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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #662269]: how to identify an image, everytime, until match found from the set of images
Re: [Question #662269]: how to identify an image, everytime, until match found from the set of images
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-27
Re: [Question #662269]: how to identify an image, everytime, until match found from the set of images
From: Kathyayani, 2017-12-27
[Question #662269]: how to identify an image, everytime, until match found from the set of images
From: Kathyayani, 2017-12-26
Re: [Question #662211]: Why not work in an "or" way?
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-25
[Question #662211]: Why not work in an "or" way?
From: 谢宝良, 2017-12-25
Re: [Question #662189]: IE is opening a new tab instead of just switching
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-25
Re: [Question #662191]: How can I use/install Sikulix on Ubuntu 17.10
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-25
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662191]: How can I use/install Sikulix on Ubuntu 17.10
From: daxm, 2017-12-26
[Question #662191]: How can I use/install Sikulix on Ubuntu 17.10
From: daxm, 2017-12-24
[Question #662189]: IE is opening a new tab instead of just switching
From: David Rudd, 2017-12-24
Re: [Question #662108]: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-23
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662108]: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-23
Re: [Question #662108]: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: Yufka, 2017-12-23
Re: [Question #662108]: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: Yufka, 2017-12-23
[Question #662108]: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: Yufka, 2017-12-23
[Bug 1739830] [NEW] skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: Yufka, 2017-12-22
[Bug 1739830] Re: skips while not exists part and goes on with the find part before the previous png even shows up
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-23
[Question #662091]: star wars 8
From: dosil, 2017-12-22
[Question #662088]: star wars the last jedi
From: dosil, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: Hina, 2018-01-24
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: RaiMan, 2018-01-24
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: Hina, 2018-02-01
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: RaiMan, 2018-02-01
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: Hina, 2018-02-02
Re: [Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: Hina, 2018-02-02
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: geneq, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: geneq, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: brianmrowe, 2017-12-31
Re: [Question #638118]: [1.1.x] script from the Command prompt or batch file: System.out is broken
From: RaiMan, 2018-01-01
Re: [Question #662075]: How to empty the clipboard in SikuliX?
From: masuo, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #662080]: Key.isLockOn() in java api will lead to java.lang.StackOverflowError
From: ikaros, 2017-12-22
[Question #662080]: Key.isLockOn() in java api will lead to java.lang.StackOverflowError
From: ikaros, 2017-12-22
[Question #662078]: Justice League 2017
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-22
[Question #662075]: How to empty the clipboard in SikuliX?
From: Stranger, 2017-12-22
Re: [Question #662073]: Sometimes error Findfailed will be caused during running my script
From: Stranger, 2017-12-22
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662073]: Sometimes error Findfailed will be caused during running my script
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-22
[Question #662073]: Sometimes error Findfailed will be caused during running my script
From: Stranger, 2017-12-22
[Question #662065]: Failed test cases are displayed under Error on HTML test Report
From: Hina, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662050]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662050]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662050]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662050]: star wars the last jedi
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662050]: star wars the last jedi
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662048]: spam
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662048]: Justice League 2017
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662048]: Justice League 2017
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662047]: justice league
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662047]: justice league
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662043]: star wars the last jedi
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662044]: justice league
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662045]: Justice League 2017
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662046]: jumanji 2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662046]: jumanji 2
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662045]: Justice League 2017
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662044]: justice league
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662043]: star wars the last jedi
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661992]: star wars the last jedi
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661994]: jumanji 2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661996]: star wars 8
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661998]: star wars 8
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661999]: star wars again
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662000]: ferdinand
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662001]: justice league
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662002]: star wars again
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662003]: jumanji welcome
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662006]: jumani 2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662008]: justice league
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662009]: star wars 8
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662035]: vikings s1e5
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662036]: jumanji 2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662038]: jumani 2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662039]: thor-ragnarok
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662042]: star wars again
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662042]: star wars again
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662041]: thor-ragnarok
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662041]: thor-ragnarok
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739587] [NEW] [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739587] Re: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739587] Re: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2018-03-27
[Question #661746]: Status of bug #1739587 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661746]: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661746]: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661746]: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661746]: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661746]: [1.1.1] Finder(shot).find(image): gives warning: outside any screen - subsequent ...
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-21
[Question #662039]: thor-ragnarok
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662038]: jumani 2
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662036]: jumanji 2
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #662035]: vikings s1e5
From: rujovuta, 2017-12-21
[Question #267306]: Status of bug #1543252 changed to 'Invalid' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662013]: thor-ragnarok
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662031]: star wars again
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662032]: justice league
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662032]: justice league
From: wefazoron, 2017-12-21
[Question #662031]: star wars again
From: wefazoron, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] [NEW] [1.1.1] [1.1.2] Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App MacOS 10.13.2
From: mark, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App MacOS 10.13.2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App after about 1 minute
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App after about 1 minute --- workarounds
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App after about 1 minute --- workarounds
From: mark, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1739534] Re: [1.1.1] [1.1.2] MacOS 10.13.2: Large MouseDown Extended Delays while playing Web App after about 1 minute --- workarounds
From: RaiMan, 2019-11-18
Re: [Question #662014]: Can I start a script from a failed line (after fix)? --- not with SikuliX IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662014]: Can I start a script from a failed line (after fix)? --- not with SikuliX IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #662014]: Can I start a script from a failed line (after fix)? --- not with SikuliX IDE
From: Gary Paschke, 2017-12-20
[Question #662014]: Can I start a script from a failed line (after fix)?
From: Gary Paschke, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #662010]: [1.1.1] problems with setup for Java usage
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #662010]: Class path Dump error
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
[Question #662013]: thor-ragnarok
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662010]: Class path Dump error
From: ashish, 2017-12-20
[Question #662009]: star wars 8
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #662004]: Getting error Region.text: text recognition is currently switched off
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #662004]: Getting error Region.text: text recognition is currently switched off
From: ashish, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662004]: Getting error Region.text: text recognition is currently switched off
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #662004]: Getting error Region.text: text recognition is currently switched off
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #662008]: justice league
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662006]: jumani 2
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662004]: Getting error Region.text: text recognition is currently switched off
From: ashish, 2017-12-20
[Question #662003]: jumanji welcome
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662002]: star wars again
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662001]: justice league
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #662000]: ferdinand
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #661999]: star wars again
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #661998]: star wars 8
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: mark, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: mark, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: mark, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Question #661996]: star wars 8
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #661994]: jumanji 2
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #661992]: star wars the last jedi
From: gihosibur, 2017-12-20
[Question #661991]: Sikuli seems to be functioning fine but shift-click not working
From: mark, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661972]: Can sikuli capture screenshots and save them as files?
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661972]: Can sikuli capture screenshots and save them as files?
From: 谢宝良, 2017-12-20
Re: [Question #661972]: Can sikuli capture screenshots and save them as files?
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-20
[Question #661972]: Can sikuli capture screenshots and save them as files?
From: 谢宝良, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661969]: [1.1.2] findAnyList(): possible to find all matches? --- no, workaround
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661969]: [1.1.2] findAnyList(): possible to find all matches? --- no, workaround
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661969]: [1.1.2] findAnyList(): possible to find all matches? --- no, workaround
From: Ken Chen, 2017-12-19
[Question #661969]: How to find all matches by 1.1.2 new feature findAnyList()
From: Ken Chen, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661944]: Modify HTML Test Runner
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661944]: Modify HTML Test Runner
From: spencer blake, 2017-12-18
Re: [Question #661944]: Modify HTML Test Runner
From: spencer blake, 2017-12-18
Re: [Question #661944]: Modify HTML Test Runner
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-18
[Question #661944]: Modify HTML Test Runner
From: spencer blake, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] [NEW] A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] Re: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] Re: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] Re: [1.1.1] IDE: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null --- fixed 1.1.2
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] Re: [1.1.1] IDE: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null --- fixed 1.1.2
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-18
[Bug 1738751] Re: [1.1.1] IDE: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null --- fixed 1.1.2
From: QAWinphar, 2018-03-13
[Bug 1738751] Re: [1.1.1] IDE: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null --- fixed 1.1.2
From: Tim, 2018-05-31
[Bug 1738751] Re: [1.1.1] IDE: A non-IOException-problem when trying to save null --- fixed 1.1.2
From: RaiMan, 2018-06-02
Re: [Question #661318]: the flash season 4 epiisode 8
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-17
Re: [Question #661850]: 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里 - How to get the clipboard text and save it to a file
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661850]: 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里 - How to get the clipboard text and save it to a file
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-16
Re: [Question #661850]: 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里 - How to get the clipboard text and save it to a file
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-16
Re: [Question #661850]: 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里 - How to get the clipboard text and save it to a file
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-16
Re: [Question #661850]: 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里 - How to get the clipboard text and save it to a file
From: 谢宝良, 2017-12-17
[Question #661850]: (Chinese (Simplified)) 如何获取剪贴板的文本并保存到文件里
From: 谢宝良, 2017-12-16
Re: [Question #661807]: How to change window size using Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661807]: How to change window size using Sikuli
From: masuo, 2017-12-16
Re: [Question #661807]: How to change window size using Sikuli
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2017-12-18
Re: [Question #661807]: How to change window size using Sikuli
From: Juliana Xiao, 2017-12-18
[Question #661807]: How to change window size using Sikuli
From: Juliana Xiao, 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Manfred Hampl, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-19
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
Re: [Question #661793]: Clever Hotkey Debouncing in Sikuli
From: Jonathan, 2017-12-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661793]: Clever Hotkey Debouncing in Sikuli
From: Jonathan, 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661793]: Clever Hotkey Debouncing in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661793]: Hotkey Debouncing in Sikuli
From: Jonathan, 2017-12-15
[Question #661793]: Hotkey Debouncing in Sikuli
From: Jonathan, 2017-12-15
[Question #661746]: outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected Issue.
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-14
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-14
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-14
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-15
Re: [Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-20
[Question #661738]: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738167] [NEW] when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2017-12-14
[Bug 1738167] Re: when determine NUM_LOCK, sikuli stoped
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-14
Re: [Question #661727]: Integrate Sikuli with MarathonITE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-14
[Question #661727]: Integrate Sikuli with MarathonITE
From: Gobble, 2017-12-13
Re: [Question #661690]: Taking Remote from Mac to linux
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #661690]: Taking Remote from Mac to linux
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-14
[Question #661690]: Taking Remote from Mac to linux
From: Maniraj, 2017-12-13
200 of 59569 messages, page
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