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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
| 191 |
Re: [Question #229401]: [1.0] Error: Region outside any screen ... How to handle?
Re: [Question #229401]: [1.0] Error: Region outside any screen ... How to handle?
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-24
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched of - how to switch on in Sikuli API?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched of - how to switch on in Sikuli API?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched of - how to switch on in Sikuli API?
From: Ricardo Cardona Ramirez, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched of - how to switch on in Sikuli API?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched of - how to switch on in Sikuli API?
From: Ricardo Cardona Ramirez, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched off and Region outside any screen (updating from Sikuli X r930 to Sikuli API 1.0.0 win32)
From: Ricardo Cardona Ramirez, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64 -- if using 32-Bit Java, the 32-Bit Sikuli package is needed
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64 -- if using 32-Bit Java, the 32-Bit Sikuli package is needed
From: Iacopo, 2013-06-08
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64 -- if using 32-Bit Java, the 32-Bit Sikuli package is needed
From: Iacopo, 2013-06-08
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64 -- if using 32-Bit Java, the 32-Bit Sikuli package is needed
From: RaiMan, 2013-06-11
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64 -- if using 32-Bit Java, the 32-Bit Sikuli package is needed
From: Iacopo, 2013-06-20
[Question #229398]: [1.0] Text search currently switched off and Region outside any screen (updating from Sikuli X r930 to Sikuli API win32)
From: Ricardo Cardona Ramirez, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: Aoziguo, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: Aoziguo, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: Aoziguo, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229395]: [1.0] using Sikuli's Jython: org.python.util.jython - library problems
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229395]: Script can not run in command line with 1.0 GA
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
[Question #229395]: Script can not run in command line with 1.0 GA
From: Aoziguo, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: Alexey, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: Alexey, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229386]: Need help in converting a sikuli script to Java
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229386]: Need help in converting a sikuli script to Java
From: srijith, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229371]: [RC3] test stuff in the Sikuli sources - what is it good for?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
[Question #229386]: Need help in converting a sikuli script to Java
From: srijith, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229373]: [1.0.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
[Question #229373]: [1.0.0] Can't start IDE on Win64
From: Alexey, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Eclipse: Jython: Win32 - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229366]: [1.0] Windows 32 bit - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: anish, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: anish, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: anish, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
[Question #229371]: visionproxy.lib
From: anish, 2013-05-22
[Question #229366]: New Version - Windows 32 bit - Native library could not be extracted nor found: VisionProxy
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-21
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: Southy, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-22
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: Southy, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-23
[Question #229353]: Eclipse shared library error on Ubuntu 64Bit
From: Southy, 2013-05-21
Re: [Question #229342]: Type WIN key with "b" key not working with VMware player
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229342]: Type WIN key with "b" key not working with VMware player
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-21
Re: [Question #229342]: Type WIN key with "b" key not working with VMware player
From: Roy Chang, 2013-05-21
[Question #229342]: Type WIN key with "b" key not working with VMware player
From: Roy Chang, 2013-05-21
Re: [Question #229238]: [Sikuli Java API] Using Sikuli causes memory heap error..
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229238]: [Sikuli Java API] Using Sikuli causes memory heap error..
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-20
Re: [Question #229238]: Using Sikuli causes memory heap error..
From: saranya, 2013-05-20
[Question #229238]: Using Sikuli causes memory heap error..
From: saranya, 2013-05-20
[Question #229162]: NEW VERSION: SikuliX-1.0 per May 22nd 2013 --- old stuff is [RC3]
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-18
Re: [Question #229162]: NEW VERSION: SikuliX-1.0 per May 22nd 2013 --- old stuff is [RC3] from now on
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-18
Re: [Question #229162]: NEW VERSION: SikuliX-1.0 per May 22nd 2013 --- old stuff is [RC3]
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-18
Re: [Question #229162]: *** NEW VERSION*** SikuliX-1.0 per May 22nd 2013 --- old stuff is [RC3] from now on
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229162]: *** NEW VERSION*** SikuliX-1.0 per May 22nd 2013 --- old stuff is [RC3] from now on
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: Southy, 2013-05-18
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-19
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: Southy, 2013-05-19
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-20
Re: [Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-20
[Question #229144]: install sikuli on ubuntu 12.04
From: Southy, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: csy, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: csy, 2013-05-20
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-20
Re: [Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: csy, 2013-05-20
Re: [Question #229067]: [request] individual Scan rate for multiple observe
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229067]: [request] individual Scan rate for multiple observe
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229067]: diff Scan rate for multiple observe
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229067]: individual Scan rate for multiple observe
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
[Question #229079]: select a date from calendar
From: csy, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-23
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: fasatrix, 2013-11-07
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-11-07
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: neogeo, 2014-04-08
Re: [Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-04-08
[Question #229069]: alternative OCR engine for sikuli
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-17
[Question #229067]: diff Scan rate for multiple observe
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-16
[Question #208054]: Status of bug #1074303 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-16
[Question #182206]: Status of bug #914020 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Ubuntu
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-16
Re: [Question #229022]: onAppear without waiting
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #229022]: onAppear without waiting
From: Ador Juan Cruz, 2013-05-17
Re: [Question #229022]: onAppear without waiting
From: csy, 2013-05-17
[Question #229022]: onAppear without waiting
From: csy, 2013-05-16
Re: [Question #228978]: Similarity index in Java using the click method
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228978]: Similarity index in Java using the click method
From: Jeremiah Jacquet, 2013-07-08
Re: [Question #228978]: Similarity index in Java using the click method
From: RaiMan, 2013-07-09
Re: [Question #228987]: can sikuli thumbnails be viewed in other ides?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228987]: can sikuli thumbnails be viewed in other ides?
From: robert gonzales, 2013-05-17
[Question #228987]: can sikuli thumbnails be viewed in other ides?
From: robert gonzales, 2013-05-16
[Question #228978]: Similarity index in Java using the click method
From: Jeremiah Jacquet, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228965]: how i write a command like for hotkey instead of using create region
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
[Question #228965]: how i write a command like for hotkey instead of using create region
From: tester, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error / different screen resolutions
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
[Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: Aravind, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228924]: How to terminate a script which involves SimpleXMLRPCServer gracefully
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228912]: Sikuli Java API: how to use it on AIX , Solaris and HP-UNIX
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228912]: Sikuli Java API: how to use it on AIX , Solaris and HP-UNIX
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228900]: Sikuli Java API: Sikuli image sensitivity
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228900]: Sikuli Java API: Sikuli image sensitivity
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-17
[Question #228913]: stopObserver() where to put in the class (Screen)
From: Bunnings, 2013-05-15
[Question #228912]: how to do if i want to use java API on AIX , Solaris and HP-UNIX
From: haiquan, 2013-05-15
[Question #228900]: Sikuli image sensitivity with java-api 1.0.2
From: Ilan Goldenstein, 2013-05-14
[Question #219236]: Status of bug #1100401 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
[Question #179215]: Status of bug #891993 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-15
[Question #228860]: windows 64 bit error
From: anish, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228812]: exit() in hotkey handler exits ide instead of script?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228812]: exit() in hotkey handler exits ide instead of script?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: j, 2013-05-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: j, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: Chris Kiick, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: Chris Kiick, 2013-05-15
Re: [Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: Chris Kiick, 2013-05-15
[Question #228813]: sikuli using OCR even when text() not used?
From: Chris Kiick, 2013-05-14
[Question #228812]: exit() in hotkey handler exits ide instead of script?
From: Chris Kiick, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228755]: win 7 64bit script not working run time environment error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228755]: win 7 64bit script not working run time environment error
From: anish, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228755]: win 7 64bit script not working run time environment error
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-14
[Question #228755]: win 7 64bit script not working run time environment error
From: anish, 2013-05-13
Re: [Question #228749]: How Alt+Shift+C works to stop the sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228749]: How Alt+Shift+C works to stop the sikuli
From: Uwin Adri, 2013-05-13
[Question #228749]: How Alt+Shift+C works to stop the sikuli
From: Uwin Adri, 2013-05-13
Re: [Question #228659]: need help with this software, newbie...
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228659]: need help with this software, newbie...
From: Mark Weisler, 2013-05-29
Re: [Question #228737]: IDE crashes without any error
From: Aravind, 2013-05-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228737]: IDE crashes without any error
From: csy, 2013-05-13
Re: [Question #228737]: IDE crashes without any error
From: Rashmi, 2013-09-04
Re: [Question #228737]: IDE crashes without any error
From: RaiMan, 2013-09-04
[Question #228737]: IDE crashes without any error
From: csy, 2013-05-13
[Question #228659]: need help with this software, newbie...
From: mubasher, 2013-05-11
Re: [Question #228618]: X-Beta: Should "Check Update" work in Beta?
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-11
[Question #228618]: X-Beta: Should "Check Update" work in Beta?
From: Tom Hinds, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228458]: improve robustness when icons are on alternating strips
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228458]: improve robustness when icons are on alternating strips
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228458]: improve robustness when icons are on alternating strips
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228550]: Running batch scripts becomes slowing down
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228550]: Running batch scripts becomes slowing down
From: Roy Chang, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228550]: Running batch scripts becomes slowing down
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228550]: Running batch scripts becomes slowing down
From: Roy Chang, 2013-05-14
Re: [Question #228447]: How to click objects in sequence?
From: j, 2013-05-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228447]: How to click objects in sequence?
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228447]: How to click objects in sequence?
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-10
Re: [Question #228447]: How to click objects in sequence?
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-10
[Question #228550]: Running batch scripts becomes slowing down
From: Roy Chang, 2013-05-10
[Question #228458]: improve robustness when icons are on alternating strips
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-08
[Question #228447]: How to click objects in sequence?
From: ircfas133, 2013-05-08
Re: [Question #228420]: color in the chart
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #228420]: color in the chart
From: RaiMan, 2013-05-08
Re: [Question #228420]: color in the chart
From: csy, 2013-05-16
200 of 59569 messages, page
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