This is a nice point... The 'dodge windows' was confusing users, but
was 'always hide' tested and scientific comproved to be best (or, at
least, less confusing) to users?
The best option should be kept, and not that one which was not tested.
'Always hide' can be even more confusing to novice users than 'dodge
Em 09-02-2012 21:30, pjssilva@xxxxxxxxx escreveu:
But now I understand what may have happened. The Canonical team
tested dodge windows as default and concluded that it made people
uncomfortable and then concluded that the option was not good even
for a non-default setting and decided to wipe out of the
configuration. Is that it? Since the design team decided that they
would complete delete "Dodge windows" and keep "Always hide" (as
non-default), I thought they have tested both in the same conditions.
And as I understood they tested Dodge windows as default, the same
should have been done with Always hide. Or even better, they should
have tested them as non-default (and hence giving the users some kind
of explanation of what the non-default behavior was and asking them
to change it themselves). If such test in equal conditions was not
done how do they know that users prefer Hide always instead of Dodge
windows? best, Paulo