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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #223536]: Need a sikuli which supports JDK 7
Re: [Question #223536]: Need a sikuli which supports JDK 7
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2013-06-25
Re: [Question #223536]: Need a sikuli which supports JDK 7
From: RaiMan, 2013-06-25
[Question #223536]: Need a sikuli which supports JDK 7(build 1.7.0_11-b219)?Current version of sikuli which iam using is sikuli-r930-win32.zip , Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905)-win32.zip.And this is not supporting JDK 7 as this is mentioned in "http://www.sikuli.org/download.htm
From: Sunil Kumar Kondam, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223512]: how to print output to log file and windows server console at the same time
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223512]: how to print output to log file and windows server console at the same time
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223512]: how to print output to log file and windows server console at the same time
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2013-03-22
Re: [Question #223521]: Sikuli and RDP windows
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223521]: Sikuli and RDP windows
From: fordox, 2015-07-06
Re: [Question #223529]: Select a complete line using sikuli
From: XYZ, 2013-03-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223529]: Select a complete line using sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
[Question #223529]: Select a complete line using sikuli
From: XYZ, 2013-03-06
[Question #223528]: Sikuli startup issue with Oracle Enterprise Linux 64-bit
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
[Question #223521]: Sikuli and RDP windows
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
[Question #223512]: how to print output to log file and windows server console at the same time
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
[Question #223475]: SSH client module for Sikuli
From: aurnoi1, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223449]: yes no box
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223449]: yes no box
From: dude, 2013-03-08
Re: [Question #223449]: yes no box
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-08
[Question #223449]: yes no box
From: dude, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223443]: How to get text in Sikuli Java API
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223443]: [Sikuli Java API] How to get text from screen
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
[Question #223443]: How to get text in Sikuli Java API
From: Saorabh Singh, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223428]: Major Diff and Comparision of sikuli with selenium and Qtp
From: viresh.sb, 2013-03-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223428]: Major Diff and Comparision of sikuli with selenium and Qtp
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
[Question #223428]: Comparision of sikuli with selenium and Qtp
From: viresh.sb, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223404]: need to change the case of some text
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223397]: sikuli help for a computer illiterate father
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223415]: Sikuli is not taking input after launching
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
[Question #223415]: Sikuli is not taking input after launching
From: Nizam Uddin, 2013-03-05
[Question #223404]: need to change the case of some text
From: dude, 2013-03-05
[Question #223397]: sikuli help for a computer illiterate father
From: Alan Hu, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-05
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-06
[Question #223387]: how to start sikuli on command line using it with Hudson
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
[Question #191414]: Status of bug #963787 changed to 'New' in Sikuli
From: sam, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223366]: How to handle Application Dropdown menu selection
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223366]: How to handle Application Dropdown menu selection
From: harlan mosley, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223366]: How to handle Application Dropdown menu selection
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2013-03-20
[Question #223366]: How to handle Application Dropdown menu selection
From: harlan mosley, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223337]: how to check for multiple picture condition
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
[Question #223337]: how to check for multiple picture condition
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223322]: how to highlight and delete text string in text box
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223327]: how to drag vertical scroll to reach another text box
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223324]: How to type text using Sikuli Java Standalone APIs
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223313]: When i click on the (click) command on the options to the left, it closes the software-read for more info.
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223313]: When i click on the (click) command on the options to the left, it closes the software-read for more info.
From: Andy Stewart, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223313]: When i click on the (click) command on the options to the left, it closes the software-read for more info.
From: Andy Stewart, 2013-03-04
[Question #223327]: how to drag vertical scroll to reach another text box
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
[Question #223324]: How to type text using Sikuli Java Standalone APIs
From: Nikhil Raman, 2013-03-04
[Question #223322]: how to highlight and delete text string in text box
From: ZW, 2013-03-04
[Question #223313]: When i click on the (click) command on the options to the left, it closes the software-read for more info.
From: Andy Stewart, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: jptlse, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: RaiMan, 2013-11-13
Re: [Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: John, 2018-01-17
[Question #223258]: How get (x, y) cursor location of mouse click?
From: Filin8, 2013-03-02
Re: [Question #223202]: Automating expand-collapse buttons using Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223202]: Automating expand-collapse buttons using Sikuli
From: testdrive, 2013-03-25
Re: [Question #223202]: Automating expand-collapse buttons using Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-25
Re: [Question #223202]: Automating expand-collapse buttons using Sikuli
From: testdrive, 2013-03-26
[Question #223202]: Automating expand-collapse buttons using Sikuli
From: testdrive, 2013-03-02
Re: [Question #102758]: Drop down menu on web page.
From: harlan mosley, 2013-03-01
Re: [Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2013-03-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2013-03-01
Re: [Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-02
Re: [Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2013-03-06
Re: [Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-06
[Question #223180]: How to read windows file properties?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2013-03-01
[Question #223150]: Sikuli crash on CentOs 6.2
From: Rohitvyas, 2013-03-01
Re: [Question #223076]: Sleep until specific time, or start at specific time?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #223076]: Sleep until specific time, or start at specific time?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-03-01
Re: [Question #223076]: Sleep until specific time, or start at specific time?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-03-01
Re: [Question #223127]: sikuli and Hudson continuous integration possible ?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-01
[Question #223127]: sikuli and Hudson continuous integration possible ?
From: ZW, 2013-03-01
[Question #223076]: Sleep until specific time, or start at specific time?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-02-28
Re: [Question #222940]: Always miss when you click moving object
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222940]: Always miss when you click moving object
From: ecky putrady, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222940]: Always miss when you click moving object
From: ecky putrady, 2013-02-27
[Question #222940]: Always miss when you click moving object
From: ecky putrady, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222925]: aborts when I click almost anything
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222923]: Using Sikuli to take automated screenshots of a window?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222923]: Using Sikuli to take automated screenshots of a window?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222923]: Using Sikuli to take automated screenshots of a window?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222923]: Using Sikuli to take automated screenshots of a window?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222910]: Running several scripts in sequence can not import the modules in different directories
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222910]: Running several scripts in sequence can not import the modules in different directories
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-27
Re: [Question #222910]: Running several scripts in sequence can not import the modules in different directories
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-27
[Question #222925]: aborts when I click almost anything
From: karlirvin, 2013-02-26
[Question #222923]: Using Sikuli to take automated screenshots of a window?
From: chris j vargo, 2013-02-26
[Question #222910]: Running several scripts in sequence can not import the modules in different directories
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222884]: Sikuli cannot recognize entered password
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222884]: Sikuli cannot recognize entered password
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2013-03-14
[Question #222884]: Sikuli cannot recognize entered password
From: Neja, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222874]: Checked and uncked checkboxes
From: Neja, 2013-02-26
[Question #222874]: Checked and uncked checkboxes
From: Neja, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222858]: run Loops from Sikuli IDE GUI (not from command line script)
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
[Question #222858]: run Loops from Sikuli IDE GUI (not from command line script)
From: daniel, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222826]: How to launch firefox on a remote PC
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222826]: How to launch firefox on a remote PC
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222826]: How to launch firefox on a remote PC
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222826]: How to launch firefox on a remote PC
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222851]: Running simultaneously Multiple scripts of sikuli at the same time
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: testdrive, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: testdrive, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: testdrive, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: Bunnings, 2013-04-19
Re: [Question #222751]: Eclipse Juno: PyDev: How to use sikuli-script.jar?
From: Aravind, 2013-04-19
[Question #222851]: Running simultaneously Multiple scripts of sikuli at the same time
From: daniel, 2013-02-26
[Question #222826]: How to launch firefox on a remote PC
From: Roy Chang, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222794]: run .bat file
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
[Question #222794]: run .bat file
From: fani, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: daniel, 2013-02-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: daniel, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: Anton Kanishchev, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: Anton Kanishchev, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: Anton Kanishchev, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: daniel, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: daniel, 2013-02-26
[Question #222785]: run sikuli from terminal on MAC
From: daniel, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: Fox88, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: Fox88, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: Fox88, 2013-03-15
Re: [Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-15
[Question #222761]: Sikuli TestSuite takes too long too find images
From: Fox88, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: testdrive, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: testdrive, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: testdrive, 2013-02-26
Re: [Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-26
[Question #222751]: Easyeclipse Python java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
From: testdrive, 2013-02-25
Re: [Question #222680]: Python XLRD, XLWT & XL Utility : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel spreadsheet?
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222680]: Python XLRD, XLWT & XL Utility : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel spreadsheet?
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222680]: Python XLRD & XLWT : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel spreadsheet?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222680]: Sikuli XLRD & XLWT : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel spreadsheet?
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222680]: Sikuli XLRD & XLWT : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel spreadsheet?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222680]: Sikuli XLRD & XLWT : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the existing excel but different worksheets.
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222680]: Sikuli XLRD & XLWT : Is It possible to read & write vaues in the same excel but different worksheets.
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #204641]: Meet OutOfMemoryError with JAVA again --- cause ScreenHighlighter._opened
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-24
[Question #139625]: Status of bug #695720 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-24
[Question #141004]: Status of bug #695720 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-24
[Question #222680]: Sikuli XLRD: Examples of Fetching values from excel column by iteration & feeding to GUI Text box
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222645]: onAppear, while loop and observe timeout
From: Filin8, 2013-02-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222645]: onAppear, while loop and observe timeout
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222645]: onAppear, while loop and observe timeout
From: Filin8, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222645]: onAppear, while loop and observe timeout
From: Filin8, 2013-02-23
[Question #222645]: onAppear, while loop and observe timeout
From: Filin8, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
Re: [Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-24
[Question #222631]: Sikuli : XLRD - AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook
From: Sachin MA, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222616]: Image processing library
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #222616]: Image processing library
From: Yadish Khan, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222616]: Image processing library
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-23
Re: [Question #222616]: Image processing library
From: Yadish Khan, 2013-03-13
[Question #222616]: Image processing library
From: Yadish Khan, 2013-02-23
[Question #191850]: Status of bug #977181 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
[Question #192925]: Status of bug #977181 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
Re: [Question #136108]: toDoc! [HowTo] Running Sikuli on Remote Desktop Connection
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #136108]: toDoc! [HowTo] Running Sikuli on Remote Desktop Connection
From: sameer bahadur, 2013-10-03
Re: [Question #136108]: toDoc! [HowTo] Running Sikuli on Remote Desktop Connection
From: sameer bahadur, 2013-10-03
Re: [Question #171313]: X-1.0: IDE: Extensions server not available --- How to load extension Guide?
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #171313]: X-1.0: IDE: Extensions server not available --- How to load extension Guide?
From: testdrive, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #171313]: X-1.0: IDE: Extensions server not available --- How to load extension Guide?
From: testdrive, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #171313]: X-1.0: IDE: Extensions server not available --- How to load extension Guide?
From: RaiMan, 2013-03-04
Re: [Question #218546]: X-1.0: Cannot build sikuli win32 properly, followed all instructions from build-win32.txt
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
Re: [Question #220737]: X-1.0? unittest2: update of Sikuli's Jython for unittest
From: RaiMan, 2013-02-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #220737]: X-1.0? unittest2: update of Sikuli's Jython for unittest
From: dinev, 2013-06-05
200 of 59569 messages, page
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