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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
| 4 |
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: liender, 2023-11-22
Re: [Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: liender, 2023-11-22
[Bug 2019494] [NEW] I download the file but it downloads a notes format (text) and it is not
From: Leticia, 2023-05-14
[Bug 2019494] Re: I download the file but it downloads a notes format (text) and it is not
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-14
[Bug 2019494] Re: I download the file but it downloads a notes format (text) and it is not
From: Leticia, 2023-05-14
[Bug 2019494] Re: I download the file but it downloads a notes format (text) and it is not
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-15
[Question #706631]: I can't download an executable file from the system, I can't use it
From: Leticia, 2023-05-14
Re: [Question #706426]: limit memory usage of java process
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-05-12
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: checkbillnow, 2023-05-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-11
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: elliana, 2023-06-23
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: javiergray, 2023-07-22
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: Abigailava, 2024-02-01
Re: [Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: Leogeorge2, 2024-08-16
[Question #706546]: In Windows 10 pro N, am getting this error "[error] RunTime:loadLib: opencv_java342.dll (failed) probably dependent libs missing:"
From: Abinaya Vijayakumar, 2023-05-08
Re: [Question #706495]: error import
From: masuo, 2023-05-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706495]: error import
From: SHIH-JIE HSU, 2023-05-08
Re: [Question #706495]: error import
From: SHIH-JIE HSU, 2023-05-08
Re: [Question #706425]: Facing issue with new jar file while running automation script in sikuli
From: John White, 2023-05-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706425]: Facing issue with new jar file while running automation script in sikuli
From: masuo, 2023-05-07
Re: [Question #706425]: Facing issue with new jar file while running automation script in sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-11
Re: [Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: Елена, 2023-05-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-04
Re: [Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: Елена, 2023-05-04
Re: [Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: John White, 2023-05-05
Re: [Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-11
[Question #706503]: Помогите написать скрипт
From: Елена, 2023-05-04
Re: [Question #706490]: Easy way to take a screenshot and region at the same time (2)
From: Mi Me, 2023-05-03
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706490]: Easy way to take a screenshot and region at the same time (2)
From: Mi Me, 2023-05-03
Re: [Question #706490]: Easy way to take a screenshot and region at the same time (2)
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-15
[Question #706495]: error import
From: SHIH-JIE HSU, 2023-05-03
[Question #706490]: Easy way to take a screenshot and region at the same time (2)
From: Mi Me, 2023-05-03
[Question #706426]: limit memory usage of java process
From: Szalontai Zoltán, 2023-04-27
[Question #706425]: Facing issue with new jar file while running automation script in sikuli
From: Sathish, 2023-04-27
Re: [Question #706402]: log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
From: Javahir, 2023-04-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706402]: log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
From: Dewnis, 2023-06-11
[Question #706402]: log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
From: Javahir, 2023-04-24
[Question #696094]: Status of bug #1920183 changed to 'In Progress' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #696901]: Status of bug #1988860 changed to 'Invalid' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706339]: pb after observeInBackgroud
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706339]: pb after observeInBackgroud
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706339]: pb after observeInBackgroud
From: Eric BARROT, 2023-04-21
[Question #705498]: Status of bug #2008628 changed to 'Fix Committed' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #705997]: /run/someScript --- run a script (someScript.sikuli in folder someFolder), Can we use a HTTP url instead of someScript folder --- not a feature
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706301]: [request] trigger script runs with hotkeys --- not a feature yet
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706301]: [request] trigger script runs with hotkeys --- not a feature yet
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706301]: [request] trigger script runs with hotkeys --- not a feature yet
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706301]: [request] trigger script runs with hotkeys --- not a feature yet
From: waterking, 2023-04-23
Re: [Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: Joe L. Thompson, 2023-04-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: waterking, 2023-04-20
Re: [Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: waterking, 2023-04-20
Re: [Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706301]: Regarding the hotkey issue of the software.
From: waterking, 2023-04-18
Re: [Question #706194]: When we can expect next release of sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706194]: When we can expect next release of sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706194]: When we can expect next release of sikuli
From: TestMechanic, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706194]: When we can expect next release of sikuli
From: aserty, 2023-11-07
[Question #706194]: When we can expect next release of sikuli
From: TestMechanic, 2023-04-12
Re: [Question #706170]: [2.0.5] after changing a method imported inside another method, IDE restart needed
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706170]: [2.0.5] after changing a method imported inside another method, IDE restart needed
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #706170]: [2.0.5] after changing a method imported inside another method, IDE restart needed
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706170]: Sikuli 2.0.5 after changing a method inside another method, restart needed
From: Filipe Barbosa, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: manohar, 2023-04-24
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: manohar, 2023-05-08
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-05-10
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: manohar, 2023-05-11
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: RaiMan, 2023-05-11
Re: [Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: manohar, 2023-05-12
Re: [Question #706168]: i want the software to press the buttons shown on the screen, but i dont know how
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706168]: i want the software to press the buttons shown on the screen, but i dont know how
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706168]: i want the software to press the buttons shown on the screen, but i dont know how
From: Nali Rebwar Abdulla, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #705923]: Sikulix Freezing On Large Projects
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705923]: Sikulix Freezing On Large Projects
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706107]: SikuliX 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Please Guide me with the steps.
From: manohar, 2023-04-06
[Bug 2015283] [NEW] [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
[Bug 2015283] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: Chetan, 2023-09-14
[Bug 2015283] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: Rene, 2023-12-14
[Question #706071]: Status of bug #2015283 changed to 'In Progress' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706071]: [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706071]: [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706071]: [2.0.5] IDE: import sub as su and from sub import * need IDE restart on changes in sub --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #705951]: Sikulix subprocess module overflow error
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705951]: Sikulix subprocess module overflow error
From: abuzer stream, 2023-04-20
Re: [Question #705951]: Sikulix subprocess module overflow error
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706071]: Sikuli 2.0.5 IDE after change i need to restart IDE
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706071]: Sikuli 2.0.5 IDE after change i need to restart IDE
From: Filipe Barbosa, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706071]: Sikuli 2.0.5 IDE after change i need to restart IDE
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706071]: Sikuli 2.0.5 IDE after change i need to restart IDE
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
[Question #706071]: Sikuli 2.0.5 IDE after change i need to restart IDE
From: Filipe Barbosa, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-31
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-04-01
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-04-03
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-04-03
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-04-08
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706028]: Sikuli script stops working without throwing any error or any exception, it just waits where there is no wait function
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-03-31
Re: [Question #706021]: parameters cmd
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-31
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706021]: parameters cmd
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706020]: connection with the mysql database
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-31
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706020]: connection with the mysql database
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706021]: parameters cmd
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-03-31
[Question #706020]: connection with the mysql database
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-03-31
Re: [Question #706007]: Can I run SikuliX inside a django project?
From: Juan Carlos, 2023-03-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #706007]: Can I run SikuliX inside a django project?
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #706007]: Can I run SikuliX inside a django project?
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #706007]: Can I run SikuliX inside a django project?
From: Juan Carlos, 2023-03-30
Re: [Question #705997]: /run/someScript --- run a script (someScript.sikuli in folder someFolder), Can we use a HTTP url instead of someScript folder
From: Lijumon, 2023-03-29
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705997]: /run/someScript --- run a script (someScript.sikuli in folder someFolder), Can we use a HTTP url instead of someScript folder
From: TestMechanic, 2023-04-12
Re: [Question #705997]: /run/someScript --- run a script (someScript.sikuli in folder someFolder), Can we use a HTTP url instead of someScript folder
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #705997]: /run/someScript --- run a script (someScript.sikuli in folder someFolder), Can use a HTTP url instead of someScript folder
From: Lijumon, 2023-03-29
Re: [Question #705972]: communicate with python
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705972]: communicate with python
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
Re: [Question #705971]: Studies
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705971]: Studies
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-03-30
[Question #705972]: communicate with python
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-03-27
[Question #705971]: Studies
From: CAMILO CARDOSO ALVES, 2023-03-27
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: Raúl Muñoz, 2023-03-29
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: TestMechanic, 2023-03-31
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-04
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: Raúl Muñoz, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: Raúl Muñoz, 2023-04-10
[Question #705963]: Automated GUI Testing
From: Raúl Muñoz, 2023-03-27
[Question #705951]: Sikulix subprocess module overflow error
From: abuzer stream, 2023-03-26
Re: [Question #705793]: Automate sukuli jar export on Github
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2023-03-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705793]: Automate sukuli jar export on Github
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-26
Re: [Question #100352]: assertExist command causing errors in SikuliIDE
From: John Klein, 2023-03-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #100352]: assertExist command causing errors in SikuliIDE
From: aserty, 2023-10-04
Re: [Question #100352]: assertExist command causing errors in SikuliIDE
From: aserty, 2023-10-04
Re: [Question #100352]: assertExist command causing errors in SikuliIDE
From: utaexew, 2024-11-28
[Question #705923]: Sikulix Freezing On Large Projects
From: abuzer stream, 2023-03-23
Re: [Question #702998]: [2.0.5] Python script containing non-ASCII (code or comment) runs in IDE, but not as exported jar --- fixed in 2.0.6
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702998]: [2.0.5] Python script containing non-ASCII (code or comment) runs in IDE, but not as exported jar --- fixed in 2.0.6
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2023-03-22
Re: [Question #702998]: [2.0.5] Python script containing non-ASCII (code or comment) runs in IDE, but not as exported jar
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #702998]: [2.0.5] Python script containing non-ASCII (code or comment) runs in IDE, but not as exported jar
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-22
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: Hiroshi Aoyagi, 2023-04-08
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-10
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: Demencia Kredencia, 2023-04-14
Re: [Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #705863]: Sikulix 2.0.5 I want use requests (HTTP for Humans)
From: Hiroshi Aoyagi, 2023-03-17
Re: [Question #705855]: Facing Issues when running sikulixide.2.0.5 on windows server 2012 r2, cannot detect image showing opencv_java430.dll(failed)
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705855]: Facing Issues when running sikulixide.2.0.5 on windows server 2012 r2, cannot detect image showing opencv_java430.dll(failed)
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-03-22
Re: [Question #705855]: Facing Issues when running sikulixide.2.0.5 on windows server 2012 r2, cannot detect image showing opencv_java430.dll(failed)
From: Demencia Kredencia, 2023-04-14
[Question #705855]: Facing Issues when running sikulixide.2.0.5 on windows server 2012 r2, cannot detect image showing opencv_java430.dll(failed)
From: Yesh Biswakarma, 2023-03-16
Re: [Question #705833]: Import error from within python module
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705833]: Import error from within python module
From: Neil, 2023-03-15
[Question #705833]: Import error from within python module
From: Neil, 2023-03-14
[Bug 2011447] [NEW] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/platform/win32/WinUser$WNDENUMPROC exception
From: Vinod, 2023-03-13
[Bug 2011447] Re: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/platform/win32/WinUser$WNDENUMPROC exception
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-20
Re: [Question #676910]: Sikulix fatal error: loadlib: opencv_java342.dll not in any libs folder --- use build > #152 or SNAPSHOT > -66
From: Vinod, 2023-03-12
Re: [Question #705816]: How to use runScript and how to run a jar exported in the IDE
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705816]: How to use runScript and how to run a jar exported in the IDE
From: NounouRs, 2023-03-12
Re: [Question #705784]: Can't play audio file on Windows 10
From: Dirk, 2023-03-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705784]: Can't play audio file on Windows 10
From: Neil Morrissey, 2023-03-13
[Question #705817]: (German) Tastenkombination
From: Dirk, 2023-03-12
Re: [Question #705816]: What is this runScript mentioned all over the Doc?
From: NounouRs, 2023-03-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705816]: What is this runScript mentioned all over the Doc?
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-12
[Question #705816]: What is this runScript mentioned all over the Doc?
From: NounouRs, 2023-03-12
Re: [Question #611073]: run a sikuli script from Windows without clicking Run icon
From: NounouRs, 2023-03-12
[Question #705793]: Automate sukuli jar export on Github
From: NounouRs, 2023-03-10
[Bug 2009900] [NEW] Cannot load image to change offset and accuracy
From: Tony May, 2023-03-10
[Bug 2009900] Re: [2.0.5] Blanks in ImagePath folder names make problems in IDE: image file does not exist
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-10
[Bug 2009900] Re: [2.0.5] Blanks in ImagePath folder names make problems in IDE: image file does not exist
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #705784]: Can't play audio file on Windows 10
From: Neil Morrissey, 2023-03-09
Re: [Question #705761]: No module named Do
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705761]: No module named Do
From: hcuthbert, 2023-03-08
Re: [Question #705761]: No module named Do
From: fhg, 2023-03-09
[Question #705761]: No module named Do
From: hcuthbert, 2023-03-08
Re: [Question #705755]: key 2 causes Sikuli to take screenshot even when not in focus
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705755]: key 2 causes Sikuli to take screenshot even when not in focus
From: RaiMan, 2023-04-21
[Question #705755]: key 2 causes Sikuli to take screenshot even when not in focus
From: Abhay Kalla, 2023-03-08
Re: [Question #705722]: When I run the program, there is a prompt box "Delete images on save"
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705722]: When I run the program, there is a prompt box "Delete images on save"
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-05
[Question #705722]: When I run the program, there is a prompt box "Delete images on save"
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-05
Re: [Question #705714]: When using captrue() to deposit a local image, and then calling recognition, the score is less than 0.7 most of the time
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705714]: When using captrue() to deposit a local image, and then calling recognition, the score is less than 0.7 most of the time
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-04
[Question #705714]: When using captrue() to deposit a local image, and then calling recognition, the score is less than 0.7 most of the time
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-04
Re: [Question #705665]: exists() and click(): How to know that click happened?
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-04
Re: [Question #705704]: Sikuli not able to identify images in Test Machine [using RemoteWinAppDriver]
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-03
[Question #705704]: Sikuli not able to identify images in Test Machine [using RemoteWinAppDriver]
From: Lijumon, 2023-03-03
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: RaiMan, 2023-03-03
Re: [Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-04
[Question #705665]: The exists() parameter is set to the image file path and does not work
From: Chaoyang Shi, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #705646]: wrong char printed when reading output from commandline
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2023-03-01
[Question #705646]: wrong char printed when reading output from commandline
From: Matteo Acquarone, 2023-02-28
[Bug 2008628] [NEW] getLastMatch() returns null/None after wait/find/exists
From: RaiMan, 2023-02-26
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