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Mailing list archive
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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #707645]: SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is not running on Windows 10 with Java 17
Re: [Question #707645]: SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is not running on Windows 10 with Java 17
From: jaheimcipriano, 2024-10-16
Re: [Question #708089]: Free scroll the screen in Sikuli
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-02
Re: [Question #708071]: Priority queue
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #708071]: Priority queue
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-02
Re: [Question #708071]: Priority queue
From: Eric Jordan, 2023-10-03
Re: [Question #708071]: Priority queue
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-09
[Question #708089]: Free scroll the screen in Sikuli
From: Alex Cr, 2023-10-01
Re: [Question #707934]: When using sleep and run the code the IDE disappears
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-09-30
[Question #708071]: Priority queue
From: Eric Jordan, 2023-09-28
Re: [Question #708067]: Consistent [error] Mouse.wheel(): Mouse not useable (blocked) issues
From: Brandon, 2023-09-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #708067]: Consistent [error] Mouse.wheel(): Mouse not useable (blocked) issues
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-02
[Question #708067]: Consistent [error] Mouse.wheel(): Mouse not useable (blocked) issues
From: Brandon, 2023-09-28
Re: [Question #246313]: SIKULIX_HOME not found or seems to be invalid \( $SIKULIX_HOME \)
From: staindoor, 2023-09-27
Re: [Question #708013]: getCenter on a user coded region returns a clickpoint on the bottom right of the region
From: abuzer stream, 2023-09-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #708013]: getCenter on a user coded region returns a clickpoint on the bottom right of the region
From: Dewnis, 2023-09-27
Re: [Question #708013]: getCenter on a user coded region returns a clickpoint on the bottom right of the region
From: aserty, 2023-10-17
[Question #708018]: Project start time.
From: abuzer stream, 2023-09-23
[Question #708013]: getCenter on a user coded region returns a clickpoint on the bottom right of the region
From: Mark McGuinn, 2023-09-22
[Bug 2036888] [NEW] setUsing does not work when path / parameter has spaces
From: Chetan, 2023-09-21
[Bug 2036888] Re: setUsing does not work when path / parameter has spaces
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-02
Re: [Question #617040]: Set Execution Ordinal for Test Set via Command Line
From: mughees aslam, 2023-09-19
Re: [Question #707825]: Modifying a read and readLine Method
From: sibusiso mbambo, 2023-09-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707825]: Modifying a read and readLine Method
From: aserty, 2023-11-02
[Question #707934]: When using sleep and run the code the IDE disappears
From: Ravisai, 2023-09-14
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-09-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-09-12
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-09-28
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-10-02
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-06
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-10-09
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-10-09
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-10-09
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-10-09
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-10-11
Re: [Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-10-26
[Question #707899]: OCR not recognizing simple text
From: Niklas Jørgensen, 2023-09-12
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: Chetan, 2023-09-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: Dewnis, 2023-09-26
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: Fufel, 2024-04-01
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: aosuuty, 2024-07-24
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: shanarosali, 2024-09-03
Re: [Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: nybuhya, 2024-12-12
[Question #707896]: Need to call doubleClick or click twiice
From: Chetan, 2023-09-12
Re: [Question #707716]: how to check if image was actually present on disk before using find
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-09-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707716]: how to check if image was actually present on disk before using find
From: abuzer stream, 2023-10-03
Re: [Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: Chang, HyukSoo, 2023-09-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: Ghulam Hussain, 2023-09-07
Re: [Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: aserty, 2023-10-17
Re: [Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: aserty, 2023-10-17
Re: [Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: aserty, 2023-11-02
[Question #707841]: problems when importing other sikuli script
From: Chang, HyukSoo, 2023-09-05
Re: [Question #707833]: Having problems accessing images from a runnable jar, using Sikuli 2.0.5
From: Carstein Seeberg, 2023-09-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707833]: Having problems accessing images from a runnable jar, using Sikuli 2.0.5
From: Carstein Seeberg, 2023-09-04
Re: [Question #707833]: Having problems accessing images from a runnable jar, using Sikuli 2.0.5
From: Carstein Seeberg, 2023-09-04
Re: [Question #707833]: Having problems accessing images from a runnable jar, using Sikuli 2.0.5
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-09-20
[Question #707833]: Having problems accessing images from a runnable jar, using Sikuli 2.0.5
From: Carstein Seeberg, 2023-09-04
[Question #707825]: Modifying a read and readLine Method
From: sibusiso mbambo, 2023-09-02
Re: [Question #707717]: how to check if image was actually present on disk before using find
From: meetemmajhone, 2023-09-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707717]: how to check if image was actually present on disk before using find
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-09-07
[Question #707415]: is it possible to focus on process name
From: Chetan, 2023-07-28
Re: [Question #700657]: [2.0.6]sikulixapi usage in Gradle projects
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-27
Re: [Question #663480]: How to create multiple app instances out of one app - chrome?
From: charli puth, 2023-07-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #663480]: How to create multiple app instances out of one app - chrome?
From: charli puth, 2023-07-27
Re: [Question #663480]: How to create multiple app instances out of one app - chrome?
From: Peter Parker, 2024-09-17
Re: [Question #700787]: [feature] focus application based on pid --- accepted
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
Re: [Question #707123]: IDE: Can't run single line containing non-ASCII - a bug
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707123]: IDE: Can't run single line containing non-ASCII - a bug
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: muhammad ehnaf, 2023-07-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-21
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-21
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-21
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Absharmovers, 2023-07-21
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: masuo, 2023-07-23
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-23
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-23
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: dgfy6, 2023-07-24
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-24
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-24
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Absharmovers, 2023-07-25
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Absharmovers, 2023-07-27
Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Absharmovers, 2023-07-28
[Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-21
Re: [Question #707305]: Cannot type via Remote Desktop Windows using RF + Sikuli X
From: Thinh Vu, 2023-07-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707305]: Cannot type via Remote Desktop Windows using RF + Sikuli X
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
[Question #707305]: Cannot type via Remote Desktop Windows using RF + Sikuli X
From: Thinh Vu, 2023-07-17
Re: [Question #707288]: Recovering Source Code from Compiled .jar File for SikulixIDE
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707288]: Recovering Source Code from Compiled .jar File for SikulixIDE
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-07-14
[Question #707288]: Recovering Source Code from Compiled .jar File for SikulixIDE
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-07-14
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: miryam, 2023-07-15
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-16
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: miryam, 2023-07-16
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-16
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: miryam, 2023-07-18
Re: [Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-18
[Question #707280]: sikuli does'nt recognize images stably
From: miryam, 2023-07-13
Re: [Question #707123]: [utf-8] Can't print single sentence
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-07-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707123]: [utf-8] Can't print single sentence
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-12
Re: [Question #707123]: [utf-8] Can't print single sentence
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-12
Re: [Question #707123]: [utf-8] Can't print single sentence
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
Re: [Question #707066]: How to avoid "Select a region on the screen"
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-07-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707066]: How to avoid "Select a region on the screen"
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-27
Re: [Question #686217]: Region contains 100 clickable link. How can I will be able to click a link based on Plain text pattern
From: natawic489, 2023-07-08
Re: [Question #707216]: add regions and return single region at runtime
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707216]: add regions and return single region at runtime
From: Chetan, 2023-10-12
Re: [Question #707216]: add regions and return single region at runtime
From: Chetan, 2023-10-12
[Question #707216]: add regions and return single region at runtime
From: Chetan, 2023-07-06
Re: [Question #707150]: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.sikuli.script.Mouse.setNotUseable
From: Chetan, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-07-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-04
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-07-04
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Manfred Hampl, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-05
Re: [Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-05
[Question #707195]: To perform automation on image drawing by select shape on application and draw on image using sikuli
From: Damini Deokar, 2023-07-04
Re: [Question #707191]: show notification in sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-04
[Question #707191]: show notification in sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-07-04
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.x] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application --- accepted as bug
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-02
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application --- accepted as bug
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-02
[Question #707150]: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.sikuli.script.Mouse.setNotUseable
From: Santhosh, 2023-06-29
Re: [Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: JP, 2023-06-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-07-14
Re: [Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-14
Re: [Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-26
Re: [Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: aserty, 2023-11-07
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: RaiMan, 2023-06-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: Romuald C., 2023-06-28
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-02
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-02
Re: [Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-02
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: jhdf sdf, 2023-06-28
[Question #707139]: [2.0.4] switchApp not telling apart windows of the same application
From: Romuald C., 2023-06-28
[Question #707123]: [utf-8] Can't print single sentence
From: Dimitri Conrozier, 2023-06-27
[Question #707102]: How to append saved screenshot to htmltestrunner report
From: JP, 2023-06-26
Re: [Question #707070]: Where is screenshot saved?
From: JP, 2023-06-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707070]: Where is screenshot saved?
From: jnknk, 2023-06-26
[Question #707070]: Where is screenshot saved?
From: Jenny Pergega, 2023-06-22
[Question #707066]: How to avoid "Select a region on the screen"
From: Sumit Golaniya, 2023-06-22
Re: [Question #707055]: After upgrade of Java (java 17) and Sikulix (2.0.5) to latest versions, existing Images are not getting identified which used to work before the upgrade
From: sampathkumarv, 2023-06-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #707055]: After upgrade of Java (java 17) and Sikulix (2.0.5) to latest versions, existing Images are not getting identified which used to work before the upgrade
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-07-06
[Question #707055]: After upgrade of Java (java 17) and Sikulix (2.0.5) to latest versions, existing Images are not getting identified which used to work before the upgrade
From: sampathkumarv, 2023-06-21
Re: [Question #706985]: Unable to find htmltestrunner file
From: RaiMan, 2023-06-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706985]: Unable to find htmltestrunner file
From: Jenny Pergega, 2023-06-16
[Question #706985]: Unable to find htmltestrunner file
From: Jenny Pergega, 2023-06-15
Re: [Question #706948]: Unable to launch application since its dependencies are being accessed from Project Location
From: TestMechanic, 2023-06-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706948]: Unable to launch application since its dependencies are being accessed from Project Location
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-06-28
Re: [Question #706950]: find the image of the 3d model that can be rotated or zoomed
From: george john, 2023-06-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706950]: find the image of the 3d model that can be rotated or zoomed
From: fontbots, 2023-06-09
Re: [Question #706950]: find the image of the 3d model that can be rotated or zoomed
From: RaiMan, 2023-06-09
Re: [Question #706950]: find the image of the 3d model that can be rotated or zoomed
From: RaiMan, 2023-06-09
[Question #706950]: find the image of the 3d model that can be rotated or zoomed
From: juan, 2023-06-09
[Question #706948]: Unable to launch application since its dependencies are being accessed from Project Location
From: Abinaya Vijayakumar, 2023-06-09
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: akicha, 2023-06-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: akicha, 2023-06-02
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Yoshi Kamino, 2023-07-07
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-08
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Yoshi Kamino, 2023-07-10
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: RaiMan, 2023-07-10
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Yoshi Kamino, 2023-07-11
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: hfjggsx, 2024-06-06
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: hfjggsx, 2024-06-06
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Yoshi Kamino, 2024-06-07
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2024-06-22
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Hassan, 2024-06-30
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: scarley jeo, 2024-10-16
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: KrisGraver, 2024-10-21
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: scarley jeo, 2024-12-03
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: scarley jeo, 2024-12-03
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: scarley jeo, 2024-12-19
Re: [Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: scarley jeo, 2024-12-19
Re: [Question #131084]: calender selection for mobile apps using sikuli
From: Hiba Ilyasi, 2023-06-02
[Question #706874]: Using Sikulix on macOS Ventura
From: Yoshi Kamino, 2023-06-02
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-23
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-05-23
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-05-23
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Saad, 2023-05-24
Re: [Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: knji, 2023-05-24
[Question #706755]: Share the created project
From: Oleksij Atirovich, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #670985]: Easy way to take screenshot and region at the same time
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706732]: How to run AppleScript file from sikuli: run("osascript some.applescript")
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706732]: How to run AppleScript file from sikuli: run("osascript some.applescript")
From: Dewnis, 2023-06-11
Re: [Question #706750]: macOS Intel: SX205: unable to install needed Tesseract 4 (brew installs version 5)
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706750]: macOS Intel: SX205: unable to install needed Tesseract 4 (brew installs version 5)
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706750]: macOS Intel: SX205: unable to install needed Tesseract 4 (brew installs version 5)
From: Chetan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706750]: macOS Intel: SX205: unable to install needed Tesseract 4 (brew installs version 5)
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706750]: unable to install Tesseract 4
From: Chetan, 2023-05-22
[Question #706750]: unable to install Tesseract 4
From: Chetan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706732]: is there a way to directly run applescript from sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706732]: is there a way to directly run applescript from sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-05-22
Re: [Question #706732]: is there a way to directly run applescript from sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-22
[Question #706732]: is there a way to directly run applescript from sikuli
From: Chetan, 2023-05-20
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-14
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: aserty, 2023-11-02
200 of 59569 messages, page
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