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Re: What importance should this bug have?


Thomas Ward:
Heat on its own isn't a good measure, though.  There's ways to make heat
wrong, as well, and just because heat is high, that doesn't actually
help with criticality (for example, if bugs are incorrectly marked as
security bugs, they get a higher heat).

Yes, that is why I suggest using heat along with priorities: first to filter bugs by a priority, then to order them by heat.

Moreover, incorrectly marking a bug as security is something very rare. And if it happens it will be easy to spot and fix, while it will only affect the very few bugs with a heat over 250.

In the case of the two latest Ubuntu releases, the maximum quantity of bugs postponed for triaging by such a mistake would be:

Critical: 0
High: 6
Medium: 6
Low: 6
Wishlist: 1

And the delay would be equal to how much time one report takes to be triaged.

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