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Re: Proposal to improve communication and make more efficient the inclusion of new branches.


On 10/27/2013 09:59 PM, Fabien Pinckaers wrote:
As per slide 28 of http://www.slideshare.net/openobject/openerp-2012-openerp-strategy, the same was supposed to be true for the 7.0 release.
Yes, we wanted to put the saas on trunk before v7 but we did not succeed.
Hi Fabien,

thank you for clarifying so extensively. That should give us good hope for a more mature release of 8.0.
Compare this to the number of bugs you introduced with your 60 commits on OCB branch :)
Well, I notice the smiley but I still want to point out that we nailed 
nearly all the failing tests since you first mentioned the runbot status 
last Thursday. So far, we did not encounter any bug in the OCB-specific 
changes. In most cases, the tests or demo-data needed adaption to the 
improved behaviour of the OCB-branches. In one case, the test call 
failed to pass the context to a wizard method and the OCB-specific 
change was not robust against the missing active_ids. We improved the 
code on both sides.
But it's sloppy that we do not do continuous testing and we need to 
improve on that. Hosting the branches under the official projects and 
then using official runbot is an option, hosting our own runbot is another.

Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling

Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie

mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
tel: +31 (0) 614478606
web: http://therp.nl
