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Re: No more dodge windows in Unity ? Why keep the "Always hide" option ?


On 02/10/2012 01:30 AM, pjssilva@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
But now I understand what may have happened. The Canonical team tested dodge windows as default and concluded that it made people uncomfortable and then concluded that the option was not good even for a non-default setting and decided to wipe out of the configuration. Is that it?
Well no , they concluded that it's too much to have three options and they have to make a call which to should stay . Here you may be right that this decision was flawed because they took data from users who did not set that up themselfs . So after they cut it as an option they cut it as a function too , to keep the code clean ...
Since the design team decided that they would complete delete "Dodge windows" and keep "Always hide" (as non-default), I thought they have tested both in the same conditions. And as I understood they tested Dodge windows as default, the same should have been done with Always hide. Or even better, they should have tested them as non-default (and hence giving the users some kind of explanation of what the non-default behavior was and asking them to change it themselves). If such test in equal conditions was not done how do they know that users prefer Hide always instead of Dodge windows? best, Paulo
Here the problem is that testing has its costs and they can't test every detail like that .

