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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95153 messages, page
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[Bug 1861509] Re: [OVN] GW rescheduling logic is broken
[Bug 1861509] Re: [OVN] GW rescheduling logic is broken
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-04-08
[Bug 1861510] [NEW] [OVN] GW rescheduling mechanism is triggered on every Chassis updated unnecessarily
From: Daniel Alvarez, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861510] Re: [OVN] GW rescheduling mechanism is triggered on every Chassis updated unnecessarily
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-04-08
[Bug 1860739] Re: Cinder backup failed for restore volume snapshot
From: Radosław Piliszek, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861500] [NEW] [OVN] Key error while setting QoS policies
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861500] Re: [OVN] Key error while setting QoS policies
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-03-02
[Bug 1861502] [NEW] [OVN] Mechanism driver - failing to recreate floating IP
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861502] Re: [OVN] Mechanism driver - failing to recreate floating IP
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-03-19
[Bug 1861501] [NEW] Store ID fetched from URI is incorrectly encoded under py27
From: Alan Bishop, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861501] Re: Store ID fetched from URI is incorrectly encoded under py27
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861496] [NEW] All ports of server instance are open even no security group does allow this
From: Sebastian Krebs, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861496] Re: All ports of server instance are open even no security group does allow this
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-02-04
[Bug 1861493] [NEW] Nova sends an "X-Service-Token" header when "send_service_user_token" is disabled
From: Lana Kaleif, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861469] [NEW] [VPNaaS]: functional gate failed
From: Dongcan Ye, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861469] Re: [VPNaaS]: functional gate failed
From: Dongcan Ye, 2020-02-04
[Bug 1861464] [NEW] os-attach-interfaces API policy is allowed for everyone even policy defaults is admin_or_owner
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861464] Re: os-attach-interfaces API policy is allowed for everyone even policy defaults is admin_or_owner
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-03-02
[Bug 1861460] [NEW] cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: Ryan Harper, 2020-01-30
[Bug 1861460] Re: cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: Frank Heimes, 2020-03-12
[Bug 1861460] Re: cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: Dimitri John Ledkov, 2020-04-01
[Bug 1861460] Re: cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: Dimitri John Ledkov, 2020-04-07
[Bug 1861460] Re: cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: Dan Watkins, 2020-04-07
[Bug 1861460] Re: cloud-init should parse initramfs rendered netplan if present
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-12
[Bug 1861442] [NEW] QOS minimum bandwidth rejection of non-physnet network and updates should be driver specific
From: Tom Stappaerts, 2020-01-30
[Bug 1861442] Re: QOS minimum bandwidth rejection of non-physnet network and updates should be driver specific
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-03-03
[Bug 1861412] Re: cloud-init crashes with static network configuration
From: Frank Heimes, 2020-01-30
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1861412] Re: cloud-init crashes with static network configuration
From: Dan Watkins, 2020-02-20
[Bug 1861401] [NEW] Renaming instance brokes DNS integration
From: Volodymyr Litovka, 2020-01-30
[Bug 1861401] Re: Renaming instance brokes DNS integration
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1861401] Re: Renaming instance brokes DNS integration
From: Dr. Jens Harbott, 2020-08-31
[Bug 1861397] [NEW] Needed mechanism to differentiate pings sent in tempest tests
From: Eduardo Olivares, 2020-01-30
[Bug 1861397] Re: Needed mechanism to differentiate pings sent in tempest tests
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1861334] [NEW] cors config defaults not used when Glance is run as WSGI app
From: Radosław Piliszek, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1861334] Re: cors config defaults not used when Glance is run as WSGI app
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-19
[Bug 1861282] [NEW] [Tempest] Floating IP and static IP should be in different CIDRs
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1861282] Re: [Tempest] Floating IP and static IP should be in different CIDRs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-30
[Bug 1861279] [NEW] incomplete instruction in "Install and configure" in keystone in https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/train/install/keystone-install-rdo.html
From: Arie Maron, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1861279] Re: incomplete instruction in "Install and configure" in keystone in https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/train/install/keystone-install-rdo.html
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-04-22
[Bug 1861269] [NEW] Functional tests failing due to failure with getting datapath ID from ovs
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1861269] Re: Functional tests failing due to failure with getting datapath ID from ovs
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-01
[Bug 1861264] [NEW] Help information should be returned when executing 'placement-status' alone
From: Eric Xie, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1861224] [NEW] horizon removing trailing spaces on passwords - auth fails
From: Orestes Leal Rodriguez, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861224] Re: horizon removing trailing spaces on passwords - auth fails
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-09-03
[Bug 1861221] [NEW] [FT] ncat process do not provide information, if any, about the error during execution
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861221] Re: [FT] ncat process do not provide information, if any, about the error during execution
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-08
[Bug 1861092] [NEW] [OVN] Too frequent agent health-checks causes stress on ovsdb-server
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861092] Re: [OVN] Too frequent agent health-checks causes stress on ovsdb-server
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-09
[Bug 1861087] [NEW] Fetching metadata via LB fails when query returns large number of networks
From: Kobi Samoray, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861087] Re: Fetching metadata via LB fails when query returns large number of networks
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-17
[Bug 1861071] [NEW] Failing to extend an attached encrypted volume
From: Tzach Shefi, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861071] Re: Failing to extend an attached encrypted volume
From: Lee Yarwood, 2020-09-15
[Bug 1861067] [NEW] [Ocata]resource tracker does not validate placement allocation
From: Yang Youseok, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1861067] Re: [Ocata]resource tracker does not validate placement allocation
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1861032] [NEW] [RFE] Add support for configuring dnsmasq with multiple IPv6 addresses in same subnet on same port
From: Harald Jensås, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1861032] Re: [RFE] Add support for configuring dnsmasq with multiple IPv6 addresses in same subnet on same port
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-03-04
[Bug 1861027] [NEW] neutron-lib - api-ref - port dns_assignment is a list?
From: Harald Jensås, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1861027] Re: neutron-lib - api-ref - port dns_assignment is a list?
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1860991] [NEW] fail to evacuate instance
From: Sam Tseng, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1860991] Re: fail to evacuate instance
From: Sam Tseng, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1860990] [NEW] RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: Vladyslav Drok, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1860990] Re: RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-13
[Bug 1860990] Re: RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: melanie witt, 2020-02-13
[Bug 1860990] Re: RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: melanie witt, 2020-02-19
[Bug 1860990] Re: RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: Elod Illes, 2020-11-24
[Bug 1860990] Re: RBD image backend tries to flatten images even if they are already flat
From: Elod Illes, 2020-11-24
[Bug 1860990] Fix included in openstack/nova queens-eol
From: OpenStack Infra, 2022-11-11
[Bug 1860990] Fix included in openstack/nova rocky-eol
From: OpenStack Infra, 2022-11-11
[Bug 1860968] [NEW] Visibility Flag "Community/shared" missing when trying to launch an instance
From: Johann Wiebe, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1860968] Re: Visibility Flag "Community/shared" missing when trying to launch an instance
From: Johann Wiebe, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1860913] [NEW] Instance uses base image file when it is rebooted after snapshot creation if cinder nfs backend is used
From: Takashi Kajinami, 2020-01-26
[Bug 1860913] Re: Instance uses base image file when it is rebooted after snapshot creation if cinder nfs backend is used
From: Lee Yarwood, 2020-04-21
[Bug 1860913] Re: Instance uses base image file when it is rebooted after snapshot creation if cinder nfs backend is used
From: Lee Yarwood, 2020-09-21
[Bug 1860913] Re: Instance uses base image file when it is rebooted after snapshot creation if cinder nfs backend is used
From: Lee Yarwood, 2021-07-06
[Bug 1860774] [NEW] [CI] gate functional and fullstack timeouts without reports of the causative test case
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-24
[Bug 1860774] Re: [CI] gate functional and fullstack timeouts without reports of the causative test case
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-10-19
[Bug 1860689] [NEW] Install and configure (Red Hat) in glance, [keystone_authtoken], "auth_url" is "auth_uri"
From: Abel, 2020-01-23
[Bug 1860689] Re: Install and configure (Red Hat) in glance, [keystone_authtoken], "auth_url" is "auth_uri"
From: Abhishek Kekane, 2021-05-05
[Bug 1860685] [NEW] "Edit security groups" for an instance shows multiple "default" security groups
From: Alvaro Uria, 2020-01-23
[Bug 1860662] [NEW] [OVN] FIP on OVN Load balancer doesn't work if member has FIP assigned on DVR setup
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-23
[Bug 1860662] Re: [OVN] FIP on OVN Load balancer doesn't work if member has FIP assigned on DVR setup
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-10-19
[Bug 1860614] [NEW] [DOC] USE_SSL parameter is not a valid setting
From: Marc Methot, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860614] Re: [DOC] USE_SSL parameter is not a valid setting
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-27
[Bug 1860612] [NEW] OVN agent devstack script doesn't support IPv6
From: Brian Haley, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860612] Re: OVN agent devstack script doesn't support IPv6
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-29
[Bug 1860589] [NEW] Install and configure (Ubuntu) in glance
From: Jaspreet Singh, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860589] Re: Install and configure (Ubuntu) in glance
From: Cyril Roelandt, 2023-04-11
[Bug 1860586] [NEW] [Tempest] SSH exception "No existing session"
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860586] Re: [Tempest] SSH exception "No existing session"
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2024-02-19
[Bug 1860573] [NEW] Nova legacy jobs should be ported to zuul v3 native jobs
From: sean mooney, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860573] Re: Nova legacy jobs should be ported to zuul v3 native jobs
From: Lee Yarwood, 2021-05-26
[Bug 1860560] [NEW] [ovn] lsp_set_address Exception possible when passed empty list of addresses
From: Terry Wilson, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860560] Re: [ovn] lsp_set_address Exception possible when passed empty list of addresses
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1860555] [NEW] PCI passthrough reschedule race condition
From: Mark Goddard, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860555] Re: PCI passthrough reschedule race condition
From: OpenStack Infra, 2024-08-19
[Bug 1764408] Re: [OVN] DHCP ports don't recreated after deleting them
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1639835] Re: Add functional testing to kuryr CI job
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1648525] Re: QoS doesn't work with DVR, vlan tenant networks or provider networks.
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1664475] Re: Can not retrieve where a OVN gateway router lives
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860521] [NEW] L2 pop notifications are not reliable
From: Oleg Bondarev, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860521] Re: L2 pop notifications are not reliable
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-06-25
[Bug 1860488] [NEW] Encapsulated DHCP options are not supported in neutron
From: Brian Haley, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860478] [NEW] fetching role assignments should handle domain IDs in addition to project IDs
From: Harry Rybacki, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860450] [NEW] SSH module documentation not generated in ReadTheDocs
From: Dan Watkins, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860450] Re: SSH module documentation not generated in ReadTheDocs
From: Chad Smith, 2020-01-23
[Bug 1860436] [NEW] [ovn] Agent liveness checks are flaky and report false positives
From: Daniel Alvarez, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860436] Re: [ovn] Agent liveness checks are flaky and report false positives
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-25
[Bug 1842988] Re: OVN deployment with DVR environment incorrectly routes FIP traffic through Controller/Chassis-GW
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1842988] Re: OVN deployment with DVR environment incorrectly routes FIP traffic through Controller/Chassis-GW
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1842988] Re: OVN deployment with DVR environment incorrectly routes FIP traffic through Controller/Chassis-GW
From: Marios Andreou, 2021-01-07
[Bug 1542503] Re: Lacking mechanism to provide proper MTU to instances
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1670666] Re: Support native DHCP service for subnet without gateway IP
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1813551] Re: Missing ingress QoS in OVN
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1832003] Re: Left-over namespaces left in the environment by ovn-metadata-agent
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1841154] Re: [RFE] Make use of external ports
From: Lucas Alvares Gomes, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860417] [NEW] Use of randint in functional tests is racey
From: Stephen Finucane, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860417] Re: Use of randint in functional tests is racey
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860273] Re: Delete static route exception
From: Brian Haley, 2020-01-20
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1860273] Re: Delete static route exception
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-03-03
[Bug 1860273] [NEW] Delete static route exception
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860338] [NEW] [OVS] OVS agent should not plug/unplug smartNIC ports
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860332] [NEW] [CI] gate py3{6, 7} jobs timeout
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860332] Re: [CI] gate py3{6, 7} jobs timeout
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-25
[Bug 1860326] [NEW] Kill neutron-keepalived-state-change-monitor fails
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860326] Re: Kill neutron-keepalived-state-change-monitor fails
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860312] [NEW] compute service failed to delete
From: tanghang, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860312] Re: compute service failed to delete
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-06-21
[Bug 1860312] Re: compute service failed to delete
From: sean mooney, 2021-07-28
[Bug 1860312] Re: compute service failed to delete
From: OpenStack Infra, 2021-08-07
[Bug 1860298] [NEW] --visibility public, not --public
From: CHO JAEEUN, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860298] Re: Wrong visibility flag in the glance image-create
From: Brian Rosmaita, 2020-03-09
[Bug 1860252] [NEW] security problem,one user can change other user's password without admin
From: kuangpeiling, 2020-01-19
[Bug 1860252] Re: security problem,one user can change other user's password without admin
From: Vishakha Agarwal, 2020-01-24
[Bug 1860250] [NEW] fail to start cloud init because of failure to start net interfaces
From: magnate, 2020-01-19
[Bug 1860250] Re: fail to start cloud init because of failure to start net interfaces
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-04-08
[Bug 1860209] [NEW] Local variable referenced before assignment in "_router_fip_qos_after_admin_state_down_up"
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-18
[Bug 1860209] Re: Local variable referenced before assignment in "_router_fip_qos_after_admin_state_down_up"
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-22
[Bug 1860164] [NEW] cloud-init generates a traceback if a default route already exists during ephemeral network setup
From: Robert Schweikert, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1860164] Re: cloud-init generates a traceback if a default route already exists during ephemeral network setup
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-03-18
[Bug 1860164] Re: cloud-init generates a traceback if a default route already exists during ephemeral network setup
From: Ryan Harper, 2020-03-23
[Bug 1860164] Re: cloud-init generates a traceback if a default route already exists during ephemeral network setup
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-12
[Bug 1860140] [NEW] [OVN] Provider driver sends malformed update to Octavia
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1860140] Re: [OVN] Provider driver sends malformed update to Octavia
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-27
[Bug 1860141] [NEW] [OVN] Provider driver fails while LB VIP port already created
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1860141] Re: [OVN] Provider driver fails while LB VIP port already created
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-02-27
[Bug 1860107] [NEW] Volume attachment might not be rolled back if attachment process failed on object_class_action_versions
From: Vladyslav Drok, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1860077] [NEW] Openstack server image creation instance task state struck in snapshooting state
From: Ashwinkumar K, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1860077] Re: Openstack server image creation instance task state struck in snapshooting state
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-06-16
[Bug 1860033] [NEW] neutron tempest jobs broken on rocky due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)
From: Radosław Piliszek, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1860033] Re: Tempest jobs broken on stable branches due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1860033] Re: Tempest jobs broken on stable branches due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1860033] Re: Tempest jobs broken on stable branches due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1860033] Re: Tempest jobs broken on stable branches due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-02-19
[Bug 1860021] [NEW] nova-live-migration fails 100% with "mysql: command not found" on subnode
From: Eric Fried, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1860021] Re: nova-live-migration fails 100% with "mysql: command not found" on subnode
From: Radosław Piliszek, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1860021] Re: nova-live-migration fails 100% with "mysql: command not found" on subnode
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-18
[Bug 1860021] Re: nova-live-migration fails 100% with "mysql: command not found" on subnode
From: Stephen Finucane, 2020-01-21
[Bug 1860007] [NEW] Allow selecting an availability zone for admin users when creating instances
From: VinceLe, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1860007] Re: Allow selecting an availability zone for admin users when creating instances
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2021-08-18
[Bug 1859988] [NEW] neutron-tempest-plugin tests fail for stable/queens
From: Bernard Cafarelli, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859988] Re: neutron-tempest-plugin tests fail for stable/queens
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2020-01-20
[Bug 1859988] Re: neutron-tempest-plugin tests fail for stable/queens
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-25
[Bug 1859988] Re: neutron-tempest-plugin tests fail for stable/queens
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2020-01-28
[Bug 1859977] [NEW] [OVN] Update of floatingip creates new row in NBDB NAT table
From: Maciej Jozefczyk, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859978] [NEW] Verify operation in glance
From: Victor Stanescu, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859978] Re: Verify operation in glance
From: Brian Rosmaita, 2020-03-09
[Bug 1859976] [NEW] Removing smart_nic port in openstack will try to delete representor port
From: waleed mousa, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859976] Re: Removing smart_nic port in openstack will try to delete representor port
From: sean mooney, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859962] [NEW] Sanity checks comparing versions should not use decimal comparison
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859962] Re: Sanity checks comparing versions should not use decimal comparison
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-01-31
[Bug 1859891] [NEW] fail to start cloud init
From: magnate, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859891] Re: fail to start cloud init
From: Paride Legovini, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1859887] [NEW] External connectivity broken because of stale FIP rule
From: Mithil Arun, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859649] Re: networking disruption on upgrade from 14.0.0 to 14.0.3
From: Corey Bryant, 2020-01-15
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1859649] Re: networking disruption on upgrade from 14.0.0 to 14.0.3
From: Corey Bryant, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859649] Re: networking disruption on upgrade from 14.0.0 to 14.0.3
From: Corey Bryant, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859649] Re: neutron 2:14.0.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0 and 2:14.0.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 not compatible
From: Corey Bryant, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859851] [NEW] [Horizon]: After deleting multiple instances, could not able to see all remaining instances until i refresh instances list again.
From: prashantingale, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859844] [NEW] Impossible to rename the Default domain id to the string 'default.'
From: Marcelo Subtil Marcal, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859844] Re: Impossible to rename the Default domain id to the string 'default.'
From: James Page, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859844] Re: Impossible to rename the Default domain id to the string 'default.'
From: Andrew McLeod, 2020-03-05
[Bug 1859844] Re: Impossible to rename the Default domain id to the string 'default.'
From: James Page, 2020-03-06
[Bug 1859844] Re: Impossible to rename the Default domain id to the string 'default.'
From: David Ames, 2020-05-21
[Bug 1859832] [NEW] L3 HA connectivity to GW port can be broken after reboot of backup node
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859832] Re: L3 HA connectivity to GW port can be broken after reboot of backup node
From: OpenStack Infra, 2020-04-03
[Bug 1859765] [NEW] Sgs of device_owner_network port can be update without specifing "device_owner" attr
From: sunxifa, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859766] [NEW] functional tests intermittently fails with "ReadOnlyFieldError: Cannot modify readonly field uuid"
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859766] Re: functional tests intermittently fails with "ReadOnlyFieldError: Cannot modify readonly field uuid"
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2020-01-17
[Bug 1859766] Re: functional tests intermittently fails with "ReadOnlyFieldError: Cannot modify readonly field uuid"
From: Elod Illes, 2020-11-24
[Bug 1859766] Fix included in openstack/nova rocky-eol
From: OpenStack Infra, 2022-11-11
[Bug 1859759] [NEW] Keystone is unable to remove role-assignment for deleted LDAP users
From: Eigil Obrestad, 2020-01-15
[Bug 1859720] [NEW] Document how to override vendor-data
From: Igor Galić, 2020-01-14
[Bug 1859720] Re: Document how to override vendor-data
From: James Falcon, 2023-05-12
[Bug 1859664] [NEW] [NUMA] Successful In-place rebuild with images having different cpu thread policy
From: Archit Modi, 2020-01-14
[Bug 1859664] Re: [NUMA] Successful In-place rebuild with images having different cpu thread policy
From: Archit Modi, 2020-01-16
[Bug 1859638] [NEW] VIP between dvr east-west networks does not work at all
From: LIU Yulong, 2020-01-14
[Bug 1859560] [NEW] nova.objects.block_device.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid( context.get_admin_context(), instance_uuid) does not return correct value when called in deploy process.
From: Jin Yi Fan, 2020-01-14
[Bug 1859560] Re: nova.objects.block_device.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid( context.get_admin_context(), instance_uuid) does not return correct value when called in deploy process.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2020-03-15
[Bug 1859525] [NEW] Setting release file causes cloud-init failure to launch
From: Eric Miller, 2020-01-13
[Bug 1859525] Re: Setting release file causes cloud-init failure to launch
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1859496] [NEW] Deleting stuck build instance may leak allocations
From: Alexandre arents, 2020-01-13
200 of 95153 messages, page
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