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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
Re: [Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2022-11-07
Re: [Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
From: RaiMan, 2022-11-13
Re: [Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2022-11-14
Re: [Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-22
[Question #702998]: script that runs from IDE but not from Commandline
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2022-08-31
Re: [Question #702759]: web panel
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-08-28
[Bug 1987867] [NEW] 2-key starts capture mode
From: Thomas Horn, 2022-08-26
[Bug 1987867] Re: 2-key starts capture mode
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #702742]: Don't start on windows 7 Dell E6420
From: Chetan, 2022-08-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702742]: Don't start on windows 7 Dell E6420
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-08-27
[Bug 1987487] [NEW] IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: Thomas Horn, 2022-08-24
[Bug 1987487] Re: IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-24
[Bug 1987487] Re: IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: Thomas Horn, 2022-08-24
[Bug 1987487] Re: IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-24
[Bug 1987487] Re: IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: Thomas Horn, 2022-08-25
[Bug 1987487] Re: IDE cursor position inconsistency
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #702850]: Is is possible to run code when the Alt-Shift-C is pressed?
From: funtikar, 2022-08-21
Re: [Question #98666]: Running Sikuli scripts from command line (Linux)
From: rawace fexes, 2022-08-19
Re: [Question #702786]: operating system/hardware/software setup? (performance aspects)
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702786]: operating system/hardware/software setup? (performance aspects)
From: funtikar, 2022-08-18
Re: [Question #702786]: What are some of tried and tested operating system/hardware/software setup?
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-17
[Question #702786]: What are some of tried and tested operating system/hardware/software setup?
From: funtikar, 2022-08-16
Re: [Question #99151]: How can I script the [cmd + A] (select all) shortcut?
From: rawace fexes, 2022-08-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #99151]: How can I script the [cmd + A] (select all) shortcut?
From: griffn john, 2022-08-18
Re: [Question #99151]: How can I script the [cmd + A] (select all) shortcut?
From: Mical Tech, 2022-08-25
[Question #702759]: web panel
From: Concor, 2022-08-13
[Question #702742]: Don't start on windows 7 Dell E6420
From: charliedaps, 2022-08-11
Re: [Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: Zach Anderson, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: Zach Anderson, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-10
[Question #702722]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: Zach Anderson, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #702722]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: Zach Anderson, 2022-08-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702722]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-10
[Question #702721]: sikuli click function opening microsoft office
From: Zach Anderson, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-03
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-03
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-03
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-05
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-08-05
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-05
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-05
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: RaiMan, 2022-08-07
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-20
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-08-20
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-21
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-08-21
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-21
Re: [Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-09-06
[Question #702646]: Optimizing resource usage
From: cemara, 2022-08-03
Re: [Question #702472]: My Sikuli Does not respond when a over head Pop-up appears while installing a software
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-29
Re: [Question #694521]: [2.0.4] macOS: using sikulixapi by jpype --- currently not possible
From: judy hopps, 2022-07-28
Re: [Question #702367]: Intellij idea - java - sikuli setup
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-19
Re: [Question #702348]: OCR text match to image [Tesseract]
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702348]: OCR text match to image [Tesseract]
From: NS, 2022-09-01
Re: [Question #702348]: OCR text match to image [Tesseract]
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-09-17
[Question #702472]: My Sikuli Does not respond when a over head Pop-up appears while installing a software
From: Karthik, 2022-07-14
[Bug 1981614] [NEW] 'RunTime:loadLib: libopencv_java430.so (failed) probably dependent libs missing' error while running sikuli test script in Red hat 7.6 issue
From: Rajatesh R, 2022-07-13
[Bug 1981614] Re: 'RunTime:loadLib: libopencv_java430.so (failed) probably dependent libs missing' error while running sikuli test script in Red hat 7.6 issue
From: RaiMan, 2022-07-18
[Bug 1981613] [NEW] Not able to install the Sikulix setup 1.1.3 jar in Linux
From: Rajatesh R, 2022-07-13
[Bug 1981613] Re: Not able to install the Sikulix setup 1.1.3 jar in Linux
From: RaiMan, 2022-07-18
Re: [Question #702351]: Reading image text
From: Ben Dix, 2022-07-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702351]: Reading image text
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-16
Re: [Question #702265]: SikuliLibrary in Robot Framework is generating files with stdout how can I stop it from generating files.
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-09
Re: [Question #702271]: Will there ever been any chance of integrating SikuliX in VSCode to have a more robust IDE?
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-09
Re: [Question #702250]: SIkuli typing special characters - unintended behavior
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-07
[Bug 1980717] [NEW] 'RunTime:loadLib: libopencv_java430.so (failed) probably dependent libs missing' error while running sikuli test script in Red hat 7.6
From: Rajatesh R, 2022-07-05
[Bug 1980717] Re: 'RunTime:loadLib: libopencv_java430.so (failed) probably dependent libs missing' error while running sikuli test script in Red hat 7.6
From: RaiMan, 2022-07-05
Re: [Question #702342]: New user, I do not have the left icons ?
From: TestMechanic, 2022-07-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702342]: New user, I do not have the left icons ?
From: ahmet sahin, 2022-10-02
Re: [Question #702342]: New user, I do not have the left icons ?
From: RaiMan, 2022-11-13
[Question #702367]: Intellij idea - java - sikuli setup
From: Baris Can Ates, 2022-07-03
[Question #702351]: Reading image text
From: Emmanuel Mbambo, 2022-06-30
[Question #702348]: OCR text match to image [Tesseract]
From: NS, 2022-06-30
[Question #702342]: New user, I do not have the left icons ?
From: Jean, 2022-06-30
Re: [Question #702308]: many matched components, how to decide which to click?
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-06-28
[Question #702308]: many matched components, how to decide which to click?
From: Yadong Yu, 2022-06-27
Re: [Question #702149]: PyCharm No module named sikuli error
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702149]: PyCharm No module named sikuli error
From: Christoph Schwerdtner, 2024-04-25
Re: [Question #702128]: Click on the screen ubuntu
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-25
Re: [Question #702129]: [2.0.4] [error] ImagePath: find: not there: when importing module with image paths added
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702129]: [2.0.4] [error] ImagePath: find: not there: when importing module with image paths added
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-27
Re: [Question #702129]: [2.0.4] [error] ImagePath: find: not there: when importing module with image paths added
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-13
[Question #702271]: Will there ever been any chance of integrating SikuliX in VSCode to have a more robust IDE?
From: R Gifford, 2022-06-23
[Question #702265]: SikuliLibrary in Robot Framework is generating files with stdout how can I stop it from generating files.
From: Preetham Kumar Bagulwad, 2022-06-23
[Question #702250]: SIkuli typing special characters - unintended behavior
From: Jesse Bate, 2022-06-22
Re: [Question #702046]: Stop script Macbook m1
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-18
Re: [Question #702203]: Can't click on "Target Offset" tab..
From: helloworld, 2022-06-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702203]: Can't click on "Target Offset" tab..
From: Marc, 2022-06-16
[Question #702203]: Can't click on "Target Offset" tab..
From: Marc, 2022-06-16
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-16
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-16
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-16
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-16
Re: [Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-02
[Question #702189]: Python unittest output not displayed after switching from 1.1.2 to 2.0.4
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: helloworld, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: helloworld, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: helloworld, 2022-06-15
Re: [Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-07-01
[Question #702188]: My OCR function seems to be faulty
From: helloworld, 2022-06-15
[Question #702149]: PyCharm No module named sikuli error
From: Oleg, 2022-06-11
Re: [Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-06-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: Manfred Hampl, 2022-06-10
Re: [Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: Maxime PARAT, 2022-06-10
Re: [Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-10
Re: [Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: Maxime PARAT, 2022-06-13
[Question #702137]: Log4j 1.x vulnerability with Sikuli2.x ?
From: Maxime PARAT, 2022-06-10
[Question #702129]: [2.0.4] [error] ImagePath: find: not there: when importing module with image paths added
From: Aaron Marth, 2022-06-09
[Question #702128]: Click on the screen ubuntu
From: Laroussi, 2022-06-09
Re: [Question #702114]: Sikulix on ubuntu
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-09
Re: [Question #701944]: simple print() statement throws a java.nio.BufferOverflowException
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-09
[Question #702114]: Sikulix on ubuntu
From: Laroussi, 2022-06-08
Re: [Question #702098]: 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702098]: 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-07
Re: [Question #702098]: 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: wu woody2022, 2022-06-08
[Question #702098]: 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: wu woody2022, 2022-06-07
[Bug 1977833] [NEW] 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: wu woody2022, 2022-06-07
[Bug 1977833] Re: 2.0.5 type('A', Key.CTRL), but type('A', Key.CTRL + Key.SHIFT)
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-07
Re: [Question #702066]: Trying to run script
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702066]: Trying to run script
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-05
Re: [Question #702066]: Trying to run script
From: Humberto A. Sanchez II, 2022-06-05
Re: [Question #702066]: Trying to run script
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-06
[Bug 1977664] [NEW] output from "adb shell dumpsys display" changed
From: Filip Hasa, 2022-06-04
[Bug 1977664] Re: output from "adb shell dumpsys display" changed
From: RaiMan, 2022-06-05
[Question #702066]: Trying to run script
From: Humberto A. Sanchez II, 2022-06-04
Re: [Question #702055]: Can't load libopencv_java430.dylib
From: Victor Rodriguez, 2022-06-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702055]: Can't load libopencv_java430.dylib
From: Humberto A. Sanchez II, 2022-06-04
Re: [Question #702055]: Can't load libopencv_java430.dylib
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-18
[Question #702055]: Can't load libopencv_java430.dylib
From: Victor Rodriguez, 2022-06-03
[Question #702046]: Stop script Macbook m1
From: michael, 2022-06-02
Re: [Question #695366]: Request details for suggesting sikuli for organization
From: Roderick Nelson, 2022-05-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #695366]: Request details for suggesting sikuli for organization
From: RaiMan, 2022-11-14
[Bug 1976241] [NEW] (manual) dragdrop doesn't work in Bluestacks
From: Rene, 2022-05-30
[Bug 1976241] Re: (manual) dragdrop doesn't work in Bluestacks
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #701798]: Button fails to activate
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-05-30
Re: [Question #694687]: [2.0.4] OCR Global settings not updated after setting Settings.OcrLanguages --- workaround
From: Emilia Allard, 2022-05-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #694687]: [2.0.4] OCR Global settings not updated after setting Settings.OcrLanguages --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2022-11-14
Re: [Question #701945]: [Sikulix 2.05] Not able to find text in black background
From: sunny sachdeva, 2022-05-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701945]: [Sikulix 2.05] Not able to find text in black background
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-06-09
[Question #701945]: [Sikulix 2.05] Not able to find text in black background
From: sunny sachdeva, 2022-05-25
[Question #701944]: simple print() statement throws a java.nio.BufferOverflowException
From: Tyler White, 2022-05-25
Re: [Question #695871]: [2.0.5] Linux: App.Open(some.sh) does not work and hangs
From: Roderick Nelson, 2022-05-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #695871]: [2.0.5] Linux: App.Open(some.sh) does not work and hangs
From: Leo Holmes, 2022-10-27
[Bug 1974432] [NEW] Unicode isssues in 2.0.6
From: cgsdk, 2022-05-20
[Bug 1974432] Re: Env.getClipboard(): Unicode isssues in 2.0.6
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #701798]: Button fails to activate
From: dmd6x, 2022-05-14
Re: [Question #701773]: Can't launch .bat file
From: RaiMan, 2022-05-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701773]: Can't launch .bat file
From: Rivier, 2022-05-12
Re: [Question #701773]: Can't launch .bat file
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-05-28
[Question #701773]: Can't launch .bat file
From: Rivier, 2022-05-12
[Bug 1971894] [NEW] Win + Up Key Combination Crashing Sikuli
From: Ankit Kuchhangi, 2022-05-05
[Bug 1971894] Re: Win + Up Key Combination Crashing Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #701342]: Does Sikuli Support WinARM and Mac ARM machines?
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-04-29
[Question #701540]: Status of bug #1970261 changed to 'In Progress' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-27
Re: [Question #701540]: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701540]: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-26
Re: [Question #701540]: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: Stephan Timmers, 2022-04-27
Re: [Question #701540]: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-27
[Question #701540]: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: Stephan Timmers, 2022-04-26
Re: [Question #701524]: WHILE IMPORTING _init_() takes at least 3 arguments(2given)
From: AMEJRISSI Mohamed, 2022-04-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701524]: WHILE IMPORTING _init_() takes at least 3 arguments(2given)
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-26
Re: [Question #701524]: WHILE IMPORTING _init_() takes at least 3 arguments(2given)
From: AMEJRISSI Mohamed, 2022-04-27
Re: [Question #701524]: WHILE IMPORTING _init_() takes at least 3 arguments(2given)
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-27
[Bug 1970261] [NEW] SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: Stephan Timmers, 2022-04-25
[Bug 1970261] Re: SikuliX cannot see my screen
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-26
[Bug 1970261] Re: [2.0.5] blank in image filenames/-paths does not work
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-27
[Question #701524]: WHILE IMPORTING _init_() takes at least 3 arguments(2given)
From: AMEJRISSI Mohamed, 2022-04-25
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: Darius Tumas, 2022-04-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-23
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: Darius Tumas, 2022-04-23
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: Darius Tumas, 2022-04-25
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-26
Re: [Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: Darius Tumas, 2022-04-26
[Question #701489]: type() works with sikuliIDE scripts, but not with sikulixapi
From: Darius Tumas, 2022-04-23
Re: [Question #701425]: When would 2.0.6 be available for general use?
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-22
[Question #701425]: When would 2.0.6 be available for general use?
From: Chetan, 2022-04-20
[Question #701342]: Does Sikuli Support WinARM and Mac ARM machines?
From: Chetan, 2022-04-14
Re: [Question #701322]: [2.0.5-6]Unable to stop Script using Alt+SHIFT+C Windows 11 Ldplayer Vmware
From: JR Tan, 2022-04-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701322]: [2.0.5-6]Unable to stop Script using Alt+SHIFT+C Windows 11 Ldplayer Vmware
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2022-04-28
Re: [Question #701322]: [2.0.6]Unable to stop Script using Alt+SHIFT+C
From: JR Tan, 2022-04-13
[Question #701322]: [2.0.6]Unable to stop Script using Alt+Ctrl+C
From: JR Tan, 2022-04-13
Re: [Question #701292]: Resolution 1200*800
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-11
Re: [Question #701300]: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jna.Native.load(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/util/Map; )Lcom/sun/jna/Library;
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-11
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #701300]: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jna.Native.load(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/util/Map; )Lcom/sun/jna/Library;
From: Divakar, 2022-04-12
Re: [Question #701300]: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.jna.Native.load(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/Class; Ljava/util/Map; )Lcom/sun/jna/Library;
From: RaiMan, 2022-04-12
200 of 59569 messages, page
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