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kicad-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #41066
Re: Ratsnest options
It is two scroll areas in the mockup. I will have a more real concept to
share with the list for feedback later this summer. (I think two tabs
would lead to tab scrolling on smaller displays, which doesn't seem great)
Nets are flattened in PcbNew.
On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 7:06 PM Reece R. Pollack <reece@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jon,
> May I suggest making the net and net class listings two different tabs?
> I'd rather not have to scroll past a few hundred nets to get to the net
> class listing. Or two scroll areas on the same tab, though I think separate
> tabs would be better.
> Are nets hierarchical by the time they get to Pcbnew, or have they been
> flattened to a single namespace?
> -Reece
> On 6/13/19 4:05 PM, Jon Evans wrote:
> I will let you know once it's a bit farther along. There will be a live
> filter (fuzzy matching) to make it easier to find things.
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 4:04 PM Reece Pollack <reece@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Jon, that looks great!
>> How well does that model work when there are hundreds of nets rather than
>> six?
>> -Reece
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Jon Evans" <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *To: *"reece" <reece@xxxxxxx>
>> *Cc: *"KiCad Developers" <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent: *Thursday, June 13, 2019 2:07:07 PM
>> *Subject: *Re: [Kicad-developers] Ratsnest options
>> It's coming, Reece!
>> (obvious disclaimer: this is a mockup and doesn't represent final UI, etc
>> etc)
>> [image: image.png]
>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 2:03 PM Reece Pollack <reece@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> For myself, I see no value to having the Ratsnest on/off in the View
>>> menu or in Preferences. Having it in the left toolbar as well as the Layers
>>> widget is duplicative but convenient.
>>> What would seriously reduce my use of the Ratsnest show/hide function is
>>> the ability to limit what nets appear in the ratsnest. I'd guess about
>>> 1/4th to 1/3rd of the ratsnest in my designs is GND. These eventually get
>>> connected to internal planes through vias, and seeing these airwires all
>>> over the place is just visual noise. Other big offenders are the various
>>> power nets (+3V3, +1V2, etc.) which I'd often prefer to hide. Eagle
>>> supports showing/hiding nets by name via the command line, and KiCad needs
>>> a similar capability. I seem to recall this being on the roadmap though I
>>> could be mistaken.
>>> Thinking it through a bit more, it might be more valuable to allow
>>> hiding/showing by net class rather than by name. This would make it easier
>>> to navigate in a GUI as there would be fewer net classes than nets, and
>>> this would group similar nets together.
>>> -Reece

Ratsnest options
From: Seth Hillbrand, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Jon Evans, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Seth Hillbrand, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Wayne Stambaugh, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Jeff Young, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Reece Pollack, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Jon Evans, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Reece Pollack, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Jon Evans, 2019-06-13
Re: Ratsnest options
From: Reece R. Pollack, 2019-06-13