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Re: Silk screens over pads and naming


On 13/06/14 18:46, John Beard wrote:
> On 13/06/14 18:35, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 06:18:44PM +0100, John Beard wrote:
>>> I have not marked the protruding legs on the RA assembly: would this be
>>> helpful, as the assembly drawing is not obviously handed? Something
>>> like:
>> I'd only put the brackets for the pin area (so you can do pin inspection
>> bar, too)
>>          |
>>          |          |
>>        ----------------
>>    ----|              |----
>>    |                      |
>>    ----|              |----
>>        ---^------------
>>          / \
> Is this all assembly layer? If so, do you think the assembly layer arrow
> should point upwards on the SMDs? The IPC assembly layer arrows don't
> extend beyond the body line.

Attached is a PNG of the SMD footprint with bars on the assembly layer,
but with a downward arrow. What do you think? Pink assembly over red
pads is not terribly clear, but you can just about make it out!
Obviously when the assembly layer is printed by itself, this is not an


Attachment: Assembly layer with bars.png
Description: PNG image
