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Re: Failed installation


I wasn't wanting to use the rules - it is just that doing the build from the >latest< sources from debian >uses< debian/rules and that was where the it reported the error and commenting it out fixed it for now.

Here is how I build a Release build and install on my machine. This is an illustration of CMake's simplicity. Previous to these commands, I have all the necessary packages installed and the "testing" branch in kicad.testing.

1 $ cd kicad.testing

2 $ mkdir release

3 $ cd release

4 $ cmake  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

5 $ make -j 6

(I have 8 processors on my box, I want 6 of them working on building Kicad.)

6 $ sudo make install

Only the last two steps are required on an interative basis. Once CMakeCache.txt is created properly in step 4, you rarely need to do that again.

The name of the out of tree build directory, in this case "release", is arbitrary. You could call it sunday_lunch.

It cannot get much easier.

