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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95150 messages, page
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[Bug 1525317] Re: IdP doesn't support field based DB filtering
[Bug 1525317] Re: IdP doesn't support field based DB filtering
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-19
[Bug 1525317] [NEW] IdP doesn't support field based DB filtering
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525319] [NEW] Cisco apic router_id field length incorrectly changed for Mitaka
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525319] Re: Cisco apic router_id field length incorrectly changed for Mitaka
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-17
[Bug 1525309] [NEW] action_present and action_past attributes have to be deprecated in favor of action_present and action_past methods
From: Yves-Gwenael Bourhis, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525309] Re: action_present and action_past attributes have to be deprecated in favor of action_present and action_past methods
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-29
[Bug 1525295] [NEW] subnet listing is too slow with rbac
From: Eugene Nikanorov, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525295] Re: subnet listing is too slow with rbac
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-15
[Bug 1525282] [NEW] wrap_exception decorator does not grab arguments properly for decorated methods
From: Andrew Laski, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525282] Re: wrap_exception decorator does not grab arguments properly for decorated methods
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-14
[Bug 1525279] [NEW] Request Liberty release for networking-bgpvpn
From: Mathieu Rohon, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525279] Re: Request Liberty release for networking-bgpvpn
From: Kyle Mestery, 2015-12-15
[Bug 1525279] Re: Request Liberty release for networking-bgpvpn
From: Thomas Morin, 2015-12-17
[Bug 1525275] [NEW] Loading configuration items from keystoneauth is causing warnings
From: Martin Hickey, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525275] Re: Loading configuration items from keystoneauth is causing warnings
From: Brant Knudson, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525259] [NEW] Add request_ids attribute to v2 schemas
From: Abhishek Kekane, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525250] [NEW] Failure when federated user name contains non ascii characters
From: Jon Kåre Hellan, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525250] Re: Failure when federated user name contains non ascii characters
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-02-19
[Bug 1525226] [NEW] Write an integration test for joint behavior of inline cell edit & confirmation of entity deletion
From: Timur Sufiev, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525226] Re: Write an integration test for joint behavior of inline cell edit & confirmation of entity deletion
From: Gary W. Smith, 2017-09-20
[Bug 1509121] Re: [UI] job_binaries Exception Value: too many values to unpack
From: Vitaly Gridnev, 2015-12-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1509121] Re: [UI] job_binaries Exception Value: too many values to unpack
From: Richard Jones, 2015-12-22
[Bug 1525219] [NEW] Trust-scoped user requests failed while using fernet tokens
From: Oleksii Chuprykov, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525219] Re: Trust-scoped user requests failed while using fernet tokens
From: Steve Martinelli, 2015-12-20
[Bug 1525209] [NEW] Windows interface polling manager doesn't use ovsdb client monitor
From: Sayali Lunkad, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525209] Re: Windows interface polling manager doesn't use ovsdb client monitor
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-03-13
[Bug 1525196] [NEW] change default policy for password and resetstate
From: jichenjc, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525196] Re: change default policy for password and resetstate
From: John Garbutt, 2016-01-04
[Bug 1525163] [NEW] add-router-interface can not recover when failing create_port_post_commit
From: Yushiro FURUKAWA, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525163] Re: add-router-interface can not recover when failing create_port_post_commit
From: Brian Haley, 2016-09-30
[Bug 1525137] Re: doc wrong about BAK extensions of injection
From: jichenjc, 2015-12-11
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1525137] Re: doc wrong about BAK extensions of injection
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-21
[Bug 1525137] Re: doc wrong about BAK extensions of injection
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-21
[Bug 1525132] [NEW] doc error about inject files to new build
From: jichenjc, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525132] Re: doc error about inject files to new build
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-18
[Bug 1525132] Re: doc error about inject files to new build
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-21
[Bug 1525124] [NEW] attach port when VM is down,port status is active
From: neutron, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525124] Re: attach port when VM is down,port status is active
From: Yan Songming, 2016-02-29
[Bug 1525101] [NEW] floating ip info is not updated correctly when remove a fix ip which is associated to a floating ip
From: ibm-cloud-qa, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525101] Re: floating ip info is not updated correctly when remove a fix ip which is associated to a floating ip
From: Bo Chi, 2015-12-14
[Bug 1525101] Re: floating ip info is not updated correctly when remove a fix ip which is associated to a floating ip
From: John Garbutt, 2019-05-13
[Bug 1525100] [NEW] Duplicate validation error for 'image_location'
From: Liyingjun, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525100] Re: Duplicate validation error for 'image_location'
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-12
[Bug 1525074] [NEW] test for submit
From: liuhui, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525074] Re: test for submit
From: Alexis Lee, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525076] [NEW] delete vm, port mac is not be reset
From: neutron, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525076] Re: delete vm, port mac is not be reset
From: Moshe Levi, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1525059] [NEW] neutron router vxlan gw can't work
From: steve, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525059] Re: [RFE] Add support for external vxlan encapsulation to neutron router
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-04-03
[Bug 1525002] [NEW] The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1525002] Re: The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1525002] Re: The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: Dmitry Tantsur, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1525002] Re: The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-15
[Bug 1525002] Re: The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-04
[Bug 1525002] Re: The ironic driver needs to scale back how many errors it traces out
From: Michael Davies, 2016-01-14
[Bug 1524990] [NEW] safe_utils.getcallargs does not match inspect.getcallargs
From: Andrew Laski, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524990] Re: safe_utils.getcallargs does not match inspect.getcallargs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-14
[Bug 1524916] [NEW] neutron-ns-metadata-proxy uses ~65MB/router in production, generating OOM situations
From: Miguel Angel Ajo, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524916] Re: neutron-ns-metadata-proxy uses ~25MB/router in production
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2017-03-07
[Bug 1524916] Re: neutron-ns-metadata-proxy uses ~25MB/router in production
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-03-14
[Bug 1524916] Re: neutron-ns-metadata-proxy uses ~25MB/router in production
From: Ben Nemec, 2017-08-09
[Bug 1524913] Re: Potential gate problem for neutron-linuxbridge job in stable/liberty
From: Sean M. Collins, 2015-12-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1524913] Re: Potential gate problem for neutron-linuxbridge job in stable/liberty
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1524913] [NEW] Potential gate problem for neutron-linuxbridge job in stable/liberty
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524908] [NEW] Router may be removed from dvr_snat agent by accident
From: Oleg Bondarev, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524908] Re: Router may be removed from dvr_snat agent by accident
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-21
[Bug 1524898] [NEW] Volume based live migration aborted unexpectedly
From: Ryan Moats, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524898] Re: Volume based live migration aborted unexpectedly
From: Lee Yarwood, 2021-04-30
[Bug 1524849] [NEW] Cannot use trusts with fernet tokens
From: Kairat Kushaev, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524849] Re: Cannot use trusts with fernet tokens
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-15
[Bug 1524837] [NEW] xenapi: compute service restart during live migration can cause nova to lose track of instance
From: Sulochan Acharya, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524734] [NEW] usability improvement in instance detail page
From: Masco, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524734] Re: usability improvement in instance detail page
From: Rob Cresswell, 2017-03-09
[Bug 1524726] [NEW] nova-compute restart over ande over again when the right volume path cannot get volume size
From: nail-zte, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524675] [NEW] lbaasv2 is logging key that is on barbican
From: fujioka yuuichi, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524675] Re: lbaasv2-agent is logging credentials from barbican
From: Jeremy Stanley, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524675] Re: lbaasv2-agent is logging credentials from barbican
From: Tristan Cacqueray, 2016-01-05
[Bug 1524675] Re: lbaasv2-agent is logging credentials from barbican
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-06
[Bug 1524671] [NEW] Added CORS support to Neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524671] Re: Added CORS support to Neutron
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524671] Re: Added CORS support to Neutron
From: KATO Tomoyuki, 2016-07-04
[Bug 1524661] [NEW] "neutron help net-update" shows insufficient parameter info
From: IBM-Cloud-SH, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524661] Re: "neutron help net-update" shows insufficient parameter info
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524476] Re: Compute API in Compute API Guide
From: Andreas Jaeger, 2015-12-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1524476] Re: Compute API in Compute API Guide
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1524476] Re: Compute API in Compute API Guide
From: Andreas Jaeger, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1524643] [NEW] port 'binding:profile' can't be removed when VM is deleted
From: neutron, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524643] Re: port 'binding:profile' can't be removed when VM is deleted
From: Moshe Levi, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1524643] Re: port 'binding:profile' can't be removed when VM is deleted
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-13
[Bug 1524627] [NEW] nova libvirt xml generate wrong metadata
From: Tardis Xu, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524627] Re: nova libvirt xml generate wrong metadata
From: Tardis Xu, 2015-12-13
[Bug 1524627] Re: nova libvirt xml generate wrong metadata
From: melanie witt, 2017-12-07
[Bug 1524602] [NEW] Return availability_zone_hints as string when net-create
From: Hirofumi Ichihara, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524602] Re: Return availability_zone_hints as string when net-create
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-24
[Bug 1524576] [NEW] Enhance ML2 Type Driver interface to include network ID
From: Sukhdev Kapur, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524576] Re: Enhance ML2 Type Driver interface to include network ID
From: Mitchell Jameson, 2016-02-02
[Bug 1524568] [NEW] Automatically generate neutron LBaaS configuration files
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524568] Re: Automatically generate neutron LBaaS configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524568] Re: Automatically generate neutron LBaaS configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524568] Re: Automatically generate neutron LBaaS configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524568] Re: Automatically generate neutron LBaaS configuration files
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-02-03
[Bug 1521793] Re: l3ha with L2pop disabled breaks neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1521793] Re: l3ha with L2pop disabled breaks neutron
From: Jesse Pretorius, 2016-01-06
[Bug 1521793] Re: l3ha with L2pop disabled breaks neutron
From: Sean M. Collins, 2016-06-30
[Bug 1521793] Re: l3ha with L2pop disabled breaks neutron
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-10-24
[Bug 1524567] [NEW] nova-manage vm list error
From: Kevin Fox, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524567] Re: nova-manage vm list error
From: aginwala, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524562] [NEW] No error raised if PUT/GET/PATCH/DELETE domain-specific driver configuration database store with an invalid domain id
From: Thomas Hsiao, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524562] Re: No error raised if PUT/GET/PATCH/DELETE domain-specific driver configuration database store with an invalid domain id
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-15
[Bug 1524164] Re: Decompose OFAgent mechanism driver from neutron tree completely
From: fumihiko kakuma, 2015-12-09
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1524164] Re: Decompose OFAgent mechanism driver from neutron tree completely
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1524164] Re: Decompose OFAgent mechanism driver from neutron tree completely
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-11
[Bug 1524531] [NEW] ip_lib_force_root doesn't force root, breaking neutron on XenServer compute nodes
From: Tom Carroll, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524531] Re: ip_lib_force_root doesn't force root, breaking neutron on XenServer compute nodes
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-02-22
[Bug 1524515] [NEW] get sql-based Domain-specific driver configuration with incorrect group in URL, expected response 404, actual 403
From: Thomas Hsiao, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524515] Re: get sql-based Domain-specific driver configuration with incorrect group in URL, expected response 404, actual 403
From: Steve Martinelli, 2016-08-01
[Bug 1524510] [NEW] Remove Neutron FWaaS static example configuration files
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524510] Re: Remove Neutron FWaaS static example configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524510] Re: Remove Neutron FWaaS static example configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524510] Re: Remove Neutron FWaaS static example configuration files
From: Henry Gessau, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524510] Re: Remove Neutron FWaaS static example configuration files
From: Andreas Jaeger, 2015-12-12
[Bug 1524444] [NEW] auto-select rpc version info logging is too chatty
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524444] Re: auto-select rpc version info logging is too chatty
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524421] [NEW] Host Manager reads deleted instance info on startup
From: Ed Leafe, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524421] Re: Host Manager reads deleted instance info on startup
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-18
[Bug 1524421] Re: Host Manager reads deleted instance info on startup
From: Matt Riedemann, 2016-01-07
[Bug 1524421] Re: Host Manager reads deleted instance info on startup
From: Sean Dague, 2017-06-16
[Bug 1524421] Re: Host Manager reads deleted instance info on startup
From: Sean Dague, 2017-06-16
[Bug 1524418] [NEW] gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode fails with "AttributeError: 'LocalManager' object has no attribute 'l3driver'"
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524418] Re: gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode fails with "AttributeError: 'LocalManager' object has no attribute 'l3driver'"
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524418] Re: gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode fails with "AttributeError: 'LocalManager' object has no attribute 'l3driver'"
From: Davanum Srinivas (DIMS), 2015-12-11
[Bug 1524394] [NEW] neutron-openvswitch-agent fails to start when root_helper operates in a different context
From: Tom Carroll, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524394] Re: neutron-openvswitch-agent fails to start when root_helper operates in a different context
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-02-22
[Bug 1524404] [NEW] grenade jobs on stable/liberty broken with oslo.middleware>=3
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524404] Re: grenade jobs on stable/liberty broken with oslo.middleware>=3
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524404] Re: grenade jobs on stable/liberty broken with oslo.middleware>=3
From: Davanum Srinivas (DIMS), 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524404] Re: grenade jobs on stable/liberty broken with oslo.middleware>=3
From: Davanum Srinivas (DIMS), 2015-12-13
[Bug 1524363] [NEW] Owner metadata is missing when regenerating libvirt XML after host reboot
From: Simon Pasquier, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524363] Re: Owner metadata is missing when regenerating libvirt XML after host reboot
From: Tardis Xu, 2015-12-13
[Bug 1524356] [NEW] a level binding implement issue in _check_driver_to_bind
From: RaoFei, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524356] Re: a level binding implement issue in _check_driver_to_bind
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-03-21
[Bug 1524357] [NEW] get_ports cannot get all port for network owner
From: ZongKai LI, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524301] [NEW] image_meta scsi model ignored
From: Mehdi Abaakouk, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524301] Re: image_meta scsi model ignored
From: Mehdi Abaakouk, 2017-11-02
[Bug 1524291] [NEW] check_ports_on_host_and_subnet() duplicates check_ports_exist_on_l3agent()
From: Oleg Bondarev, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524291] Re: check_ports_on_host_and_subnet() duplicates check_ports_exist_on_l3agent()
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1524276] [NEW] Inconsistent IP usage in help strings
From: Andreas Jaeger, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524276] Re: Inconsistent IP usage in help strings
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524264] [NEW] RFE]should support share vpn to specify tenant
From: zhaobo, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524264] Re: [RFE] Role-based access control for VPNaaS resources
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1524256] [NEW] cloud-init-blocknet generates too many log files
From: Christian Schmidt, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524256] Re: cloud-init-blocknet generates too many log files
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2019-04-22
[Bug 1524231] [NEW] [RFE]neutron fwaas should be support share fw to specify tenant
From: zhaobo, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524231] Re: [RFE]Role-based access control for neutron fwaas policies
From: Armando Migliaccio, 2016-01-12
[Bug 1524220] [NEW] can update the gateway of subnet with needless "0" in the ip address via cli
From: ibm-cloud-qa, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524220] Re: can update the gateway of subnet with needless "0" in the ip address via cli
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-23
[Bug 1524205] [NEW] To set "image_cache_subdirectory_name=_base$my_ip", and create a instance failed.
From: Xiaoyu Wang, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524205] Re: To set "image_cache_subdirectory_name=_base$my_ip", and create a instance failed.
From: Kairat Kushaev, 2015-12-22
[Bug 1524205] Re: To set "image_cache_subdirectory_name=_base$my_ip", and create a instance failed.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-04-18
[Bug 1524187] [NEW] Volume is not automatically detached after destroy instance
From: yangbo, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524187] Re: Volume is not automatically detached after destroy instance
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-03-04
[Bug 1524124] [NEW] unscalable database schema design
From: Cristian Sava, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524124] Re: unscalable database schema design
From: Morgan Fainberg, 2016-02-02
[Bug 1524115] [NEW] Split Buttons dropdowns stopped working
From: Rajat Vig, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524115] Re: Split Buttons dropdowns stopped working
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-12
[Bug 1524114] [NEW] nova-scheduler also loads deleted instances at startup
From: Belmiro Moreira, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524114] Re: nova-scheduler also loads deleted instances at startup
From: Tardis Xu, 2015-12-21
[Bug 1524081] [NEW] rbac extension has a bad updated timestamp
From: Kevin Benton, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524081] Re: rbac extension has a bad updated timestamp
From: OpenStack Infra, 2015-12-09
[Bug 1524061] [NEW] Ceilometer - resource grid - hover plot point box is floating left shrinking box
From: German Rivera, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524060] [NEW] Ceilometer - time period - hide range field until user select other
From: German Rivera, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524060] Re: Ceilometer - time period - hide range field until user select other
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-09-03
[Bug 1524044] [NEW] Deleting a VM with the name "vm_ln_[1" leads to a traceback
From: Prinika, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524044] Re: Deleting a VM with the name "vm_ln_[1" leads to a traceback
From: Maciej Szankin, 2017-03-21
[Bug 1524038] [NEW] Determining glance version fails with https
From: Samuel Matzek, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524038] Re: Determining glance version fails with https
From: Augustina Ragwitz, 2016-06-16
[Bug 1524035] [NEW] nova.virt.block_device.DriverBlockDevice cannot save to DB if bdm passed in was not already an object
From: Matt Riedemann, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524035] Re: nova.virt.block_device.DriverBlockDevice cannot save to DB if bdm passed in was not already an object
From: OpenStack Infra, 2016-01-05
[Bug 1524030] [NEW] Reduce revocation events for performance improvement
From: Jorge Munoz, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524030] Re: Reduce revocation events for performance improvement
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-11-28
[Bug 1524020] [NEW] DVRImpact: dvr_vmarp_table_update and dvr_update_router_add_vm is called for every port update instead of only when host binding or mac-address changes occur
From: Swaminathan Vasudevan, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524020] Re: DVRImpact: dvr_vmarp_table_update and dvr_update_router_add_vm is called for every port update instead of only when host binding or mac-address changes occur
From: Dave Walker, 2016-05-09
[Bug 1524020] Re: DVRImpact: dvr_vmarp_table_update and dvr_update_router_add_vm is called for every port update instead of only when host binding or mac-address changes occur
From: Brian Haley, 2016-10-05
[Bug 1524020] Re: DVRImpact: dvr_vmarp_table_update and dvr_update_router_add_vm is called for every port update instead of only when host binding or mac-address changes occur
From: Swaminathan Vasudevan, 2017-01-11
[Bug 1524006] Re: NotImplementedError raised while create network using Nova REST API
From: Yuri Obshansky, 2015-12-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1524006] Re: NotImplementedError raised while create network using Nova REST API
From: venkatamahesh, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524006] Re: NotImplementedError raised while create network using Nova REST API
From: Atsushi SAKAI, 2015-12-10
[Bug 1524004] [NEW] linuxbridge agent does not wire ports for non-traditional device owners
From: Mark McClain, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1524004] Re: linuxbridge agent does not wire ports for non-traditional device owners
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-06-14
[Bug 1524004] Re: linuxbridge agent does not wire ports for non-traditional device owners
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-02-14
[Bug 1524004] Re: linuxbridge agent does not wire ports for non-traditional device owners
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-02-15
[Bug 1523999] [NEW] Any error in L3 agent after external gateway is configured but before the local cache is updated results in errors in subsequent router updates
From: Assaf Muller, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1523999] Re: Any error in L3 agent after external gateway is configured but before the local cache is updated results in errors in subsequent router updates
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2016-09-04
[Bug 1510345] Re: [SRU] Cloud Images do not bring up networking w/ certain virtual NICs due to device naming rules
From: Scott Moser, 2015-12-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1510345] Re: [SRU] Cloud Images do not bring up networking w/ certain virtual NICs due to device naming rules
From: Scott Moser, 2016-04-26
[Bug 1523968] [NEW] LBaaS v2 - LB update with admin-state-down fails
From: Evgeny Fedoruk, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1523968] Re: LBaaS v2 - LB update with admin-state-down fails
From: Reedip, 2015-12-16
[Bug 1523957] [NEW] Domain field is not pre-filled by OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN
From: Paul Karikh, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1523957] Re: Domain field is not pre-filled by OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN
From: Timur Sufiev, 2015-12-08
[Bug 1523955] [NEW] (Import Refactor) Implement `import` call
From: Flavio Percoco, 2015-12-08
200 of 95150 messages, page
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