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Re: What importance should this bug have?


David Alan Gilbert:
Note that the existing criteria give you other criteria; so for
example 'low' says it's for bugs with an easy workaround.

Now, I wouldn't generally knock something that caused a 'won't boot'
or problem with a critical device down to low because it's got
an easy work around, but I might knock it down one level.

While this in theory sounds logic; in practice I never had to use those criteria, because something else weighed more.

For example, my computer suddenly stopped working after an upgrade. The work-around was simply to configure GRUB to boot with a previous kernel, but because at least 80% of people would require technical support for doing so I decided to set it as critical.

So what I think is leaving specific cases for intuition rather to policy will make the latest leaner.

5S methodology:
> Remove all parts not in use. If in doubt about anything, discard it.

5S methodology:
> At first, it may be difficult to distinguish between what is
> necessary and what is not.
> In the beginning, get rid of items in the station work can be
> disturbing.
> People tend to surround themselves with pieces, thinking may be
> necessary for "following orders". Come a machine that is
> inappropriate and think that, anyway, will later be useful for
> something.

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