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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #259261]: Problem with dragDrop method in Java
Re: [Question #259261]: Problem with dragDrop method in Java
From: Sergio, 2014-12-19
Re: [Question #259261]: Problem with dragDrop method in Java
From: Manasi, 2015-11-13
[Question #259261]: Problem with dragDrop method in Java
From: Sergio, 2014-12-19
Re: [Question #259229]: Not able to rename images
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-19
[Question #259260]: Not able to open java application using App.open( ) using sikulixapi-1.1.0.jar
From: Sethupathy, 2014-12-19
Re: [Question #224814]: Sikuli Java API: There is an error when running HelloWorldExample
From: deva, 2014-12-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #224814]: Sikuli Java API: There is an error when running HelloWorldExample
From: deva, 2014-12-18
[Question #259229]: Not able to rename images
From: Sidharth, 2014-12-18
Re: [Question #259206]: [1.0.1] SikuliX first time usage: enforcing to restart the machine, how can we avoid it ?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #259206]: [1.0.1] SikuliX first time usage: enforcing to restart the machine, how can we avoid it ?
From: Sai, 2014-12-17
Re: [Question #259206]: [1.0.1] SikuliX first time usage: enforcing to restart the machine, how can we avoid it ?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-18
Re: [Question #259206]: Sikuli-Java.jar enforcing to restart the machine, how can we avoid it ?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-17
[Question #259206]: Sikuli-Java.jar enforcing to restart the machine, how can we avoid it ?
From: Sai, 2014-12-17
Re: [Question #259153]: How to use a shared folder location to store my screenshots and access it outside (from my desktop)?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #259153]: How to use a shared folder location to store my screenshots and access it outside (from my desktop)?
From: sathya, 2014-12-25
Re: [Question #213554]: sikuli does not work in windows taskscheduler when the system is locked
From: Naresh, 2014-12-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #213554]: sikuli does not work in windows taskscheduler when the system is locked
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-19
[Question #259153]: How to use a shared folder location to store my screenshots and access it outside (from my desktop)?
From: sathya, 2014-12-16
Re: [Question #259137]: Want to just import a segment of code
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
[Question #259125]: Status of bug #1402964 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
Re: [Question #259125]: [1.1.0] Interactive Mode Error --- fixed with build 2014-12-17
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #259125]: [1.1.0] Interactive Mode Error --- fixed with build 2014-12-17
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
Re: [Question #259125]: [1.1.0] Interactive Mode Error --- fixed with build 2014-12-17
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
[Question #259137]: Want to just import a segment of code
From: rockmanray, 2014-12-16
Re: [Question #259125]: Interactive Mode Error
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-16
[Question #259125]: Interactive Mode Error
From: Clint M, 2014-12-16
Re: [Question #259094]: Fastest way to check text or image
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #259094]: Fastest way to check text or image
From: Sergio, 2014-12-15
[Question #259094]: Fastest way to check text or image
From: Sergio, 2014-12-15
[Question #259083]: Status of bug #1402533 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
[Question #259084]: SikuliX and Docker
From: Anthony Green, 2014-12-15
Re: [Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: Anthony Green, 2014-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
Re: [Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
Re: [Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
Re: [Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-15
[Question #259083]: Breaking up the SikuliX Github repo
From: Anthony Green, 2014-12-15
Re: [Question #258978]: [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10.1: IDE does not start
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258978]: [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10.1: IDE does not start
From: fordox, 2014-12-13
Re: [Question #258978]: [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10.1: IDE does not start
From: fordox, 2014-12-22
Re: [Question #258978]: [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10.1: IDE does not start
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-23
Re: [Question #258978]: Sikuli 1.1.0 don't launch on Mac OS 10.10.1
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-13
Re: [Question #258991]: Sikuli click at right location in chrome on mac os x but nothing happens
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-13
[Question #258991]: Sikuli click at right location in chrome on mac os x but nothing happens
From: Bryan Rasmussen, 2014-12-12
[Question #258978]: Sikuli 1.1.0 don't launch on Mac OS 10.10.1
From: fordox, 2014-12-12
[Question #258970]: [error] Image: could not be loaded
From: juneja, 2014-12-12
Re: [Question #258964]: Write in file domain names
From: fordox, 2014-12-12
[Question #258964]: Write in file domain names
From: fordox, 2014-12-12
[Question #258957]: Integrating sikuli with android webdriver
From: Boopa, 2014-12-12
Re: [Question #258943]: Is it possible to stop a windows service with sikuli?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-11
[Question #258943]: Is it possible to stop a windows service with sikuli?
From: Shawn Robertson, 2014-12-11
Re: [Question #258870]: c# SikuliIntegrator: Unable to access jarfile JSikuliModule.jar in Selenium C#/ Webdriver
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258870]: c# SikuliIntegrator: Unable to access jarfile JSikuliModule.jar in Selenium C#/ Webdriver
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258870]: c# SikuliIntegratorTestProject: System.Exception : Error: Unable to access jarfile JSikuliModule.jar in Selenium C#/ Webdriver
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258870]: TestProject: System.Exception : Error: Unable to access jarfile JSikuliModule.jar in Selenium C#/ Webdriver
From: Surya, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258870]: TestProject: System.Exception : Error: Unable to access jarfile JSikuliModule.jar
From: Surya, 2014-12-10
[Question #258870]: TestProject: System.Exception : Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache\5864_635538146808656259\Tests_3215648\assembly\dl3\ceef36aa\eb1e7a6a_bc0fd001\JSikuliModule.jar
From: Surya, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258814]: deleteme
From: iomethod, 2014-12-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258814]: deleteme
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-09
Re: [Question #258814]: observe and stopObserver() seem to be creating infinite loops?
From: iomethod, 2014-12-09
[Question #258814]: observe and stopObserver() seem to be creating infinite loops?
From: iomethod, 2014-12-09
Re: [Question #258809]: selecting a data grid using SikuliX
From: sam, 2014-12-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258809]: selecting a data grid using SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-09
[Question #258809]: selecting a data grid using SikuliX
From: sam, 2014-12-08
[Question #258628]: Status of bug #1400277 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258693]: why when install sikuli set up it comes up with program to select
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258693]: why when install sikuli set up it comes up with program to select
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2014-12-23
Re: [Question #236586]: [1.0.1] Not able to see sikuli-script jar after installation
From: Ray Bobak, 2014-12-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #236586]: [1.0.1] Not able to see sikuli-script jar after installation
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258736]: inconsistent behaviour of exists()
From: Jonas Maurer, 2014-12-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258736]: inconsistent behaviour of exists()
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-19
Re: [Question #258736]: inconsistent behaviour of exists()
From: Jonas Maurer, 2015-01-11
Re: [Question #258736]: inconsistent behaviour of exists()
From: Jonas Maurer, 2015-01-11
[Question #258736]: inconsistent behaviour of exists()
From: Jonas Maurer, 2014-12-07
[Question #258701]: Address Sikuli limitations?
From: Ahmad Osman, 2014-12-06
Re: [Question #169194]: How do you keep a Swing GUI open after end of script?
From: Jason, 2014-12-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #169194]: How do you keep a Swing GUI open after end of script?
From: Dawn, 2014-12-18
[Question #258693]: why when install sikuli set up it comes up with program to select
From: trinh, 2014-12-06
[Question #258691]: Problem with Internet Explorer Region
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258628]: Placing Sikuli script in a queue
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258628]: Placing Sikuli script in a queue
From: Eugene Maslov, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258628]: Placing Sikuli script in a queue
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258628]: Placing Sikuli script in a queue
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258626]: wait until specified time
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258626]: wait until specified time
From: retano, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258626]: wait until specified time
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258626]: wait until specified time
From: retano, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-06
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-06
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-06
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-06
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258588]: Image match takes very long (~10 sec) or return FindFailed error on some images
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258588]: Image match takes very long (~10 sec) or return FindFailed error on some images
From: Veeraya Pupatwibul, 2014-12-05
[Question #258628]: Placing Sikuli script in a queue
From: marc, 2014-12-04
[Question #258626]: wait until specified time
From: retano, 2014-12-04
[Question #258625]: best way to run script inside another script
From: retano, 2014-12-04
Re: [Question #258607]: [1.1.0] How to set up a developers computer?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258607]: [1.1.0] How to set up a developers computer?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
Re: [Question #258607]: [1.1.0] How to set up a developers computer?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
Re: [Question #258607]: [1.1.0] How to set up a developers computer?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-05
[Question #258607]: [1.1.0] How to set up a developers computer?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-04
[Question #258588]: Image match takes very long (~10 sec) or return FindFailed error on some images
From: Veeraya Pupatwibul, 2014-12-04
Re: [Question #258583]: Is it Possible to verify certain Region(Size Not Fixed) is Blank(White Space) ?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-04
[Question #258583]: Is it Possible to verify certain Region(Size Not Fixed) is Blank(White Space) ?
From: AjitJ, 2014-12-04
Re: [Question #256934]: type (Key.DOWN) and click on list element
From: yajna, 2014-12-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #256934]: type (Key.DOWN) and click on list element
From: yajna, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #256934]: type (Key.DOWN) and click on list element
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258534]: if string wont read
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258534]: if string wont read
From: canada, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258534]: if string wont read
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258555]: [error] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: libs dir is not on system path: C:\KarthikFolder\SikuliForLuna\libs
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258555]: [error] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: libs dir is not on system path: C:\KarthikFolder\SikuliForLuna\libs
From: Karthik, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258538]: Sikuli IDE disappears when hit RUN
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
[Question #258555]: [error] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: libs dir is not on system path: C:\KarthikFolder\SikuliForLuna\libs
From: Karthik, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258539]: Can't resize window SikuliX 1.1
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258554]: Getting Error " [error] SikuliIDE: Problem when trying to invoke menu action doSave Error: null " while trying to updating script(Updates are getting Saved too).
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
[Question #258554]: Getting Error " [error] SikuliIDE: Problem when trying to invoke menu action doSave Error: null " while trying to updating script(Updates are getting Saved too).
From: AjitJ, 2014-12-03
[Question #258539]: Can't resize window SikuliX 1.1
From: pxpvisual, 2014-12-02
[Question #258538]: Sikuli IDE disappears when hit RUN
From: pxpvisual, 2014-12-02
[Question #258534]: if string wont read
From: canada, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-05
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-08
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-09
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-09
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-10
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-03
Re: [Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-05
[Question #258525]: getBundlePath() in Windows returns different slash as os.sep
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
[Question #258522]: Where can I find documentation for the write() command?
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
[Question #258504]: Status of bug #1398407 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258504]: Sikuli pause and capture?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258504]: Sikuli pause and capture?
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258504]: Sikuli pause and capture?
From: Collin Tobin, 2014-12-02
[Question #258504]: Sikuli pause and capture?
From: Collin Tobin, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258501]: [sikuli java api] remote webdriver implementation
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258501]: [sikuli java api] remote webdriver implementation
From: Anand Jayaram, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258501]: [sikuli java api] remote webdriver implementation
From: Anand Jayaram, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258501]: To provide a link to remote webdriver implementation for sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
[Question #258501]: To provide a link to remote webdriver implementation for sikuli
From: Anand Jayaram, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258479]: Curious problem while opening app using ini file
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-01
[Question #258479]: Curious problem while opening app using ini file
From: Shafiq Khan, 2014-12-01
Re: [Question #258457]: future development of sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258457]: future development of sikuli
From: tombrus, 2014-12-01
Re: [Question #258457]: future development of sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
[Question #258457]: future development of sikuli
From: tombrus, 2014-12-01
Re: [Question #258430]: Pattern detection failing on certain patterns
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258430]: Pattern detection failing on certain patterns
From: Shafiq Khan, 2014-11-30
[Question #258430]: Pattern detection failing on certain patterns
From: Shafiq Khan, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: Rodolfo, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-01
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-01
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: RaiMan, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258406]: How to handle a Firefox session on Windows
From: Rodolfo, 2014-12-02
Re: [Question #258406]: Confused about Jython example
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258409]: find x, y position of the found OCR Text
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258409]: find x, y position of the found OCR Text
From: Sarav, 2014-11-30
[Question #258409]: find x, y position of the found OCR Text
From: deva, 2014-11-30
[Question #258406]: Confused about Jython example
From: Rodolfo, 2014-11-30
[Question #258393]: Status of bug #1397521 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258393]: Sikuli Highlight by grayingout the remaining part of screen
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258393]: Sikuli Highlight by grayingout the remaining part of screen
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: deva, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: deva, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: deva, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-30
Re: [Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: JonyGreen, 2015-11-10
[Question #258394]: Preprocess Image before applying OCR .text() fn
From: Sarav, 2014-11-29
[Question #258393]: Sikuli Highlight by grayingout the remaining part of screen
From: Sarav, 2014-11-29
[Question #258340]: Status of bug #1397515 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
Re: [Question #258381]: JavaSwing - ActionPerformed button - Implements Runnable - Sikuli actions not being performed
From: RaiMan, 2014-11-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #258381]: JavaSwing - ActionPerformed button - Implements Runnable - Sikuli actions not being performed
From: J Rivera, 2015-01-13
200 of 59569 messages, page
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