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Re: MariaDB Server 10.3 notes


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Am 16.10.2016 um 04:09 schrieb Roberto Spadim:
There're financial software running windows withoutproblems

that is all nice - but the whole point of a database server which is reachable over network is that it can run on a dedicated machine and the client can by anything anywhere

consider the development ressources which could be spent better like fixing bugs as "mysqld: 161016 5:16:22 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 10.0.27-MariaDB) starting as process 19795 ..." after a year still spit in the syslog instead in the mysql general log....

Em sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> escreveu:

    Am 15.10.2016 um 17:22 schrieb Tim Callaghan:

        Every time the topic of getting TokuDB to run on Windows the
        could not have run out of the room any faster.  :)

    frankly what is the purpose of running MySQL/MariaDB on Windows?
    who does that in production?

    for development?
    develop a application on Windows which finally runs on a different OS?

    not in 2016 when anybody sane in his mind would setup a virtual
    machine so that his testing servers are really reflecting the later
    production environment (for the poor guys which are running Windows
    on their bare metal development machine)
