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Messages sent to the yahoo-eng-team mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 95150 messages, page
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[Bug 1739440] Re: Ironic virt driver is hardcoding Ironic API microversion
[Bug 1739440] Re: Ironic virt driver is hardcoding Ironic API microversion
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-07-15
[Bug 1739411] [NEW] QoS DSCP mark disappear stable/ocata
From: Pavlukhin Max, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739411] Re: QoS DSCP mark disappear stable/ocata
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2018-03-27
[Bug 1739398] [NEW] ERROR:Why Neutron Server try to find l3 agent on compute node
From: Aaasidncza, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739368] [NEW] Error message misleading when cross_az is false
From: Marc Koderer, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739367] [NEW] Error updating resources due to instancecell.cpu_pinning None
From: Ma Wen Cheng, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739367] Re: Error updating resources due to instancecell.cpu_pinning None
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-04-22
[Bug 1739349] [NEW] empty usage information in numa_topology of compute_node table after restart nova-compute
From: Minho Ban, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739325] [NEW] Server operations fail to complete with versioned notifications if payload contains unset non-nullable fields
From: Mohammed Naser, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739325] Re: Server operations fail to complete with versioned notifications
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739325] Re: Server operations fail to complete with versioned notifications if payload contains unset non-nullable fields
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-07-03
[Bug 1739325] Re: Server operations fail to complete with versioned notifications if payload contains unset non-nullable fields
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-07-05
[Bug 1739323] [NEW] KeyError in host_manager for _get_host_states
From: Mohammed Naser, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739323] Re: KeyError in host_manager for _get_host_states
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739323] Re: KeyError in host_manager for _get_host_states
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739323] Re: KeyError in host_manager for _get_host_states
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1739323] Re: KeyError in host_manager for _get_host_states
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739318] [NEW] Online data migration context does not contain project_id
From: Mohammed Naser, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739318] Re: Online data migration context does not contain project_id
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739318] Re: RequestSpec online data migration context does not contain project_id
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-10-02
[Bug 1739227] [NEW] test_create_subport_invalid_inherit_network_segmentation_type doesn't obey when parent network is vlan
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739227] Re: test_create_subport_invalid_inherit_network_segmentation_type doesn't obey when parent network is vlan
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2018-01-03
[Bug 1739219] [NEW] Old dnsmasq listed as option:dns-server
From: Adrien Cunin, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739219] Re: Old dnsmasq listed as option:dns-server
From: Rodolfo Alonso, 2022-12-12
[Bug 1739108] [NEW] api.keystone.is_cloud_admin/is_domain_admin do not work with the latest policy from keystone repo
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739108] Re: api.keystone.is_cloud_admin/is_domain_admin do not work with the latest policy from keystone repo
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-20
[Bug 1739108] Re: api.keystone.is_cloud_admin/is_domain_admin do not work with the latest policy from keystone repo
From: Vladislav Kuzmin, 2018-05-15
[Bug 1739075] [NEW] fullstack: Improve test suite by creating environment per test class
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739078] [NEW] fullstack: Use a pre-built database schema
From: Jakub Libosvar, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739071] [NEW] Floating IP assigned to a DHCP port leads to a exception if DHCP port is deleted
From: Gary Kotton, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739071] Re: Floating IP assigned to a DHCP port leads to a exception if DHCP port is deleted
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-07
[Bug 1739042] [NEW] _move_operation_alloc_request fails with TypeError when using 1.12 version allocation request
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739042] Re: _move_operation_alloc_request fails with TypeError when using 1.12 version allocation request
From: Chris Dent, 2018-02-09
[Bug 1739023] [NEW] cloud-init should support iproute2 tools
From: Robert Schweikert, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739023] Re: cloud-init should support iproute2 tools
From: James Falcon, 2022-11-03
[Bug 1739013] [NEW] nova.tests.functional.test_server_group.ServerGroupTest*.test_evacuate_with_anti_affinity does not validate that evacuation really happens
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1739013] Re: nova.tests.functional.test_server_group.ServerGroupTest*.test_evacuate_with_anti_affinity does not validate that evacuation really happens
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-28
[Bug 1739013] Re: nova.tests.functional.test_server_group.ServerGroupTest*.test_evacuate_with_anti_affinity does not validate that evacuation really happens
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-23
[Bug 1737879] Re: 2017-12-13 00:20:15.681+0000: shutting down, reason=crashed
From: James Page, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1737879] [NEW] 2017-12-13 00:20:15.681+0000: shutting down, reason=crashed
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738997] [NEW] don't call sync_guest_time if qga is not enabled
From: Chen Hanxiao, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738983] [NEW] Dynamic routing: invalid exception inputs leads to test exceptions
From: Gary Kotton, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738983] Re: Dynamic routing: invalid exception inputs leads to test exceptions
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-03-11
[Bug 1738946] [NEW] so many Relationship links in api-ref documentation are userless
From: andy wang, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738946] Re: so many Relationship links in api-ref documentation are userless
From: Gage Hugo, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1738933] [NEW] openstack server create failed with http 500
From: danielwind, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738933] Re: openstack server create failed with http 500
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-04
[Bug 1738930] [NEW] api-ref: parameters in servers.inc should be verified
From: Takashi NATSUME, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738930] Fix merged to nova (master)
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-04-11
[Bug 1738929] [NEW] openstack host show controller failed with http 404
From: danielwind, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738929] Re: openstack host show controller failed with http 404
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-04-14
[Bug 1738895] [NEW] Filtering by name doesn't work for federated users when listing
From: Kristi Nikolla, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738895] Re: Filtering by name doesn't work for federated users when listing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-02-07
[Bug 1738876] [NEW] Scheduler logs "Re-scheduling is disabled" on initial server create scheduling even though max_attempts>0
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738876] Re: Scheduler logs "Re-scheduling is disabled" on initial server create scheduling even though max_attempts>0
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-02-16
[Bug 1738841] [NEW] openstack heat resource create failed
From: Robert Eby, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738841] Re: openstack heat resource create failed
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-04-08
[Bug 1738768] [NEW] Dataplane downtime when containers are stopped/restarted
From: Daniel Alvarez, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738768] Re: Dataplane downtime when containers are stopped/restarted
From: Assaf Muller, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1738768] Re: Dataplane downtime when containers are stopped/restarted
From: Jiří Stránský, 2019-04-12
[Bug 1738768] Re: Dataplane downtime when containers are stopped/restarted
From: Bernard Cafarelli, 2019-04-12
[Bug 1738738] [NEW] [Neutron][Firewall] Extend FWaaS to provide DSCP filtering
From: Reedip, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738738] Re: [Neutron][Firewall] Extend FWaaS to provide DSCP filtering
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2020-03-24
[Bug 1738729] [NEW] keystoneclient.exceptions.EndpointNotFound
From: zhangax, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738729] Re: keystoneclient.exceptions.EndpointNotFound
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-04
[Bug 1738659] [NEW] linux bridge assigns mac address to the wrong port
From: Adrian Pascalau, 2017-12-17
[Bug 1738659] Re: linux bridge assigns mac address to the wrong port
From: Adrian Pascalau, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1738625] [NEW] Floating IP description field should be available in Horizon
From: Trygve Vea, 2017-12-17
[Bug 1738625] Re: Floating IP description field should be available in Horizon
From: Ying Zuo, 2018-01-27
[Bug 1738612] [NEW] Fkloating IP update breakes decomposed pliugins
From: Gary Kotton, 2017-12-17
[Bug 1738612] Re: Floating IP update breakes decomposed plugins
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738537] [NEW] Unable to use @memoized cache when calling nova get_microversion function
From: wei.ying, 2017-12-16
[Bug 1738537] Re: Unable to use @memoized cache when calling nova get_microversion function
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-31
[Bug 1249330] Re: Horizon fails to get all services quotas
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-16
[Bug 1738501] [NEW] Nova scheduler randomly fails to schedule CPU-pinned instance-flavors with hugepages - fails increases as running instance count grows
From: Trygve Vea, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738484] [NEW] UI issue with Sahara Dashboard
From: Jai, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738484] Re: UI issue with Sahara Dashboard
From: Jai, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738475] [NEW] test_notify_port_ready_after_enable_dhcp fails with RuntimeError: 'dhcp_ready_on_ports' not be called
From: Boden R, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738475] Re: test_notify_port_ready_after_enable_dhcp fails with RuntimeError: 'dhcp_ready_on_ports' not be called
From: Ihar Hrachyshka, 2018-03-20
[Bug 1738466] [NEW] Critical crash when using ./neutron-lbaas/drivers/f5/driver_v2.py in ocata and newton
From: Mathieu Losmede, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738466] Re: Critical crash when using ./neutron-lbaas/drivers/f5/driver_v2.py in ocata and newton
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2018-02-06
[Bug 1738420] [NEW] Displayed IP address is different than in the VM
From: Hanif Kukkalli, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738420] Re: Displayed IP address is different than in the VM
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-04-11
[Bug 1738392] [NEW] glance location-add fails on cinder backend
From: Crazik, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738392] Re: glance location-add fails on cinder backend
From: Brian Rosmaita, 2018-01-23
[Bug 1738379] [NEW] Install and configure for Ubuntu in horizon
From: Joao Pagaime, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738379] Re: Install and configure for Ubuntu in horizon
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-12-17
[Bug 1738379] Re: Install and configure for Ubuntu in horizon
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-24
[Bug 1738379] Re: Install and configure for Ubuntu in horizon
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-03-21
[Bug 1738373] [NEW] nova-compute cannot restart if _init_host failed
From: Xiao Gong, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738373] Re: nova-compute cannot restart if _init_host failed
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-12-19
[Bug 1738371] [NEW] Neutron API port range validation not working correctly
From: Hunt Xu, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738371] Re: Neutron API port range validation not working correctly
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1738372] [NEW] Install and configure in keystone
From: lxy-em30, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738372] Re: Install and configure in keystone
From: Lance Bragstad, 2018-01-08
[Bug 1738372] Re: Install and configure in keystone
From: Arun Kumar - அருண் குமார், 2018-02-04
[Bug 1738372] Re: Install and configure in keystone
From: Gage Hugo, 2018-03-16
[Bug 1738341] [NEW] Nova volume-attach shows volume in 'available' status instead of 'In-use'
From: Shashi, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738341] Re: Nova volume-attach shows volume in 'available' status instead of 'In-use'
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-04
[Bug 1738337] [NEW] [neutron-db] neutron-server report error "UPDATE statement on table 'standardattributes' expected to update 1 row(s); 0 were matched'
From: Zachary Ma, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738337] Re: [neutron-db] neutron-server report error "UPDATE statement on table 'standardattributes' expected to update 1 row(s); 0 were matched'. It will be caused the ovs flow miss
From: Brian Haley, 2023-01-06
[Bug 1738328] [NEW] Cannot specify "#" as name of a flavor
From: Yushiro FURUKAWA, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738328] Re: Cannot specify "#" as name of a flavor
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1598783] Re: Config drives created on RHEL/CentOS 7.1 can't be found
From: James Penick, 2017-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1598783] Re: Config drives created on RHEL/CentOS 7.1 can't be found
From: James Penick, 2017-12-19
[Bug 1598783] Re: Config drives created on RHEL/CentOS 7.1 can't be found
From: Scott Moser, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1598783] Re: Config drives created on RHEL/CentOS 7.1 can't be found
From: Scott Moser, 2018-02-22
[Bug 1598783] Re: Config drives created on RHEL/CentOS 7.1 can't be found
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-02-27
[Bug 1738297] [NEW] Nova Destroys Local Disks for Instance with Broken iSCSI Connection to Cinder Volume Upon Resume from Suspend?
From: Chris Martin, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738297] Re: Nova Destroys Local Disks for Instance with Broken iSCSI Connection to Cinder Volume Upon Resume from Suspend
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2020-04-24
[Bug 1738248] [NEW] "MSI-X is not supported by interrupt controller" when launching aarch64 instance on pike
From: Jason Hobbs, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738135] [NEW] Should not get domain_scoped token when OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_MULTIDOMAIN_SUPPORT is FALSE
From: chaoliu, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1116467] Re: Unpredictable Dashboard behaviour.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1117459] Re: Distinct behavior between client and server side filters
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1160939] Re: Horizon needs to consider handling volume attachment where volume could be attached to a physical server not vm instance in nova.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1202949] Re: Get password action not available for instances.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1219604] Re: Support image versions / large numbers of images
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738094] [NEW] TEXT is not large enough to store RequestSpec
From: Dan Smith, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1738094] Re: TEXT is not large enough to store RequestSpec
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738094] Re: TEXT is not large enough to store RequestSpec
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-15
[Bug 1738083] [NEW] DBDeadlock when when syncing traits in Placement during list_allocation_candidates
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1738083] Re: DBDeadlock when when syncing traits in Placement during list_allocation_candidates
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738083] Re: DBDeadlock when when syncing traits in Placement during list_allocation_candidates
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738023] [NEW] neutron-lib: bogus error when OVO primary key missing
From: Thomas Morin, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1738023] Re: neutron-lib: bogus error when OVO primary key missing
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1737952] [NEW] 500 error if custom property key is greater than 255 characters
From: Abhishek Kekane, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737952] Re: 500 error if custom property key is greater than 255 characters
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-12
[Bug 1737924] [NEW] Server Groups data is not displayed in Instance Details page
From: Sudheer Kalla, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737924] Re: Server Groups data is not displayed in Instance Details page
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2018-03-18
[Bug 1737917] [NEW] Networking Option 2: Self-service networks in neutron
From: Aaasidncza, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737917] Re: NeutronServerTrytoFindL3agentOnComputeNodewhenWeUseLinuxBridge
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-04-09
[Bug 1737900] [NEW] Random volume type on create volume from image
From: Crazik, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737900] Re: Random volume type on create volume from image
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-03
[Bug 1737894] [NEW] 'a bug for test(ignore it )'
From: qiu.jibao, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737894] Re: 'a bug for test(ignore it )'
From: Lance Bragstad, 2018-01-02
[Bug 1737895] [NEW] 'a bug for test(ignore it )'
From: qiu.jibao, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737892] [NEW] Fullstack test test_qos.TestBwLimitQoSOvs.test_bw_limit_qos_port_removed failing many times
From: Slawek Kaplonski, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737892] Re: Fullstack test test_qos.TestBwLimitQoSOvs.test_bw_limit_qos_port_removed failing many times
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-17
[Bug 1737863] [NEW] role_assignments API reference does not document inherit scope behavoir
From: Amelia Cordwell, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737856] [NEW] Listing instances with a marker doesn't nix the marker if it's found in build_requests
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737856] Re: Listing instances with a marker doesn't nix the marker if it's found in build_requests
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737854] [NEW] Wrong content in "paginated collections" API guide page
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-13
[Bug 1737854] Re: Wrong content in "paginated collections" API guide page
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-08-01
[Bug 1737833] [NEW] "SR-IOV Passthrough For Networking" link incorrect
From: Joe D'Andrea, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737833] Re: "SR-IOV Passthrough For Networking" link incorrect
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737704] Re: Cloud-init fails if iso9660 filesystem on non-cdrom path in 20171211 image.
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-12
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1737704] Re: Cloud-init fails if iso9660 filesystem on non-cdrom path in 20171211 image.
From: Scott Moser, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737811] [NEW] missing repository add information
From: Jaewoo Park, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737811] Re: missing repository add information
From: Praveen N, 2017-12-30
[Bug 1737781] [NEW] test_live_migration_actions randomly fails with testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 6 != 4
From: Balazs Gibizer, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737781] Re: test_live_migration_actions randomly fails with testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 6 != 4
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737779] [NEW] Volume attach sets mountpoint as /dev/na in Cinder attachment
From: Samuel Matzek, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737779] Re: Volume attach sets mountpoint as /dev/na in Cinder attachment
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737779] Re: Volume attach sets mountpoint as /dev/na in Cinder attachment
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737779] Re: Volume attach sets mountpoint as /dev/na in Cinder attachment
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1737774] [NEW] parameter not set in ds-identify causes failure in nocloud or uvt-kvm with iso on non-cdrom as seed
From: Scott Moser, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737738] [NEW] Unable to scrub image
From: Timofey G, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737704] Re: Cloud-init seems not run on today's bionic images (20171211)
From: ChristianEhrhardt, 2017-12-12
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1737704] Re: Cloud-init seems not run on today's bionic images (20171211)
From: Scott Moser, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737711] [NEW] nova boot failed when use the chinese metadata key and value
From: shuangyang.qian, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737711] Re: nova boot failed when use the chinese metadata key and value
From: Eric Fried, 2018-07-30
[Bug 1737708] [NEW] create instance failed when the userdata size is larger than 64k
From: shuangyang.qian, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737708] Re: create instance failed when the userdata size is larger than 64k
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-29
[Bug 1737700] [NEW] live-migration error when no exchange 'scheduler_fanout' in vhost
From: Charlotte Han, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737700] Re: live-migration error when no exchange 'scheduler_fanout' in vhost
From: Sylvain Bauza, 2018-02-22
[Bug 1737630] [NEW] cloud-init's netplan rendering does not do anything that starts networkd
From: Michael Hudson-Doyle, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737630] Re: cloud-init's netplan rendering does not do anything that starts networkd
From: Scott Moser, 2018-03-08
[Bug 1737625] [NEW] live migration failed with "Failed to load virtio-blk:virtio" (libvirt/qemu)
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737599] [NEW] Instance resize with attach volume fails
From: Samuel Matzek, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737599] Re: Instance resize with new-style attach volume fails
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-20
[Bug 1737558] [NEW] instance description is shown only when it has a value
From: Akihiro Motoki, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737558] Re: instance description is shown only when it has a value
From: OpenStack Infra, 2017-12-12
[Bug 1737513] [NEW] img_signature_hash_method and img_signature are inherited when creating a snapshot
From: Lee Yarwood, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737513] Re: img_signature_hash_method and img_signature are inherited when creating a snapshot
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-16
[Bug 1737513] Re: img_signature_hash_method and img_signature are inherited when creating a snapshot
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-05-09
[Bug 1737465] [NEW] [cellv2] the performance issue of cellv2 when creating 500 instances concurrently
From: xhzhf, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737449] [NEW] [libvirt] virt_type=qemu doesn't support NUMA related features
From: Tetsuro Nakamura, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737450] [NEW] [libvirt] virt_type=xen doesn't support NUMA related features
From: Tetsuro Nakamura, 2017-12-11
[Bug 1737450] Re: [libvirt] virt_type=xen doesn't support NUMA related features
From: melanie witt, 2018-08-09
[Bug 1237483] Re: monitoring and reporting storage connectivity
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-10
[Bug 1737338] [NEW] Normal response code of addSecurityGroup is wrong
From: hongbin, 2017-12-09
[Bug 1737338] Re: Normal response code of addSecurityGroup is wrong
From: Ghanshyam Mann, 2018-06-27
[Bug 1737313] [NEW] Host networking in neutron
From: Aaasidncza, 2017-12-09
[Bug 1737313] Re: Host networking in neutron
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-05-29
[Bug 1231894] Re: Volume types get default values, which are not changable via horizon
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-09
[Bug 1737266] [NEW] Feature fetch return key Error
From: Manjeet Singh Bhatia, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1731868] Re: cloud-id: enable ESXi 6.5.0
From: Launchpad Bug Tracker, 2017-12-08
<Possible follow-ups>
[Bug 1731868] Re: cloud-id: enable ESXi 6.5.0
From: Scott Moser, 2017-12-14
[Bug 1737242] [NEW] tox -e manage -- collectstatic failed to collect MySQL-python
From: Mudassar Hashmi, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737242] Re: tox -e manage -- collectstatic failed to collect MySQL-python
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-27
[Bug 1737241] [NEW] Status code of addSecurityGroup is wrong
From: hongbin, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737241] Re: Status code of addSecurityGroup is wrong
From: jichenjc, 2018-02-06
[Bug 1737214] [NEW] Enabling guestfs.debug can hang guestfs.launch
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737214] Re: Enabling guestfs.debug can hang guestfs.launch
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737214] Re: Enabling guestfs.debug can hang guestfs.launch
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-01-31
[Bug 1737214] Re: Enabling guestfs.debug can hang guestfs.launch
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-01-31
[Bug 1737207] [NEW] Guest admin password and network information is logged at debug if libvirt.inject_partition != -2
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737207] Re: Guest admin password and network information is logged at debug if libvirt.inject_partition != -2
From: Matt Riedemann, 2017-12-08
[Bug 1737207] Re: Guest admin password and network information is logged at debug if libvirt.inject_partition != -2
From: Matt Riedemann, 2018-02-27
[Bug 1737207] Re: Guest admin password and network information is logged at debug if libvirt.inject_partition != -2
From: OpenStack Infra, 2018-02-28
200 of 95150 messages, page
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