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Re: Prevention of pollution attacks (GSoC)


> Yes, we can. But, a question, (I have used an IRC server one or two times
> before): Do the "conversations" remain in the IRC server between sessions?
> If the answer is "no", I would prefer the e-mail, if you don't mind.

I think no, but we can attach a bot to the #p2psp channel, which will be
collect logs from conversation. To be honest, I thought that user p2psp is
a such bot =)

> OK. Do you think that this could affect to the results?
I think no, because the number of poisoned chunks doesnt depend from time
of execution of PoisonedChunksObserver.
To be honest, I have no idea why the simulation shows such results at 50
peers. Im trying to understand smth from log files, but it quite slow
process =)

> Please, note that this email has not been sent to the P2PSP e-mail list.
My mistake, I have restored CC.


2015-04-08 20:32 GMT+05:00 Vicente Gonzalez <vicente.gonzalez.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx

> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 1:26 PM Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> ps Also I think we can move to IRC?
> Yes, we can. But, a question, (I have used an IRC server one or two times
> before): Do the "conversations" remain in the IRC server between sessions?
> If the answer is "no", I would prefer the e-mail, if you don't mind.
>> 2015-04-07 16:14 GMT+05:00 Ilshat Shakirov <im.shakirov@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> So, as far as I have understood, in your simulator, two (or more)
>>>> attackers cannot be rejected in less than n ticks of simulation? In other
>>>> words, how many attacker are excluded in n ticks?
>> I was wrong. Module for computing num of poisoned chunks is executed
>>> every *n *ticks. Also, the process of streaming launches at *m* ticks.
>>> It can be that we exclude malicious peer before *n* ticks, but we can't
>>> exclude peers before *m* ticks. Attacker is excluded from team when he
>>> sends poisoned chunk to trusted peer. It can be that we excluding 2 or more
>>> attackers in gap between 2 executions of stats module.
>>> Source of stats module is here :
>>> https://github.com/ishakirov/sim/blob/master/src/PoisonedChunksObserver.java
>>> Also, you can see the excluding attacker from team here:
>>> https://github.com/ishakirov/sim/blob/master/src/Peer.java#L70 and
>>> https://github.com/ishakirov/sim/blob/master/src/Source.java#L118
> OK. Do you think that this could affect to the results?
>>>  does an attacker poison all the chunks?
>>> yes, in simulation, attacker poison all the chunks he receives
> OK.
> Please, note that this email has not been sent to the P2PSP e-mail list.
> Best,
> Vi.

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