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Re: On reporting systems for OpenERP


Il giorno dom, 13/12/2009 alle 09.58 -0500, Ovnicraft ha scritto:
> I think we can help to report-openoffice[1] project to do what they
> want, i was reading the blueprints and see one about Ooo plugin, we
> are really interesting in create a tool to reports.
> Searching:
> many output formats.
> easy to create a report without programming
> Ooo as designer

These are the goals of report_openoffice.

Some people prefer Jasper/iReport or other solutions, because those are
"reporting tools" and even because they don't need to install openoffice
on the server.
I perfectly agree, but when we thought at report_openoffice for the
first time we had in mind those people who need to just move a field on
the report, add an image or other common situations where those task can
be addressed to non-technical users, like the "girl Friday" [1]

So, what we dream is something similar to the Tiny's OpenReport [2], but
Report OpenOffice itself is almost working.
yes, we can improve performances, syntax efficiency and other things...

> I propose reach an agreement and we can create improve this project.

At the moment, the development is organized on IRC (#relatorio channel),
because we often need the precious help of Cèdric Krier (Relatorio and
Tryton developer).
But we can open a dedicated IRC channel or launchpad mailing list.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Friday_%28idiom%29
[2] http://tinyurl.com/ya9tbsq

Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>domsense.com
web: http://www.domsense.com

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