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Message #05028
Re: Emails not being sent
Hi Ryan,
in 2.16 we added a convenient method for testing your email setup under
settings > email:
We also added some more logging on failure.
So if you are able to upgrade to 2.16 some time that would help.
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Bob Jolliffe <bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ryan I just set up dhis2 v2.15 build 15196. I set up a mail transport
> (exim4) on localhost and tried out the dhis2 messaging functionality. I set
> "Enable message email notifications" on the account.
> The messages are properly being routed to the mail server and delivered to
> my email account. They go immediately, ie without any scheduler delay.
> So there is something else going on with your setup. I can only think it
> is something to do with the "Enable message email notifications" setting
> somehow not being recognized. So some problem in the messaging setup but
> not the email.
> Sorry it is not very helpful to you for me to confirm that it "works here"
> but that is all I have at the moment.
> Bob
> On 31 July 2014 08:18, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Ok, thanks. Please let me know.
>> Cheers
>> ryan
>> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* mardi 29 juillet 2014 13:52
>> *To:* WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil
>> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Emails not being sent
>> Ah ok. So I think there is no need to waste time doing the tcpdump
>> thing. If the log file is not saying that email has been sent then there
>> will have been no comms with the mail server.
>> So you are right - there seem not to be a problem with the lower level
>> email sending code. The issue is elsewhere.
>> Somebody a bit closer to the messaging code should be able to help you
>> debugging why the messages are not being sent. I could work through the
>> code but will take longer than someone more familiar with it. I might get
>> the chance later in the week but definitely not today :-(
>> On 29 July 2014 12:29, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Bob,
>> There are two issues or “functions”.
>> 1. Password recovery (uses email function)
>> a. This now works since the installation of the lasted build of
>> 2.15
>> 2. Messages sent via email (when use enables this)
>> a. This does not work
>> b. No entire are in the log files pertaining to this
>> c. This is the reason for my questions, is there a scheduler (but
>> over 48hrs later, still nothing in log)
>> Since item 1 works and not 2, leads me to believe that it is not only an
>> email issue.
>> I will try to test for communications between the server and the email
>> server.
>> Thanks
>> ryan
>> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* mardi 29 juillet 2014 13:08
>> *To:* WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil
>> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Emails not being sent
>> Hi Ryan
>> I hope one of the authors of that module who will have been working and
>> testing the module will be able to answer this more authoritatively. My
>> comments were based really on a reading of the source code and predicting
>> from that what it *should* be doing.
>> What I can say is that there is no scheduler, or if there is it has
>> already been invoked for you to see the log messages that you do. The code
>> which sends the email seems to do it there and then and should be throwing
>> some exception if it fails ie. you shouldn't really see the "Email sent
>> using host" line in your log if the sending fails. Rather you should
>> see "Could not send email: "
>> Of course it is hard to know what the mailhost does with it but it seems
>> what you are saying is that the mail doesn't reach it. As I indicated
>> earlier what I would do is to use something like tcpdump on the server to
>> verify whether there is comms with the mailserver or not.
>> Regards
>> Bob
>> On 29 July 2014 10:49, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> I just installed 2.15 build 15196 and it managed to solve one aspect of
>> the problem. Email recovery now works.
>> Two additional lines show up in the log after the “recovery message sent”
>> line
>> * INFO 2014-07-28 18:33:08,739 Recovery message sent for user: xxx
>> (AccountController.java [TP-Processor8])
>> * INFO 2014-07-28 18:33:08,851 Sending email to user: xxx with email
>> address: xxx@xxxxxxx (EmailMessageSender.java
>> [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-76])
>> * INFO 2014-07-28 18:33:08,931 Email sent using host: aaaa.bbb.com with
>> TLS: false (EmailMessageSender.java [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-76])
>> However, email messages are still not being send via the message module,
>> even though the recipients all have “Enable message email notifications”
>> checked.
>> No lines concerning messages appear in the log. Should message be sent
>> immediately or is there a scheduler for this?
>> Ryan
>> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* vendredi 25 juillet 2014 13:29
>> *To:* WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil
>> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Emails not being sent
>> Yes you are right. I see lars added it on 20 May.
>> Though I see that the change was backported to 2.15 in rev 15054. If you
>> upgrade your war to the latest build of 2.15 (available from
>> https://apps.dhis2.org/ci/job/dhis-2.15/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-portal/target/dhis.war)
>> you will find that the email from_address setting has been added. It might
>> be your other problem is addressed as well.
>> Regards
>> Bob
>> On 25 July 2014 09:56, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> I think that is as of 2.16. In 2.15 I don’t see it.
>> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* jeudi 24 juillet 2014 15:49
>> *To:* WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil
>> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Emails not being sent
>> Sorry Ryan, just looking again at the code, I am not right about
>> FROM_ADDRESS being hard coded. This is in fact a system setting - in email
>> settings dialog.
>> On 24 July 2014 14:04, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> Thanks for providing the FROM_ADDRESS.
>> I will ask IT check the traffic information between the servers.
>> I sent an email through the server from my computer via telnet using the
>> FROM_ADDRESS:noreply@xxxxxxxxx and it went through fine.
>> ryan
>> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* jeudi 24 juillet 2014 12:44
>> *To:* WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil
>> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Emails not being sent
>> Hi Ryan
>> From what I understand of the source code, if the message sending failed
>> there should have been a warning entry in your log saying "Could not send
>> email: ... <reason>". If you are not seeing that then it is strange and
>> not consistent with the documentation of the apache commons email library
>> which is being used.
>> Can you perchance verify with ethereal or tcpdump that there is no
>> traffic between dhis2 and the email server?
>> The FROM_ADDRESS is currently hardwired to "noreply@xxxxxxxxx". Hope
>> its not being clobbered by a spam filter on your email server.
>> Bob
>> On 24 July 2014 10:49, WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil <williamsryan@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We are running version 2.15 instance of dhis2 and we are having trouble
>> getting the email functionality to work.
>> The email server address and port have been provided using the email
>> settings UI.
>> We have tried to use the recover password and send message functionality
>> to no avail. Each time the functions are executed, the following entries
>> can be found in the catalina.out log file respectively:
>> * … Recovery message sent for user: xxx
>> OR
>> * … Sending email to user: User{surname='xxx', …firstName= …
>> (EmailMessageSender.java [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-664])
>> * …Email sent using host: emailserver with TLS: false
>> (EmailMessageSender.java [SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor-664])
>> No entries can be found on the email server concerning these emails. No
>> errors concerning emails can be found in the catalina log file.
>> Other applications on the same server using the same settings can
>> successfully send emails.
>> Any ideas about what the problem could be or how we can debug this in
>> more detail?
>> Also, I don’t see a way to configure the FROM_ADDRESS, is this possible?
>> What is the default sender?
>> cheers
>> *Ryan*
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Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-24
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-24
Re: Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-24
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-24
Re: Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-25
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-25
Re: Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-29
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-29
Re: Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-29
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-29
Re: Emails not being sent
From: WILLIAMS, Ryan O'Neil, 2014-07-31
Re: Emails not being sent
From: Bob Jolliffe, 2014-07-31