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Re: Plugin/3rd party content manager


On 11/27/19 12:15 AM, mitjan696-ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Seth,

This does sound like an invitation. I've written a number of action plugins [1] and would be glad to help with KiCad main code, but my C++ skills are nonexistent (I do know a bit of C though, so the basic syntax should not be an issue). I've never built KiCad from source and I am developing on Windows. So how should I proceed?

Best regard, Mitja

Hi Mitja-

It is indeed an invitation.  Thank you for stepping up!  Most of the Python tagged bugs in the tracker are actually C++ bugs or wishlist items that deal with the Python interface.  I have in mind a few other ideas for Python coders who'd like to contribute.  I'll run them by the lead devs first and after buy-in, I'll coordinate with you offline to see which you are interested in.

We'll also see what we can do about explicitly encouraging Python contributions in the future.

Thanks again and I'll be in touch shortly!

KiCad Services Corporation KiCad Services Corporation Logo
Seth Hillbrand
*Lead Developer*
+1-530-302-5483‬ <tel:+12126039372>
Davis, CA
www.kipro-pcb.com <https://www.kipro-pcb.com/> info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> https://twitter.com/KiProEDA <https://twitter.com/KiProEDA> https://www.linkedin.com/company/kicad <https://www.linkedin.com/company/kicad>
