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Re: emacs switches to Git


On 12/11/14 14:28, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:> On 11/12/2014 9:01 AM, Mark Roszko wrote:
At that
>  Kicad has been
> hosted on launchpad for the last 6 years, the amount of accumulated
> information outside of the source will be significantly more that the
> last transition.

Pardon my ignorance, but I don't understand why a VCS move would entail a move away from launchpad. In my mind the mailing list, the website, the wiki etc. are completely different things.
The project wiki is already a separate entity on confluence to 
everything else.
Also I would gently urge others not to FUD this issue, because moving 
really wouldn't be that big a deal.

> I consider hosting as important as the chosen vcs.  Using a hosting site
> based on non-free software may be risky.  Anyone remember the
> kernel/bitkeeper fiasco?  I'm not sure we have the manpower or technical
> expertise to host our own git repo.

I think that's rather overblown. At sigrok.org, we have a VPM hosting

gitlite + cgit repo viewer

on Debian Stable

...nothing fancy, but it works and works well! and requires next to no work to maintain. Certainly wouldn't take the average linux user more than half a day to set all that up.
But like I say, I'm only talking about the VCS. And the reason I'm 
talking about the VCS is that there's a mass exodus from this particular 
one, which won't do the project any favours.

Follow ups
