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partner / partner.address merge (Re: [Openerp-i18n-french] “personne morale” vs “société”)


On 04/02/2013 14:29, Raphael Valyi wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I agree with what Rodrigue, Frederic and a few other said. What we did
> in the Brazilian localization is that in first approximation we map
> the company yes/no with the is_company boolean. But then, when we have
> is_company (or has contacts) set to yes, we allow setting an extra a
> fiscal flag (mandatory here anyway) that will precise the legal and
> fiscal situation of the organization we just declared as a company
> with the is_company flag.
> I'm not sure yet which model is better (let's say I didn't hit the v7
> model too hard yet). For pre v7 model had shortcomings for B2C.
> But I'm a bit surprised everybody applauded when that change was
> presented during the community days 2012. If some you spotted critical
> issues with the new model, why didn't you protest during the community
> days before what you now call errors would be part of the release?
> Disclaimer: I wasn't here too, but had to travel 10 000km; hard to be
> licence catch free and cover that kind of expense for business
> meetings ;-)

I was there, with only a few weeks of OpenERP behind me. AFAIR, the
presentation that was made did not go too deep in the specifics.
"Merging partner and partner address" probably could have been done in a
saner way. I was not aware at that time of the issues this model change
was supposed to fix. And I have to admit that to this date, I'm still
not aware of these issues, although I'm getting painfully aware of the
issues which are caused by this change, and quite unhappy about them,
implementing OpenERP for a customer which is mainly B2B...

Yesterday evening I re-read the Party pattern (from Martin Fowler
Analysis Patterns [1])...

[1] http://www.martinfowler.com/books/ap.html

Alexandre Fayolle
Chef de Projet
Tel : + 33 (0)4 79 26 57 94

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex

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