0K 481M 1% /var/lib/sudo
tmpfs 97M 52K 97M 1% /run/user/32011
tmpfs 97M 0 97M 0% /run/user/0
/dev/mmcblk1 7.5G 1.5G 6.0G 20% /media/phablet/E4FE-434F
here my disk-layout:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 479M 4.0K 479M 1% /dev
tmpfs 97M 404K 96M 1% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p7 4.4G 3.6G 651M 85% /userdata
/dev/mmcblk0p6 2.0G 1.7G 206M 90% /
/dev/loop0 141M 139M 1.8M 99% /android/system
none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /android
tmpfs 481M 4.0K 481M 1% /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-path/platform-mtk-msdc.0-part5 689M 17M 638M 3% /android/cache
none 4.0K 0 4.0K 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 481M 72K 481M 1% /tmp
none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
none 481M 1.3M 480M 1% /run/shm
cgmfs 100K 0 100K 0% /run/cgmanager/fs
none 100M 0 100M 0% /run/user
tmpfs 481M 0 481M 0% /media
tmpfs 481M 4.0K 481M 1% /var/lib/sudo
tmpfs 97M 80K 96M 1% /run/user/32011
tmpfs 97M 0 97M 0% /run/user/0
/dev/mmcblk1 7.5G 2.0G 5.5G 26% /media/phablet/4BDC-71D9