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Message #00167
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:11 PM Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hello!,
> During the simulation number of nodes is constant.
> Simulation data is gathered every n ticks of simulation. So the nodes have
> n ticks to connect with each other to organize team.
> Module for computing number of poisoned chunks gather data from each node
> (from all network). The size of team is not constant since we can exclude
> malicious peers.
Yes, you're right.
So, as far as I have understood, in your simulator, two (or more) attackers
cannot be rejected in less than n ticks of simulation? In other words, how
many attacker are excluded in n ticks? Another question (sorry), does an
attacker poison all the chunks?
> Regarding lost chunks, no, in current impl chunks couldnt be lost.
> Thanks for the questions! =)
> 2015-04-07 11:00 GMT+05:00 Vicente Gonzalez <
> vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Ilshat,
>> As you pointed out before, the team should be stable (churn is not
>> allowed) in order to apply your mathematical model (which I think is
>> correct!). How are you solving this issue in your simulator? Do you gather
>> the simulation data only when the team has all the peers and none of them
>> leaves the team (the team has always the same number of peers)? I remember
>> also that we spoke about some chunks could be lost, does this happen in
>> your simulations?
>> (Sorry, I haven't had enough time to revise your code :-()
>> Thanks,
>> Vi.
>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 12:27 PM Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Ready! =)
>>> https://github.com/P2PSP/sim/pull/4
>>> 2015-04-06 15:01 GMT+05:00 Cristóbal Medina López <
>>> cristobalmedinalopez@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I mean this: http://pastie.org/private/wu1aoi7fnfazwedli88q
>>>> (expected.py). I think it's useful and maybe is a good idea to store
>>>> it in utils directory.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> El lun., 6 de abril de 2015 a las 11:48, Ilshat Shakirov (<
>>>> im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
>>>>> Hello!,
>>>>> Are you about script for computing value by formula? Or about log
>>>>> parser? (average.py). If about log parser, it is already in repo -
>>>>> https://github.com/P2PSP/sim/blob/master/utils/average.py .
>>>>> 2015-04-06 14:41 GMT+05:00 Cristóbal Medina López <
>>>>> cristobalmedinalopez@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> Hi Ilshat,
>>>>>> Could you add the Python script for computing average number of
>>>>>> poisoned chunks to the github repository?
>>>>>> Thanks!!
>>>>>> El lun., 6 de abril de 2015 a las 9:25, Vicente Gonzalez (<
>>>>>> vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi Ilshat,
>>>>>>> thanks for your guide. We really appreciate your efforts.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Vi.
>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 4:11 PM Ilshat Shakirov <
>>>>>>> im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello!,
>>>>>>>> I just prepared the new pull request :
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/P2PSP/sim/pull/3
>>>>>>>> Also, there is new result (with fix from previous mail) :
>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/
>>>>>>>> 1pc6yb87xJy8gNkWSWvvCvjAjR6WBFdOzCbPvO-zEooU/edit#gid=506203193
>>>>>>>> (result3 tab)
>>>>>>>> As you can see, there is something strange in experiments with 50
>>>>>>>> peers, and T>1. But now DIFF decreases with number of experiments (10 000
>>>>>>>> instead of 1000 I have tested).
>>>>>>>> Also, I prepared guide in README file, now you can perform
>>>>>>>> experiments of your own, you need only JDK on local machine. You can change
>>>>>>>> the number of trusted peers in attackers in next lines:
>>>>>>>>> init.2.malicious_count 1
>>>>>>>>> init.2.trusted_count 1
>>>>>>>> Also, you can change the size of the network in the fist line.
>>>>>>>> And you can uncomment these lines to see all the information about
>>>>>>>> network (peer's buffers and neighbors)
>>>>>>>>> #control.0 sim.src.PeerObserver
>>>>>>>>> #control.0.protocol 2
>>>>>>>>> #control.0.step CYCLE*1
>>>>>>>> There is file sim/utils/average.py - it's a file for computing
>>>>>>>> average value of poisoned chunks from many experiments. You simply should
>>>>>>>> call it like 'python average.py -i log.txt'. Log.txt is a output from
>>>>>>>> simulator.
>>>>>>>> That's all, next I will try to investigate the strange values from
>>>>>>>> simulator (with 50 peers).
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> 2015-04-03 10:03 GMT+05:00 Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>>> Hello!,
>>>>>>>>> I found problem in the concept of simulation =)
>>>>>>>>> The malicious peer connects to the team after some delay and it's
>>>>>>>>> a problem. Because of that, i.e. with parameters N=9, T=6, A=3, splitter
>>>>>>>>> will give the peer list with first trusted peers for attackers. And the
>>>>>>>>> result will be 3. But expected is 3.4. And this is why the expected differs
>>>>>>>>> from result.
>>>>>>>>> I will fix it soon, and update the sheet. I think after this
>>>>>>>>> update the DIFF rows must become equal to 0.00 =)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for feedback!
>>>>>>>>> 2015-04-03 3:49 GMT+06:00 Vicente Gonzalez <
>>>>>>>>> vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:19 AM Ilshat Shakirov <
>>>>>>>>>> im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello!,
>>>>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>>>>>> I began fill the results to table - https://docs.google.com/
>>>>>>>>>>> spreadsheets/d/1pc6yb87xJy8gNkWSWvvCvjAjR6WBF
>>>>>>>>>>> dOzCbPvO-zEooU/edit#gid=506203193 (result3 tab)
>>>>>>>>>>> I think formula works, but Im a little bit confused about diifs
>>>>>>>>>>> 0,1-0,12. May be it's some bugs in stat gatherer module of simulator, maybe
>>>>>>>>>>> there some mistake with formula.
>>>>>>>>>>> Soon, I will prepare scripts for running simulation without ide.
>>>>>>>>>>> And I will attach log files (with each peer' buffers) to experiments.
>>>>>>>>>>> What do you think? =)
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I don't know is there is a mistake somewhere (in any case,
>>>>>>>>>> results are quite good). But I have a question. Does DIFF decrease with the
>>>>>>>>>> number of experiments?
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Vi.
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-03-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Juan Álvaro Muñoz Naranjo, 2015-03-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-11
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-11
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-12
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-12
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-13
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-16
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-17
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-17
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-18
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-18
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-19
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-20
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-20
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-20
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-28
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-30
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-03-31
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-01
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-01
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-04-01
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-02
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-04-02
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-03
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-04
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-04-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-04-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Cristóbal Medina López, 2015-04-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-06
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Vicente Gonzalez, 2015-04-07
Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)
From: Ilshat Shakirov, 2015-04-07