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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #661057]: Hi I am getting the below error when sikulix is used in eclipse
Re: [Question #661057]: Hi I am getting the below error when sikulix is used in eclipse
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-10
Re: [Question #661057]: Hi I am getting the below error when sikulix is used in eclipse
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-26
[Question #661057]: Hi I am getting the below error when sikulix is used in eclipse
From: radhi12, 2017-11-24
[Question #661052]: [error] RunTimeINIT: *** terminating: libs to export not found on above classpath: /sikulixlibs/linux/libs64
From: Yogesh Baviskar, 2017-11-24
[Question #661046]: How to reuse the code in sikuli
From: Saket, 2017-11-24
[Question #661030]: Justice League
From: max, 2017-11-23
[Question #661020]: Unable to install - Lubuntu 17.04 - Java 8 - 32-bit
From: kez1304, 2017-11-22
Re: [Question #660403]: putonline-the-flash-season-4-episode-5-online-watch-full-hd
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-11-22
[Question #660948]: justice league
From: buzeka, 2017-11-21
[Question #660946]: Justice League
From: buzeka, 2017-11-21
Re: [Question #660919]: I’m getting error like "main" FindFailed with using Sikuli
From: Roman Podolyan, 2017-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660919]: I’m getting error like "main" FindFailed with using Sikuli
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-06
[Question #660939]: Capture command not work within a function
From: anubu, 2017-11-21
Re: [Question #660935]: Is it possible to use Sikuli inside an already existing Java program, to test THAT program? Or should I always create a new Java program to test my Java program
From: Roman Podolyan, 2017-11-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660935]: Is it possible to use Sikuli inside an already existing Java program, to test THAT program? Or should I always create a new Java program to test my Java program
From: Russell Wheeler, 2017-11-21
Re: [Question #660935]: Is it possible to use Sikuli inside an already existing Java program, to test THAT program? Or should I always create a new Java program to test my Java program
From: Roman Podolyan, 2017-11-25
Re: [Question #660935]: Is it possible to use Sikuli inside an already existing Java program, to test THAT program? Or should I always create a new Java program to test my Java program
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-06
[Question #660935]: Is it possible to use Sikuli inside an already existing Java program, to test THAT program? Or should I always create a new Java program to test my Java program
From: Russell Wheeler, 2017-11-21
[Question #660921]: Justice League 2017
From: yeyuasorent, 2017-11-20
[Question #660919]: I’m getting error like "main" FindFailed with using Sikuli
From: Venkat, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-11-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-06
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-11
Re: [Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-11
[Question #660917]: how to run a sikuli script in jython.exe or jython IDE
From: xiaocezi, 2017-11-20
[Question #660913]: Exception in thread "main" FindFailed
From: Venkat, 2017-11-20
[Question #660887]: Italy-vs-Argentina
From: buwuh, 2017-11-18
[Question #660886]: Italy_VS_Argentina
From: buwuh, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: masuo, 2017-11-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: arminius, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: Manfred Hampl, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: masuo, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: arminius, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660881]: How do i add extra dimensions to a screenshot?
From: cherie, 2017-11-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660881]: How do i add extra dimensions to a screenshot?
From: cherie, 2017-11-18
[Question #660881]: How do i add extra dimensions to a screenshot?
From: cherie, 2017-11-18
[Question #660880]: Sikuli popup timeout
From: arminius, 2017-11-18
Re: [Question #660875]: Detecting screen changes in a region
From: masuo, 2017-11-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660875]: Detecting screen changes in a region
From: arminius, 2017-11-18
[Question #660875]: Detecting screen changes in a region
From: arminius, 2017-11-17
[Bug 1732900] [NEW] [1.1.2] - getRunner: no runner found for: jython
From: Patrick Plamper, 2017-11-17
[Bug 1732900] Re: [1.1.2] - getRunner: no runner found for: jython
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Question #660834]: Unable to run script on target machine
From: Test App, 2017-11-16
[Question #660833]: Error with Find method
From: Anton Danilkin, 2017-11-16
Re: [Question #660829]: Cannot find my Sikuli libs folder
From: Test App, 2017-11-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660829]: Cannot find my Sikuli libs folder
From: Test App, 2017-11-16
[Question #660829]: Cannot find my Sikuli libs folder
From: Test App, 2017-11-16
Re: [Question #660827]: wmctrl and firefox problem
From: Anton Danilkin, 2017-11-16
[Question #660827]: wmctrl and firefox problem
From: Anton Danilkin, 2017-11-16
[Bug 1732658] [NEW] AppEntry options property ignored when using app.open(appEntry) on Mac
From: Conner Williams, 2017-11-16
[Bug 1732658] Re: AppEntry options property ignored when using app.open(appEntry) on Mac
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: Luchung Chen, 2017-11-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: Luchung Chen, 2017-11-16
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: masuo, 2017-11-16
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: Luchung Chen, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: masuo, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.1.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: Luchung Chen, 2017-11-20
Re: [Question #660815]: Running Sikuli scripts in parallel
From: masuo, 2017-11-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660815]: Running Sikuli scripts in parallel
[Question #660815]: Running Sikuli scripts in parallel
Re: [Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: Imran Momin, 2017-11-22
Re: [Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-07
Re: [Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: Imran Momin, 2017-12-07
Re: [Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-07
Re: [Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: Test App, 2017-11-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: Test App, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: Test App, 2017-11-15
[Question #660807]: Unable to click Yes button on Install sheild wizard popup
From: Test App, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #188993]: I installed sikuli on windows xp ....we have an application installed in the machine ...Sikuli was working fine ...However after some days sikuli IDE was not opening...May i know why it is happening ?
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: Vit, 2017-11-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: Manfred Hampl, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: Vit, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: Vit, 2017-11-15
[Question #660787]: How to download a file without a browser using Sikuli
From: Vit, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660710]: [1.0.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: masuo, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660752]: Python xlrd can it be used for data driven testing -- Is there any way to capture the values from images and list boxes and run with multiple test data sets from excel
From: lava, 2017-11-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660752]: Python xlrd can it be used for data driven testing -- Is there any way to capture the values from images and list boxes and run with multiple test data sets from excel
From: masuo, 2017-11-15
[Question #660752]: Python xlrd can it be used for data driven testing -- Is there any way to the values from images and list boxes and run with multiple test data sets from excel
From: lava, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: Vardhaman, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: Vardhaman, 2018-05-21
Re: [Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: Vardhaman, 2018-05-21
Re: [Question #660708]: Is there any work around ?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660708]: Is there any work around ?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-14
Re: [Question #660708]: Is there any work around ?
From: Roman Podolyan, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660708]: Is there any work around ?
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
[Question #660729]: pongichayal/saved/9k4BP6
From: javaughna27, 2017-11-14
[Question #660728]: channel/PXjaEx4QkkZ
From: javaughna27, 2017-11-14
[Question #660727]: channel/daszHde7Qeg
From: javaughna27, 2017-11-14
[Question #660726]: channel/mjd3URjMyan
From: javaughna27, 2017-11-14
[Question #660725]: channel/8wHtkqmpC9B
From: javaughna27, 2017-11-14
[Question #660724]: want to compare two images of different resolutions
From: Vardhaman, 2017-11-14
[Question #660710]: [1.0.0] script stuck in click() or hover()
From: Luchung Chen, 2017-11-14
[Question #660708]: Is there any work around ?
From: aravind, 2017-11-14
[Question #660691]: sikuli
From: Rambo_CJ, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660671]: focusedWindow() results in inconsistent and wrong coordinates
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-13
[Question #660671]: focusedWindow() results in inconsistent and wrong coordinates
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660624]: app.focus() resulting in negative x and y values
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660624]: app.focus() resulting in negative x and y values
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-12
Re: [Question #660624]: app.focus() resulting in negative x and y values
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660624]: app.focus() resulting in negative x and y values
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-12
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-26
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-26
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-26
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-27
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-27
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Test App, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Test App, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-28
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-29
Re: [Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-29
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Max, 2017-11-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-12
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Max, 2017-11-12
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Max, 2017-11-12
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Max, 2017-11-21
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-29
Re: [Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2017-12-15
[Question #660655]: .sendto() method does not work on windows
From: Max, 2017-11-12
[Question #660624]: app.focus() resulting in negative x and y values
From: Yongho Lee, 2017-11-11
[Question #660623]: type('`') odd behaviour II
From: Alex Lunyov, 2017-11-11
Re: [Question #660608]: type('`') odd behaviour
From: Alex Lunyov, 2017-11-11
[Question #660613]: Convert my Sikuli python script in a java (obfuscated) standalone package
From: Max, 2017-11-11
[Question #660608]: type('`') odd behaviour
From: Alex Lunyov, 2017-11-11
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Srinivasulu, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Srinivasulu, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Manfred Hampl, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Srinivasulu, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Bharatendu SOUMIL, 2019-01-22
Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Manfred Hampl, 2019-01-22
[Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard
From: Srinivasulu, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: [1.1.x] Windows 10: latest build and Java 8: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution --- currently no solution nor workaround
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660506]: [1.1.x] Windows 10: latest build and Java 8: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution --- currently no solution nor workaround
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-13
Re: [Question #660506]: [1.1.x] Windows 10: latest build and Java 8: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660506]: [1.1.x] Windows 10: latest build and Java 8: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
[Question #660573]: How to use sikuli in windows web browser control using c#.net
From: Imran Momin, 2017-11-10
[Question #660566]: Watch_Thor_Ragnarok_online_free
From: vdsvdasvds, 2017-11-10
[Bug 1731412] [NEW] [1.1.2+] should work on Java 9
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
[Bug 1731412] Re: [1.1.2+] should work on Java 9
From: Eric Hartford, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1731412] Re: [1.1.2+] should work on Java 9 --- not yet recommended - experimental state
From: RaiMan, 2017-12-21
[Bug 1731412] Re: [1.1.2+] should work on Java 9 --- not yet recommended - use 1.1.4+
From: RaiMan, 2019-04-14
[Question #660237]: Status of bug #1730645 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
<Possible follow-ups>
[Question #660237]: Status of bug #1730645 changed to 'In Progress' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2019-11-18
[Question #658718]: Status of bug #1731412 changed to 'Fix Committed' in Sikuli
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #658718]: Java 9: does not work with SikuliX 1.1.x (working on it --- see related bug)
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #658718]: Java 9: does not work with SikuliX 1.1.x (working on it --- see related bug)
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #658718]: Java 9: does not work with SikuliX 1.1.x (working on it --- see related bug)
From: pradgnya, 2018-02-01
Re: [Question #658718]: Java 9: does not work with SikuliX 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
[Question #660535]: Troubling running the jar file to install
From: NickD, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660530]: Typing a variable automatically presses enter for me.
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660530]: Typing a variable automatically presses enter for me.
From: sI, 2017-11-09
[Question #660530]: Typing a variable automatically presses enter for me.
From: sI, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660518]: Sikuli-Selenium script failing while changing system resolution
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660518]: Sikuli-Selenium script failing while changing system resolution
From: TestMechanic, 2017-11-15
[Question #660519]: online-stream-enjoy-watch-thor-ragnarok-2017-full-free-movie-hd-english
From: desisadoju, 2017-11-09
[Question #660518]: Sikuli-Selenium script failing while changing system resolution
From: Yogesh Baviskar, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660517]: Problem in running scritps sikulix in different environments
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-09
[Question #660517]: Problem in running scritps sikulix in different environments
From: Eduardo, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-10
Re: [Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-10
[Question #660506]: Mouse cursor is misbehaving on high resolution. How to fix it?
From: Abhijit saxena, 2017-11-09
Re: [Question #660498]: Get x,y from onappear
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #660498]: Get x,y from onappear
From: spyros-liakos, 2017-11-08
Re: [Question #660498]: Get x,y from onappear
From: RaiMan, 2017-11-08
[Question #660498]: Get x,y from onappear
From: spyros-liakos, 2017-11-08
200 of 59569 messages, page
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